28 research outputs found

    The heat and mass transfer modeling with time delay

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    Nonlinear hyperbolic reaction-diffusion equations with a delay in time are investigated. All equations considered here contain one arbitrary function. Exact solutions are also presented for more complex nonlinear equations in which delay arbitrarily depends on time. Exact solutions with a generalized separation of variables are found. For special cases, new exact solutions in the form of a traveling waves are obtained, some of which can be represented in terms of elementary functions. All of these solutions contain free (arbitrary) parameters, so that one can use them to solve modeling problems of heat and mass transfer with relaxation phenomena

    Clinical-radiological aspects of development of dental fluorosis

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    There have been a clinical-roentgenological research of influence of chronicle fluorine intoxication on the change of periodontium structures which in conditions of hyperfluorosis have systemic character and predetermine certain clinical-roentgenological manifestations and development of pathological processes in periodontum. The research has been performed basing on clinical-roentgenological manifestations of fluorosis observed both in population of ecologically adverse regions and. in workers of plants and with the help of comparative analysis of the results received during the study. Analysis of the obtained data of clinical-roentgenological changes of periodontum. at chronic fluorine intoxication showed that in the first (control) group observed manifestations stayed within the limits of age changes in this region. In the second group pathological signs were marked during the second time period. (6—10 years), henceforth clinical picture of affected periodontium structures became aggravated. In workers of chemical production because of more intense accumulation of fluoric compounds in structures of periodontium clinical signs of it affection are displayed in the first and. avalanche-like grow in the second and the third time periods, whereas destructive-dystrophic changes in periodontium have more generalized and. irreversible character. The dynamics of revealed clinical-roentgenological manifestations happening in structures of periodontium shows that with the increase of time of residence on the territory and length of service on the manufacture, destructive-dystrophic processes in those structures become more extended

    Potassium Ions are More Effective than Sodium Ions in Salt Induced Peptide Formation

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    Prebiotic peptide formation under aqueous conditions in the presence of metal ions is one of the plausible triggers of the emergence of life. The salt-induced peptide formation reaction has been suggested as being prebiotically relevant and was examined for the formation of peptides in NaCl solutions. In previous work we have argued that the first protocell could have emerged in KCl solution. Using HPLC-MS/MS analysis, we found that K(+) is more than an order of magnitude more effective in the L-glutamic acid oligomerization with 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole in aqueous solutions than the same concentration of Na(+), which is consistent with the diffusion theory calculations. We anticipate that prebiotic peptides could have formed with K(+) as the driving force, not Na(+), as commonly believed

    Retrospective analysis and materials of authors' researches of stomatological morbidity at the hyperfluorosis

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    The authors conducted retrospective analysis and study of materials of their own clinical researches of stomatological morbidity both of population of the ecologically adverse region and. workers of manufactures connected with fluorine outburst into environment. Analysis of stomatological morbidity was performed in two variations: 1) retrospective analysis of out-patient charts over 2000—2008; 2) analysis of own clinical observations over 2007—2010. 1245 out-patient charts of two groups (the first one — residents of Irkutsk, the second. — residents of Angarsk) were retrospectively analyzed. Depending on nosological form and. degree of manifestation of stomatological pathology all obtained material was divided in three main parts: teeth affection (I), pathology of tunica mucosa of mouth. (II) and. lesions of periodontium. (III). In population of the ecologically affected region (the second and. third groups) lesions of parodontium, were found to increase in numbers depending on duration of residence or length of work. At the same time in this category of patients we marked the increase of more generalized forms (generalized periodontitis, periodontosis) of affections. In the third group on the background of lessening of periodontitis and nidal periodontosis diagnostics there is growth of destructive-dystrophic changes in periodontium, the intensity of which is directly proportional to increasing of time of exposition of pathogenic factor. And, as a consequence, the number of more generalized forms of stomatological pathologies increases, which correspondingly demands working out and. introducing into practice up-to-date systems of treatment-diagnostic and. preventive measurements for this category of population

    Representation Study of the Concept "Winter" Using Psycholinguistic Methods: Results of the Receptive Experiment

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    Данная статья представляет результаты исследования, направленного на изучение репрезентации немецкоязычного лингвокультурного концепта «Winter» посредством рецептивного эксперимента, использующимся в психологии и психолингвистике. Рецептивный эксперимент с носителями немецкого языка как родного был проведен с целью выявления репрезентантов концепта «Winter». Он позволил выявить ассоциации, представления и эмоциональные реакции, связанные с зимним временем года в немецкоязычной культуре. Результаты эксперимента анализируются с учетом культурных и языковых особенностей носителей языка, изучается влияние социокультурных факторов на формирование представлений о зиме. Полученные данные могут быть полезны для исследований лингвокультурологического и копцептологического характера.This article presents the results of a study aimed at exploring the representation of the German-speaking cultural-linguistic concept "Winter" through a receptive experiment used in psychology and psycholinguistics. A receptive experiment with native speakers of German was conducted to identify representatives of the "Winter" concept. It allowed for the identification of associations, perceptions, and emotional reactions associated with the winter season in German-speaking culture. The results of the experiment are analyzed considering the cultural and linguistic characteristics of language speakers, investigating the influence of sociocultural factors on the formation of perceptions about winter. The obtained data can be useful for research of a cultural- linguistic and conceptual nature

    Aspects of the ‘transcendental’ according to Kant and Husserl: Logos, matheme, metaphor

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    This paper deals with the methodological and ontological significance of transcendentalism. The author advocates the understanding of transcendental philosophy as ontology and presents a critique of the interpretation given by David Carr, who attached a merely methodological significance to the concept of the ‘transcendental’. Within this interpretation, this paper considers the problem of differences between the ontological aspects of Immanuel Kant’s critical philosophy and Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology, since most interpreters consider these two thinkers the most prominent exponents of transcendental philosophy. The differences in the ontological aspects are interpreted based on the similarities and differences in the epistemological objectives of both philosophers. This corresponds to the principles and programmes of comparative investigations in Kant’s and Husserl’s philosophies, which were proposed by Russian and international philosophers such as Paul Ricoeur, Alexey Chernyakov, William McKenna. The distinctions in the ontological aspects of critical philosophy and phenomenology necessitate an examination of the concept of transcendentalism in a broader historical perspective, which makes it possible to interpret some of the key concepts of critical philosophy and phenomenology as dead metaphors of Ancient Greek philosophy — metaphors that transformed over time into logically preconceived ‘mathemes’. In turn, distinguishing metaphors in the genesis of key univocal terms of critical philosophy and phenomenology provides an opportunity for a more precise description of differences between Kant’s and Husserl’s ideas. The author considers Husserl’s phenomenology as a continuation of and elaboration on Kant’s transcendental thought, which arises in neo-Kantian schools. Overall, transcendental philosophy is part of the genesis of ontological thought, which offers great opportunities for reinterpreting the concept of the transcendental in future