4 research outputs found

    A Patient with C Protein Deficiency and Multiple Thromboses : Case Report

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    RESUMEN: Se debe considerar un estado de hipercoagulabilidad primaria o trombofilia heredada en los pacientes con enfermedad tromboembólica venosa. La sospecha clínica se debe dirigir a los pacientes con presentación temprana, recurrente, familiar o en sitios anatómicos poco usuales. En este reporte se describe el caso de un paciente con déficit de proteína C de la coagulación, quien desarrolló trombosis venosa profunda del miembro inferior derecho a los 36 años y un año después, trombosis venosa profunda del miembro inferior izquierdo. A la edad de 51 años presentó trombosis de vasos mesentéricos que condujo a una resección intestinal extensa lo que obligó a un trasplante de intestino delgado. Su padre había presentado trombosis venosa de los miembros inferiores. Se descartó la presencia asociada de la mutación G20210A de la protrombina y del Factor V Leiden. Hasta donde sabemos, es el primer caso de deficiencia de proteína C de la coagulación informado en la literatura colombiana.ABSTRACT: Inherited thrombophilias are an important group of diseases that should be taken into account in the study of patients with thromboembolic disease, particularly in those whose clinical presentation includes frequent and recurrent thrombotic episodes at young age, in unusual sites, and a familial history of thrombosis. We report the case of a patient with C protein deficiency which developed deep venous thromboses of both legs when he was 36 and 37 years old. At 51 years of age he suffered from mesenteric thrombosis requiring surgical treatment and small intestine transplantation. His father had deep venous thrombosis. This is the first report of C protein deficiency in the Colombian literature. Other inherited thrombophilias such as the G20210A mutation in the prothrombin gene and Factor V Leiden were absent

    Pregnancy outcome in women with antiphospholipid syndrome and alloimmunity: a case report

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    CONTEXT: Patients with antiphospholipid syndrome and alloimmunity have poor pregnancy outcomes. Several diagnostic and therapeutic options exist for these disorders, although there is no consensus as to the best treatment. CASE REPORT: We present here the clinical course and treatment of a woman with a history of two miscarriages who joined our program 10 years ago and has been followed up ever since. After antiphospholipid syndrome and alloimmune failure were diagnosed, she was given preconceptional treatment using unfractionated heparin, aspirin, prednisone and lymphocyte immunizations. She delivered two premature babies in the following two pregnancies. At present both children are healthy and are attending school. The fifth pregnancy was unsuccessful, in spite of having undergone a similar but postconceptional therapeutic scheme. We discuss this case focusing on the pathogenic mechanisms and the therapeutic aspects of these disorders

    Trombofilias heredadas en pacientes con pérdida gestacional recurrente

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    IP 1115-04-11916Contrato 107-2002Sinopsis divulgativa: La perdida del producto de la gestación es un complicación que afecta del 12 al 15% de la parejas en edad reproductiva y es recurrente en 1 a 2% de ellas, lo que se denomina perdida gestacional recurrente (PGR). Se han descrito diferentes causas, entre las que se podrían mencionar genéticas, anatómicas, infecciosas e inmunológicas. pero persiste as del 50% de causa desconocida. Una de las posibles causas de PGR es la trombofilia, que se define como una tendencia a la trombosis o hipercoagulabilida