6 research outputs found
Participação no mercado de trabalho e violência doméstica contra as mulheres no Brasil
A subject of great relevance, but little studied in Brazil, concerns the effect of female participation in the labor market (PFMT) on domestic violence. In this article, we try to understand this question from a reflection on two polar literatures based on economic rationality and patriarchal theory, which reach opposite conclusions. Additionally, based on PNAD/IBGE data from 2009, we examined empirically the effects of PFMT on the violence perpetrated not only by the spouse but also by the former spouse. In order to overcome the potential problems of endogeneity, we used a probit model with instrumental variables, in which the instrument for the participation of women in the labor market was based on the number of places in kindergartens and pre-schools in the locality where they live
Juizados Especiais Criminais e seu déficit teórico The theoretical deficit of Small Claims Criminal Courts
A Lei 9.099/95 (Lei dos Juizados Especiais Criminais), elaborada para fixar a punição de delitos de menor potencial ofensivo, é usada, majoritariamente, para julgar a violência conjugal. O paradigma masculino que norteou sua elaboração acarreta um déficit teórico por não ter aceito o paradigma da criminologia feminista ancorado no conceito de gênero. As conseqüências desse déficit se manifestam na operacionalidade da Lei cujos resultados são a banalização da violência doméstica, o arquivamento massivo dos processos e a insatisfação das vítimas, todas mulheres.<br>Small Claims Criminal Courts, though created to deal with minimal offenses, are now found to be judging mostly cases of domestic violence.The male paradigm on which the creation of such courts was based causes a theoretical deficit for not having taken into account feminist criminology and gender. As a consequence of this deficit, court decisions reflect the banalisation of domestic violence and contribute to a massive shelving of suits with a consequent growing dissatisfaction on the part of the victims, all of them women