4 research outputs found

    Variables relacionadas con el abandono terapéutico en una adaptación grupal del Protocolo Unificado para el tratamiento transdiagnóstico de los trastornos emocionales. Un estudio preliminar

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    Due to the high number of people requesting psychological help and the scarcity of professional resources available to many psychological assistance services, it is necessary to promote the implementation of therapeutic modalities that optimize these resources; a promising alternative is the group adaptation of Barlow's unified protocol (Barlow et al., 2018). However, it is necessary to identify the patients who can most likely benefit from this group protocol and which are the variables that characterize those with a higher risk of abandoning this type of intervention. This study was carried out on a total sample of 54 people who initiated a group adaptation of Barlow's Unified Protocol, in the Psychological Assistance Service of the Pontifical University of Salamanca. A group of patients who completed the treatment (n=37) was compared with a group who abandoned it at some point (n=17). Measures of anxiety, depression, personality variables, quality of life, interference and self-compassion were taken. The results indicate the presence of statistically significant differences in anxiety symptoms and the level of interference of the problem in daily life, these being more severe in the group that abandoned treatment; patients who complete the treatment, score significantly higher in the shared humanity variable, involved in the processes of empathy and belonging to the group; likewise, differences are observed, at the limit of statistical significance, in the depression and quality of life variables, with the patients in the group that abandoned treatment obtaining the highest scores in depression and the lowest in quality of life. These preliminary results show some characteristics that can be used to identify, in an initial assessment, the possible beneficiaries of this format and optimize the therapeutic alternatives offered.Debido al elevado número de personas que solicitan ayuda psicológica y a la escasez de recursos profesionales de los que disponen muchos servicios, se hace necesario fomentar la puesta en marcha de modalidades terapéuticas que optimicen dichos recursos; una alternativa prometedora es la adaptación grupal del protocolo unificado de Barlow para el abordaje de los trastornos emocionales (Barlow et al., 2018). No obstante, se precisa identificar qué pacientes pueden beneficiarse con más probabilidades de éxito de este protocolo grupal y qué variables caracterizan a los pacientes con mayor riesgo de abandono en este tipo de intervención. El presente estudio se ha realizado sobre una muestra total de 54 personas que iniciaron una adaptación grupal de dicho protocolo, en el Servicio de Asistencia Psicológica de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Se ha comparado un grupo de pacientes que completan el tratamiento (n= 37) con un grupo que abandona en algún momento el mismo (n=17). Se tomaron medidas de ansiedad, depresión, variables de personalidad, calidad de vida, interferencia y autocompasión. Los resultados indican la presencia de diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los síntomas de ansiedad y en el nivel de interferencia del problema en la vida diaria siendo éstos más severos en el grupo que abandona el tratamiento; los pacientes que completan el tratamiento puntúan significativamente más alto en la variable humanidad compartida, implicada en los procesos de empatía y pertenencia al grupo; asimismo, se observan diferencias en el límite de la significación estadística, en las variables depresión y calidad de vida, siendo los pacientes del grupo que abandona el tratamiento, los que obtienen puntuaciones más elevadas en depresión y más bajas en calidad de vida. Estos resultados preliminares señalan algunas características para identificar, en la evaluación inicial, a los posibles beneficiarios de este formato y optimizar las alternativas terapéuticas ofrecidas

    Relationship between Cognitive Reserve and Cognitive Impairment in Autonomous and Institutionalized Older Adults

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    It is necessary to determine which variables help prevent the presence of decline or deterioration during the aging process as a function of advancing age. This research analyses the relations between cognitive reserve (CR) and cognitive impairment in 300 individuals. It also aims to confirm the influence of different variables (gender, age, level of studies and institutionalization) in CR and in deterioration in a population of older adults. The results indicate that people with higher CR present less deterioration. Regarding the role of the sociodemographic variables in the level of deterioration and CR, there are no differences between men and women, but there are differences in the variables age, level of studies and institutionalization, in such a way that the older age the greater the cognitive deterioration, the higher the level of studies, the more RC and less deterioration and it was found that the non-institutionalized people present less deterioration and greater CR. It is affirmed that two people with similar clinical characteristics may present different levels of pathology, being the CR the explanation of this fact. The results obtained allow us to affirm that the measurement of CR is considered an essential variable for the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases

    Frontiers in Psychology-Movement Science and Sport Psychology

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    Objective: The specialised literature indicates that the two key aspects in active ageing are performing physical activity and life satisfaction. Regarding physical activity, this not only improves physical aspects of senior citizens, but also has a positive impact on mental well-being and satisfaction with one’s own life. The aim is to demonstrate the relationship between these two variables to explain healthy ageing. Method: In a sample of 300 senior citizen subjects, the influence of various sociodemographic variables (age, sex, institutionalisation, and level of education) on the performance of physical activity and life satisfaction, is analysed. The research design is a non-experimental study with two unique cross-sectional and correlational measurement groups. Results: An analysis of the results indicates that people with a higher level of education present differences in physical and motivational reserves. Furthermore, age and institutionalisation have an impact on physical reserves. Analysis using structural equation models allows key relationships between the variables analysed to be predicted, which can guide the implementation of active ageing. Conclusion: Motivational reserves affect healthy cognitive ageing through their positive impact on cognitive and physical reserves. Keywords: ageing, physical activity, life satisfaction, senior citizens, healthy ageinghttps://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.636914/full#h