6 research outputs found

    Allotment booking in intermodal transport

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    The article presents a valuable concept seeking to solve the problem of demand uncertainty in intermodal transport. Regular traffic is quite important for moving containers, trailers and swap bodies. To keep regularity with uncertain demand means to have backlogs or empty space. Both of them are inefficient from an economical point of view. In practice, a day‐by‐day demand forecast is meaningful only for the next two or three days. This poses serious allotment management problems to freight forwarders and shippers since long‐term contract allotments need to be planned many months ahead. The article presents a stochastic dynamic programming model for a short‐term allotment planning a model that would be very valuable for implementing intermodal solutions. The presented model evaluates optimal cost policy based on the economic trade‐off between the cost of backlogged shipment and the cost of acquiring additional allotment. First published online: 27 Oct 201

    The differences in efficiency measurement: the case of Lithuanian railways

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    In the world railways are organized in two ways. In one case, infrastructure management and organization of traffic and commercial activities are integrated at the level of one of the enterprise whereas in the other case the functions of the carrier and the manager of the infrastructure are separated. This article addresses approaches of different scientists and politicians on both forms. The analysis of the case of Lithuania has been carried out. The case of Lithuania is a typical one – historically the railways have hada monopoly with the infrastructure and transportation not separated. This article presents a critical view of theoretical pros and cons of both the model

    The feasibility study to transfer goods between ports of Klaipeda and Swinoujusce

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    The purpose of this article is to present results of the research of feasibilities of freight transportation by ferry between Klaipeda Seaport in Lithuania and Swinoujusce Seaport in Poland. The study is related to the BSR Interreg III B NP project Baltic Gateway PLUS. The study includes the following researches: (1) to specify freight flows to Region Berlin via Klaipeda Seaport; (2) to specify freight flows to Region Berlin via Kalvariju cross border check point. The applied method is the collection of official statistical data for years 2005 and 2006 from legal statistical bureaus and some freight operators. The study concluded that freight flow via Klaipeda port and Kalvariju check point (incl. Lazdiju) to the so-called Region Berlin defined as the destination point in which freight was unloaded was 199,59 thousand tons in 2005 and 229,96 thousand tons in 2006. Freight flow via Klaipeda port and Kalvariju check point (incl. Lazdiju) from the so-called Region Berlin defined as origin point in which freight was loaded was 48,88 thousand tons in 2005 and 78,45 thousand tons in 2006. About 10 % of freight flow in axis Kalvariju-Berlin is loaded/unloaded in the so-called Region Berlin. About 90 % of flow in the mentioned axe is a cross trade flow of Region Berlin

    Transporto politikos pagrindai

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    Knygoje analizuojama transporto politikos esmė, jos tikslai, uždaviniai ir priemonės šiems tikslams pasiekti. Nagrinėjamas transporto politikos poveikis transporto sistemai ir kitoms šalies ūkio šakoms. Išsamiai nagrinėjamos Europos Sąjungos bendrosios transporto politikos atsiradimo prielaidos ir šiuolaikinė transporto politika. Taip pat išanalizuota Lietuvos transporto politikos strategija ir prioritetai, pateikta tarptautinių transporto organizacijų veiklos apžvalga. Knyga skiriama Transporto vadybos ir kitų specialybių studentams, besimokantiems studijų planuose numatytų dalykų. Taip pat gali būti naudinga ir kitų transporto ūkio šakų specialistams