10 research outputs found

    Application of ICT tools in teaching American English for computer science students in the context of global challenges

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    The article deals with the urgent issue of American English learning for IT-professionals under challenging conditions of the changeable economic situation in the world. Some statistical data on global education trends and its analysis are given to confirm the topicality of the problem. State-of-the-art trends in foreign language teaching in the context of global challenges are presented. It is stated that informal education environments, distant learning platforms, virtual reality environments, artificial intelligence applications and collaboration platforms are to be mastered by Ukrainian undergraduates. Certain peculiarities of choosing and studying British and American English course by students of IT-specialities at three Ukrainian universities are given: the course choice procedure, the reasons for course preference, and the syllabus content. The best technologies, applications and tools for classroom activities and independent learning are substantiated, specific examples of their application for British and American English course learning are presented

    Development on knowledge of hormone biochemistry in the works of the Nobel prize laureates of the first half of the 20th century: F. G. Banting, John J. R. Macleod, H. O. Wieland, A. O. Windaus, A. F. Butenandt, L. Ružička, E.Kendall, P. Hench, T. Reichstein

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    The first half of the 20th century was marked by significant scientific advances in the study of hormones and vitamins. Among the first resear­chers working with hormones were F. Banting and J. Macleod, who discovered and characterized the pancreatic hormone insulin. This discovery catalyzed advances in the understanding of the mechanisms regulating biochemical processes – a new topic in the field of biological chemistry. The next important stage in the development of knowledge on biologically active substances was the works of organic chemists G. Wieland, A. Windaus, A. Butenandt and L. Ružička. They almost simultaneously identified and characterized the chemical structures of bile acids, vitamin D as well as female and male sex hormones. They found that all of these compounds are of a steroid nature and identified cholesterol as the starting material for their synthesis in the body. The studies of highly-active substances of steroid nature were continued by E. Kendall, F. Hench and T. Reichstein. They synthesized and investigated the structure and biological effects of corticosteroids, the hormones produced in the adrenal cortex. They were first to develop a method for the commercial manufacturing of cortisone, a hormone which is widely used to treat inflammatory processes. Thus, in the first half of the 20th century, organic chemists gave biochemists knowledge on the structure of essential for the human body substances – steroid compounds

    Nobel Laureates of the early 20th century E. Behring, I. Mechnikov, P. Ehrlich, C. Richet, J. Bordet, K. Landsteiner and their contribution to the development of molecular immunology

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    The discoveries of immunologists have often been recognized as the most significant in the field of medicine and physiology, since the immune system is extremely vital for the organism, and the study of the principles of its functioning is of fundamental importance to the prevention (vaccination), diagnosis and therapy of many diseases. This article refers to the scientists of the early twentieth century, who received the most prestigious scientific award – the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and who built the groundwork for the development of immunology as a science. Thus, in 1901, E. von Behring received the first Nobel Prize “for his work on serum thera­py, especially its application against diphtheria, by which he has opened a new road in the domain of medical science and thereby placed in the hands of the physician a victorious weapon against illness and deaths”; in 1908, I. Mechnikov and P. Ehrlich received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the creating of the cellular and humoral theory of immunity; in 1913 – C. Richet – “in reco­gnition of his work on anaphylaxis”; in 1919 – J. Bordet – “for his discoveries relating to immunity (the role of complement, mechanisms of precipitation, agglutination…)”; in 1930 – K. Landsteiner – “for his discove­ry of human blood groups”. Their works spurred the development of modern molecular immunology – the science of the organization and function of the immune system, as an effective defense barrier in the living organism, which recognize and distinguish between “self” and “non-self”

    The contribution of the Nobel Prize laureates to the development of dynamic biochemistry and bioenergetics. E. Buchner, A. Kossel, R. Willstätter, O. Meyerhof, A. Hill, O. Warburg, A. Szent-Györgyi

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    Thanks to the great discoveries of the Nobel laureates of the first half of the 20th century – E. Buchner, A. Kossel, R. Willstätter, O. Meyerhof, A. Hill, O. Warburg, A. Szent-Györgyi, we have gained a deep understanding of the mechanisms of organic­ substances conversion and oxidation in living­ organisms­. This article gives an analysis of the research activity of these distinguished scientists, who, through decoding the main ways of conver­ting carbohydrates and energy in living organisms, laid the foundations of dynamic biochemistry and bioener­getics (one of the branches of biochemical science)

    Inventive activities of the Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine in 1925-1990

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    A brief historical essay with analysis of inventive activity of the Palladin Institute of Biochemistry and achievements of its researchers in the period of 1925-1990 is presented in the paper. In particular, scientific developments of Academician O.V. Palladin; D.L. Ferdman, Corr.-Member of Acad. Sc. of the Ukrainian SSR and USSR; V.O. Belitser, Academician of Acad. Sc. of the Ukrainian SSR; V.K. Lishko, Academician of NAS of Ukraine; S.V. Komisarenko, Academician of NAS and NAMS of Ukraine; Professors V.P. Vendt, O.S. Tsyperovich, V.P. Korotkoruchko and some others have been considered in detail. The introduction of these developments in the national economy has been also considered

    The contribution of the Nobel prize laureates to the development of knowledge of vitamin biochemistry: Ch. Eijkman, F. G. Hopkins, A. Szent-Györgyi, W. Haworth, P. Karrer, R. Kuhn, H. Dam, E. A. Doisy, G. Minot, W. Murphy, G. Whipple, D. Hodgkin, R. Woodward

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    In the first half of the 20th century, the experimental research of chemists, biochemists and physiologists in collaboration with doctors led to the discovery of a new class of biologically active compounds – vitamins. Many of these scientists were awarded the Nobel Prizes. Thanks to their efforts, almost all currently known vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, A, E, K) were identified, their structure and the mechanism of biological action were characteri­zed. Many vitamins were found to serve as coenzymes in important biochemical conversions. This article talks about the history of the discovery of the most familiar vitamins and scientists involved in their research. The contribution made by these distinguished scientists to the development of modern­ biochemical science, in particular, vitaminology, cannot be overestimated

    Scientific and practical activity of the Department of Muscle Biochemistry of the Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine

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    The article focuses on scientific and practical activity of the Department of Muscle Biochemistry of the Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine in the context of its foundation and development. Main findings and practical achievements in the area of muscle biochemistry are summarized and discussed

    Inventive activity of Maksym Fedotovych Guly, Academician of NAS of Ukraine

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    The article is devoted to the inventive activity of M. F. Guly, Academician of NAS of Ukraine, the outstanding scientist and pedagogue, talented organizer of science, one of the founders of home biochemistry. Guly’s interests covered a wide range of topics in functional biochemistry, which are briefly described in the article. In greater detail the article analytically discusses Guly’s practical accomplishments, which were as significant and diverse as his scientific achievements

    Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2013)

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    The paper deals with the monograph Biochemical Transformation of Xenobiotics in the Organism // Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi National University, 2011. – 280 p. for which the group of authors – Prof. M.M. Marchenko, Dr.Sc. (Biology), Yu. Fedkovych Chernivtsi Natl. Univ.; O.V. Ketsa, PhD (Biology), the Lecturer of the same university; Prof. M.M. Veliky, Dr.Sc. (Biology), Head of Lab. at Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine – was awarded the O.V. Palladin Prize of NAS of Ukraine in 2013. Scientific, research and teaching activities and creative achievements of each author are described. This paper accomplishes the series of publications dedicated to the analysis of works of Ukrainian scientists, who were rewarded with one of high scientific prizes of the NAS of Ukraine – the O.V. Palladin Prize – in the years 1974-2013

    Practical development of laboratory of biologics technology of the Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine for the period 1991-2010

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    The paper presents the results of inventive activity of the Laboratory of Biologics Technology of the Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine, under the leadership of Z.M.Datsenko, Cand.Sc. (Biol.), during 1991-2010. The laboratory researchers have developed new technologies for production of medicines of lipid-protein nature, which are based on endogenous complexes of biologically active substances included in the composition of biomembranes of different origin. The researchers have created new technologies for drug PANTOCRINE (for injections and oral administration) from antlers of deers and horns of farm animals that have significantly higher biological activity compared with the commercial drug. They have also created new biologically active drugs from antlers with a specific action: HIPPOCAMP, reducing blood pressure in various forms of hypertension, and PANTERON – biological regulator of synthesis of steroid hormones. Further the researchers have developed technologies for obtaining biologically active complexes of various specific action from marine organisms (calamari, clams mussels, shellfish): CALMOFIL and MOLUFIL, therapeutic agents for replacement therapy of surfactant system of the lungs; FILOMEK, the agent for prophylaxis and treatment of a human reproductive system disorders; MOLUSTERON, the glicolipopeptide complex, three individual physiologically active compositions being differentially obtained from the latter: lipopeptide composition – for treatment of hypertension, nucleopeptide one – for treatment of hormonal disorders, and phospholipid – for treatment of lung diseases under the surfactant shortage