42 research outputs found

    Proteomische und genetische Untersuchungen zum Aromaten-Abbau in "Aromatoleum aromaticum" Stamm EbN1

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    Aromatic compounds are widely distributed and abundant in nature being main constituents of crude oil and important products of higher plants. The denitrifying Aromatoleum aromaticum strain EbN1 utilizes a wide range of aromatic and nonaromatic compounds under anoxic and oxic conditions. The recently determined genome sequence revealed corresponding degradation pathways and predicted a fine-tuned regulatory network.This work reports on the analysis of substrate specific regulation of anaerobic and aerobic degradation pathways in A. aromaticum strain EbN1 grown with 17 different aromatic and aliphatic compounds under oxic and anoxic conditions applying differential proteomics (2D DIGE). The comprehensive approach enabled the discovery of so far unaccounted catabolic capacities and their subsequent elucidation on the physiological, molecular and regulatory level. The adaptation of strain EbN1 to solvent stress was investigated on the physiological and proteomic level since strain EbN1 is able to degrade several toxic alkylbenzenes and alkylphenols. In addition, a genetic system for strain EbN1 is described enabling unmarked deletion mutagenesis

    Molecular genetic and crystal structural analysis of 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-ethanol dehydrogenase from 'Aromatoleum aromaticum' EbN1.

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    he dehydrogenation of 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-ethanol to 4-hydroxyacetophenone represents the second reaction step during anaerobic degradation of p-ethylphenol in the denitrifying bacterium ‘Aromatoleum aromaticum' EbN1. Previous proteogenomic studies identified two different proteins (ChnA and EbA309) as possible candidates for catalyzing this reaction [Wöhlbrand et al: J Bacteriol 2008;190:5699-5709]. Physiological-molecular characterization of newly generated unmarked in-frame deletion and complementation mutants allowed defining ChnA (renamed here as Hped) as the enzyme responsible for 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-ethanol oxidation. Hped [1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-ethanol dehydrogenase] belongs to the ‘classical' family within the short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) superfamily. Hped was overproduced in Escherichia coli, purified and crystallized. The X-ray structures of the apo- and NAD+-soaked form were resolved at 1.5 and 1.1 Å, respectively, and revealed Hped as a typical homotetrameric SDR. Modeling of the substrate 4-hydroxyacetophenone (reductive direction of Hped) into the active site revealed the structural determinants of the strict (R)-specificity of Hped (Phe187), contrasting the (S)-specificity of previously reported 1-phenylethanol dehydrogenase (Ped; Tyr93) from strain EbN1 [Höffken et al: Biochemistry 2006;45:82-93]

    Carbohydrate Catabolism in Phaeobacter inhibens DSM 17395, a Member of the Marine Roseobacter Clade

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    Since genome analysis did not allow unambiguous reconstruction of transport, catabolism, and substrate-specific regulation for several important carbohydrates in Phaeobacter inhibens DSM 17395, proteomic and metabolomic analyses of N-acetylglucosamine-, mannitol-, sucrose-, glucose-, and xylose-grown cells were carried out to close this knowledge gap. These carbohydrates can pass through the outer membrane via porins identified in the outer membrane fraction. For transport across the cytoplasmic membrane, carbohydrate-specific ABC transport systems were identified. Their coding genes mostly colocalize with the respective "catabolic" and "regulatory" genes. The degradation of N-acetylglucosamine proceeds via N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate and glucosamine-6-phosphate directly to fructose-6-phosphate; two of the three enzymes involved were newly predicted and identified. Mannitol is catabolized via fructose, sucrose via fructose and glucose, glucose via glucose-6-phosphate, and xylose via xylulose-5-phosphate. Of the 30 proteins predicted to be involved in uptake, regulation, and degradation, 28 were identified by proteomics and 19 were assigned to their respective functions for the first time. The peripheral degradation pathways feed into the Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway, which is connected to the lower branch of the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) pathway. The enzyme constituents of these pathways displayed higher abundances in P. inhibens DSM 17395 cells grown with any of the five carbohydrates tested than in succinate-grown cells. Conversely, gluconeogenesis is turned on during succinate utilization. While tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle proteins remained mainly unchanged, the abundance profiles of their metabolites reflected the differing growth rates achieved with the different substrates tested. Homologs of the 74 genes involved in the reconstructed catabolic pathways and central metabolism are present in various Roseobacter clade members

    Development of a Genetic System for the Denitrifying Bacterium 'Aromatoleum aromaticum' Strain EbN1

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    Members of the betaproteobacterial 'Aromatoleum'/Azoarcus/Thauera cluster contribute to the biodegradation of aromatic and other recalcitrant compounds in anoxic soils and sediments. The metabolically versatile 'Aromatoleumaromaticum' strain EbN1 represents a model organism for this cluster, having already been studied on the physiological, proteogenomic and biochemical level. Here we report the development of a genetic system for 'A. aromaticum' strain EbN1 enabling unmarked deletion mutagenesis by heterologous recombination and subsequent complementation. The antibiotic sensitivity of strain EbN1 was characterized and optimal conditions for efficient cultivation on solid medium were established. A procedure for introducing foreign DNA into strain EbN1 by conjugation was developed. The effectiveness of the genetic system was demonstrated by unmarked in-frame deletion of ebdC2, encoding the gamma-subunit of a paralogous ethylbenzene dehydrogenase

    Genome and catabolic subproteomes of the marine, nutritionally versatile, sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfococcus multivorans DSM 2059

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    Background: Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are key players of the carbon-and sulfur-cycles in the sediments of the world's oceans. Habitat relevant SRBs are often members of the Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus clade belonging to the deltaproteobacterial family of Desulfobacteraceae. Despite this environmental recognition, their molecular (genome-based) physiology and their potential to contribute to organic carbon mineralization as well as to adapt to changing environmental conditions have been scarcely investigated. A metabolically versatile representative of this family is Desulfococcus multivorans that is able to completely oxidize (to CO2) a variety of organic acids, including fatty acids up to C-14, as well as aromatic compounds. Results: In this study the complete 4.46 Mbp and manually annotated genome of metabolically versatile Desulfococcus multivorans DSM 2059 is presented with particular emphasis on a proteomics-driven metabolic reconstruction. Proteomic profiling covered 17 substrate adaptation conditions (6 aromatic and 11 aliphatic compounds) and comprised 2D DIGE, shotgun proteomics and analysis of the membrane protein-enriched fractions. This comprehensive proteogenomic dataset allowed for reconstructing a metabolic network of degradation pathways and energy metabolism that consists of 170 proteins (154 detected; similar to 91 % coverage). Peripheral degradation routes feed via central benzoyl-CoA, (modified) beta-oxidation or methylmalonyl-CoA pathways into the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway for complete oxidation of acetyl-CoA to CO2. Dissimilatory sulfate reduction is fueled by a complex electron transfer network composed of cytoplasmic components (e.g., electron transfer flavoproteins) and diverse membrane redox complexes (Dsr, Qmo, Hmc, Tmc, Qrc, Nuo and Rnf). Overall, a high degree of substrate-specific formation of catabolic enzymes was observed, while most complexes involved in electron transfer appeared to be constitutively formed. Conclusions: A highly dynamic genome structure in combination with substrate-specifically formed catabolic subproteomes and a constitutive subproteome for energy metabolism and electron transfer appears to be a common trait of Desulfobacteraceae members

    The predicted σ(54)-dependent regulator EtpR is essential for expression of genes for anaerobic p-ethylphenol and p-hydroxyacetophenone degradation in "Aromatoleum aromaticum" EbN1

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    BACKGROUND: The denitrifying betaproteobacterium "Aromatoleum aromaticum" EbN1 anaerobically utilizes a multitude of aromatic compounds via specific peripheral degradation routes. Compound-specific formation of these catabolic modules is assumed to be mediated by specific transcriptional activators. In case of the recently elucidated p-ethylphenol/p-hydroxyacetophenone pathway, the highly substrate-specific regulation was implicated to involve the predicted σ(54)-dependent, NtrC-type regulator EbA324. The latter was suggested to control the expression of the two neighboring gene clusters encoding the catabolic enzymes as well as a corresponding putative solvent efflux system. In the present study, a molecular genetic approach was used to study the predicted function of EbA324. RESULTS: An unmarked in frame ΔebA324 (here renamed as ΔetpR; p-ethylphenol regulator) deletion mutation was generated. The ΔetpR mutant was unable to grow anaerobically with either p-ethylphenol or p-hydroxyacetophenone. Growth similar to the wild type was restored in the ΔetpR mutant background by in trans expression of plasmid-born etpR. Furthermore, expression of the "p-ethylphenol" gene clusters as well as corresponding protein formation was shown to depend on the presence of both, EtpR and either p-ethylphenol or p-hydroxyacetophenone. In the wild type, the etpR gene appears to be constitutively expressed and its expression level not to be modulated upon effector presence. Comparison with the regulatory domains of known phenol- and alkylbenzene-responsive NtrC-type regulators of Pseudomonas spp. and Thauera aromatica allowed identifying >60 amino acid residues in the regulatory domain (in particular positions 149 to 192 of EtpR) that may contribute to the effector specificity viz. presumptively restricted effector spectrum of EtpR. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides experimental evidence for the genome predicted σ(54)-dependent regulator EtpR (formerly EbA324) of "A. aromaticum" EbN1 to be responsive to p-ethylphenol, as well as its degradation intermediate p-hydroxyacetophenone, and to control the expression of genes involved in the anaerobic degradation of these two aromatic growth substrates. Overall, the presented results advance our understanding on the regulation of anaerobic aromatic compound catabolism, foremost based on the sensory discrimination of structurally similar substrates

    Benzoate mediates the simultaneous repression of anaerobic 4-methylbenzoate and succinate utilization in Magnetospirillum sp strain pMbN1

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    Background: At high concentrations of organic substrates, microbial utilization of preferred substrates (i.e., supporting fast growth) often results in diauxic growth with hierarchical substrate depletion. Unlike the carbon catabolite repression-mediated discriminative utilization of carbohydrates, the substrate preferences of non-carbohydrate-utilizing bacteria for environmentally relevant compound classes (e.g., aliphatic or aromatic acids) are rarely investigated. The denitrifying alphaproteobacterium Magnetospirillum sp. strain pMbN1 anaerobically degrades a wide variety of aliphatic and aromatic compounds and is unique for anaerobic degradation of 4-methylbenzoate. The latter proceeds via a distinct reaction sequence analogous to the central anaerobic benzoyl-CoA pathway to intermediates of central metabolism. Considering the presence of these two different anaerobic "aromatic ring degrading" pathways, substrate preferences of Magnetospirillum sp. strain pMbN1 were investigated. Anaerobic growth and substrate consumption were monitored in binary and ternary mixtures of 4-methylbenzoate, benzoate and succinate, in conjuction with time-resolved abundance profiling of selected transcripts and/or proteins related to substrate uptake and catabolism. Results: Diauxic growth with benzoate preference was observed for binary and ternary substrate mixtures containing 4-methylbenzoate and succinate (despite adaptation of Magnetospirillum sp. strain pMbN1 to one of the latter two substrates). On the contrary, 4-methylbenzoate and succinate were utilized simultaneously from a binary mixture, as well as after benzoate depletion from the ternary mixture. Apparently, simultaneous repression of 4-methylbenzoate and succinate utilization from the ternary substrate mixture resulted from (i) inhibition of 4-methylbenzoate uptake, and (ii) combined inhibition of succinate uptake (via the two transporters DctPQM and DctA) and succinate conversion to acetyl-CoA (via pyruvate dehydrogenase). The benzoate-mediated repression of C4-dicarboxylate utilization in Magnetospirillum sp. strain pMbN1 differs from that recently described for "Aromatoleum aromaticum" EbN1 (involving only DctPQM). Conclusions: The preferential or simultaneous utilization of benzoate and other aromatic acids from mixtures with aliphatic acids may represent a more common nutritional behavior among (anaerobic) degradation specialist than previously thought. Preference of Magnetospirillum sp. strain pMbN1 for benzoate from mixtures with 4-methylbenzoate, and thus temporal separation of the benzoyl-CoA (first) and 4-methylbenzoyl-CoA (second) pathway, may reflect a catabolic tuning towards metabolic efficiency and the markedly broader range of aromatic substrates feeding into the central anaerobic benzoyl-CoA pathway