54 research outputs found

    Problemi umjetnog osjemenjivanja jednogrbe deve - izostanak ovulacije i zadržavanje spermija u želatinoznoj spermi.

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    An artificial insemination study was conducted on 17 female camels which were administered human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) to induce ovulation after confirming a follicle in the ovaries using sonography. The animals were inseminated with either diluted-cooled or fresh undiluted semen. No female camel could be impregnated with diluted and cooled semen, while pregnancy rate was low with neat undiluted semen. To ascertain possible causes of low conception rate, plasma progesterone (P4) profiles were monitored. Criteria adopted for interpretation of these profiles were as follows: P4 levels below 1 ng/ml on days 5-8 was considered to indicate failure to ovulate; a single peak of 1ng/ml on days 5-8 followed by a decline on day 12 was considered to indicate ovulation. However, failure of fertilization and P4 levels of more than 1 ng/ml on days 5-8 and day 12 followed by a decline was considered to indicate successful ovulation and fertilization, but failure of embryo survival. Consistently higher levels of P4 were considered to be indicative of pregnancy. Using these criteria, 5 of 33 inseminations were diagnosed as pregnant, while profiles of 17 of 33, 8 of 33 and 3 of 33 were indicative of failure of ovulation, failure of fertilization and failure of embryo survival, respectively. A high incidence of failure of ovulation may be due to oversized follicles or follicles in which degenerative processes might have been initiated prior to administration of hCG. High failure of fertilization may be due to a viscous form of camel semen, which may play a role as a sperm reservoir and protect the viability of spermatozoa in the female genital tract by entrapping sperm. Insemination with diluted and cooled semen may disturb the protection, resulting in failure of conception. It is concluded that the high incidence of ovulation failure and failure to deposit sperm in its natural entrapped viscous form are the major problems for development of AI in the camel. Further improvement may be expected, if we are able to standardize the appropriate insemination time around peri ovulatory time, and appropriate follicular size, which responds to hCG.Umjetno osjemenjivanje provedeno je na 17 deva kojima je dan ljudski korionski gonadotropin (hCG) u svrhu poticanja ovulacije. Prethodno je ultrazvučnom metodom ustanovljen folikul na jajnicima pretraženih deva. Deve su osjemenjene ili razrijeđenom i rashlađenom ili svježom, nerazrijeđenom spermom. Nijedna deva nije bila oplođena nakon osjemenjivanja razrijeđenom i rashlađenom spermom, a nakon osjemenjivanja nerazrijeđenom spermom stopa oplođenosti bila je niska. Radi utvrđivanja mogućih uzroka niske stope koncepcije, utvrđivana je razina progesterona u plazmi (P4). Razina P4 ispod 1 ng/ml u razdoblju 5 do 8 dana smatrala se pokazateljem izostanka ovulacije. Jednokratni porast od 1 ng/ml tijekom 5-8 dana nakon kojeg je slijedio pad 12. dana, smatrao se pokazateljem ovulacije s neuspjelom oplodnjom. P4 razine veće od 1 ng/ml tijekom razdoblja 5 do 8 dana, uključujući 12. dan nakon kojeg slijedi opadanje smatrale su se uspješnom ovulacijom i oplodnjom ali neuspjelim preživljavanjem embrija. Postojano visoke razine P4 smatrale su se pokazateljem gravidnosti. Prema navedenim kriterijima, pet od 33 osjemenjivanja rezultirala su gravidnošću. U 17 od 33 osjemenjivanja izostala je ovulacija. U 8 od 33 osjemenjivanja nije došlo do oplodnje, a u tri od 33 osjemenjnivanja embrij nije preživio. Učestala pojavnost izostanka ovulacije mogla bi se povezati s prevelikim folikulima ili folikulima u kojih su degenerativni procesi započeli prije davanja hCG. Visoka učestalost neuspjele oplodnje, mogla bi se povezati s viskoznošću sperme, zbog koje su spermiji u genitalnom traktu deve zaštićeniji i lakše preživljavaju. Osjemenjivanje s razrijeđenom i rashlađenom spermom može poremetiti navedene zaštitne mehanizme i dovesti do slabije oplođenosti. Može se zaključiti da je učestalo izostajanje ovulacije i nemogućnost polaganja sperme u njezinom prirodno viskoznom obliku glavni problem za razvoj umjetnog osjemenjivanja deva. Daljnji napredak se može očekivati ako se standardizira prikladno vrijeme osjemenjivanja (periovulatorno vrijeme), te utvrdi veličina folikula koja najbolje odgovara na aplikaciju hCG

    Ultrazvučna procjena reakcije jajnika nakon primjene mjera svjetlosnoga režima u deva (Camelus dromedarius).

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    The present study was carried out with two objectives, (a) the use of ultrasound scanners to study the effect of ‘mask on eyes’ as a photoperiodic control measure for folliculogenesis in female camels, (b) Use of blood progesterone assays to monitor ovarian changes in camels. Fourteen female camels aged 7-11 years were used for the present experiment. Seven were studied for the effect of a mask over the eyes (for six hours daily) as a photoperiodic control measure on ovarian activity and the remaining seven were kept as controls. Ovaries were examined by ultrasound at weekly intervals for seven weeks during the non-breeding season. Camels were mated with virile stud when a follicle (≥0.9 cm diameter, ovulating size) was visible on either of the ovaries. Ovaries were monitored for ovulation up to 48 h post-mating by ultrasound at 12 hourly intervals and at 20, 30 and 40 days post mating to ascertain pregnancy. A commercially available RIA kit was used for serum progesterone assay on samples obtained at 0, 7, 15, 30 and 45 days of mating. No follicle was observed in camels before treatment and in treated (masked) or untreated camels during the first week of treatment. By the third week 100% camels in the treatment group evidenced measurable small follicles (0.5-0.89 cm, 6/7) or follicles of ovulating size (≥0.9 cm, 1/7). Follicles of ovulating size were observed in 28.6, 14.3, 14.3 and 14.3 percent camels by 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th week of treatment. Fifty percent (3/6) of the camels became pregnant. The serum plasma progesterone level increased after ovulation and remained higher than 1.0 ng/mL in pregnant camels. In the control group one camel showed a follicle (0.6 cm diameter) at the 5th week, which did not reach ovulating size. The results of the present study indicate that protecting eyes from sunlight one or two months ahead of the breeding season stimulates follicular growth in camels and pregnancy can occur in these camels when mated.Istraživanje je provedeno u svrhu ultrazvučnoga praćenja utjecaja svjetlosnoga razdoblja kontroliranog pomoću maske na očima na tijek i dinamiku folikulogeneze u deva i određivanja razine progesterona za praćenje cikličnih promjena na jajnicima. Promatrano je 14 deva u dobi od sedam do 11 godina koje su bile podijeljene u pokusnu (n = 7) i kontrolnu skupinu (n = 7). Devama u kontrolnoj skupini svakodnevno je stavljana maska na oči tijekom 6 sati u razdoblju od 7 tjedana izvan rasplodne sezone. Deve su ultrazvučno pregledavane jednom tjedno za vrijeme čitavoga trajanja istraživanja. One su bile parene s plodnim mužjakom kad je uočen folikul na jajniku (≥0,9 cm promjera, ovulacijski folikul). Kad je uočen ovulacijski folikul, jajnici su bili pregledavani ultrazvukom svakih 12 sati u razdoblju od 48 sati radi potvrđivanja ovulacije, a potom nakon 20, 30 i 40 dana radi potvrđivanja gravidnosti. Uzorci krvi bili su uzeti 0., 7., 15., 30. i 45. dana nakon parenja, a plazma je bila analizirana komercijalnim RIA kompletom za određivanje koncentracije progesterona. Prije početka istraživanja i tijekom prvog tjedna istraživanja nijedna deva nije imala folikule na jajnicima. Do trećega tjedna istraživanja, uočeni su folikuli u svih deva pokusne skupine, ali su većinom bili maloga promjera (0,5 - 0,89 cm, 6/7), osim u jedne deve u koje je folikul bio ovulacijske veličine (>0,9 cm). Folikuli koji su po veličini odgovarali ovulacijskim folikulima ustanovljeni su u 28,6% deva tijekom 4. tjedna, 14,3% tijekom 5. tjedna, 14,3% tijekom 6. i 14,3% deva tijekom 7. tjedna istraživanja. Koncipiralo je 50% deva (3/6). Razina progesterona u krvi porasla je nakon ovulacije i bila je veća od 1 ng/ml u svih gravidnih deva. U kontrolnoj skupini samo je jedna deva imala folikul (0,6 cm) na jajniku tijekom 5. tjedna, ali on nije dosegnuo ovulacijsku veličinu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da zaštita očiju od svjetlosti mjesec do dva prije sezone parenja potiče razvoj folikula u deva i može dovesti do gravidnosti ako se deve tada par

    Dopunska prehrana ribljim uljem poboljšala je funkciju jajnika, koncepciju i određene reprodukcijske pokazatelje kod kobila pasmine marvari

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    We investigated the effect of dietary fish oil supplementation on the development of the ovarian follicles, corpus luteum (CL), conceptus and certain reproductive events in Marwari mares, since it is reported to improve reproduction in cows. Accordingly, non-lactating mares (n = 20) were randomly assigned into two groups (10 per group) and fed either the control diet (CTR) or a diet enriched with fish oil (FOS) to supplement n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) at the rate of 64 mg/kg body weight/day for 70 days or until 45 days post-ovulation in the mares that became pregnant. Estrus was detected using a teaser and insemination was performed using frozen thawed semen in the experimental mares. Development of the ovarian follicle, CL and conceptus were recorded using trans-rectal ultrasonography. Plasma concentrations of progesterone and estradiol were estimated by radioimmunoassay. In the FOS group, the diameter of the largest follicle from day 4 of estrus until ovulation, and the diameter of the CL on day 7 post-ovulation (D7PO) were greater (P<0.05). However, on day 15 post-ovulation (D15PO), the CL diameter increased significantly in the pregnant mares. Dietary fish oil significantly improved the development of the embryo as evidenced by an increase in the diameter of the embryonic vesicle on day 15 post-ovulation (D15PO), and the embryo proper on day 28 post ovulation (D28PO). Further, the mean plasma estradiol concentration was higher on the day of estrus onset (P<0.05) and day 4 of estrus (P<0.01) in the FOS group. Similarly, dietary fish oil significantly increased the plasma progesterone on D15PO in the pregnant mares (P<0.01). Although the duration of estrus was shorter by 19 hours (P<0.05), the length of the estrous cycle did not vary in the FOS group. A non-significant increase in the pregnancy rate was observed in the mares that received fish oil. It was concluded that dietary fish oil supplementation improved ovarian function and embryonic development in the Marwari mares.Na temelju prethodnih izvješća o poboljšanju reprodukcije krava, kod kobila pasmine marvari istražili smo učinak ribljeg ulja kao prehrambenog dodatka na razvoj folikula jajnika, žutog tijela, koncepcije i određenih reprodukcijskih pokazatelja. U skladu s ciljem, 20 kobila koje nisu bile u laktaciji je metodom slučajnog izbora podijeljeno u dvije skupine s po 10 kobila. Za razliku od kontrolne skupine, kobile u eksperimentalnoj skupini hranjene su obrokom obogaćenim ribljim uljem u obliku dodatka koji je sadržavao n-3 polinezasićene masne kiseline (PUFA), u dnevnoj količini od 64 mg na jedan kg tjelesne mase. Eksperiment je trajao 70 dana, odnosno za kobile koje su ostale gravidne do 45 dana nakon ovulacije. Estrus je praćen teaserom, a osjemenjivanje je provedeno zamrznutim sjemenom. Razvoj folikula jajnika i žutih tijela te gravidnosti praćeni su transrektalnim ultrazvukom. Koncentracija progesterona i estradiola u plazmi procijenjena je radioimunološkom metodom. U eksperimentalnoj skupini utvrđen je veći (P<0,05) promjer najvećeg folikula od 4. dana estrusa do ovulacije i veći promjer žutog tijela 7. dan nakon ovulacije. No, 15. dan nakon ovulacije promjer žutih tijela bio je signifikantno povećan kod gravidnih kobila. Obrok obogaćen ribljim uljem signifikantno je poboljšao razvoj embrija, što se očitovalo povećanjem promjera embrionalne vezikule 15. dan nakon ovulacije i povećanjem embrija 28. dan nakon ovulacije. Nadalje, u eksperimentalnoj skupini kobila srednja koncentracija estradiola u plazmi bila je veća na dan početka estrusa (P<0,05) i 4. dan estrusa (P<0,01). Slično tome, obrok obogaćen ribljim uljem kod gravidnih je kobila signifikantno (P<0,01) povećao progesteron u plazmi 15. dan nakon ovulacije. U kobila eksperimentalne skupine je, uz varijacije estrusnog ciklusa, utvrđeno i za 19 sati kraće trajanje estrusa (P<0,05). Povećana stopa gravidnosti kod kobila dohranjivanih ribljim uljem nije bila signifikantna. Zaključeno je da je hranidba s dodatkom ribljeg ulja kod kobila pasmine marvari poboljšala funkciju jajnika i razvoj embrija

    Application of nanotechnology to herbal antioxidants as improved phytomedicine: An expanding horizon.

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    Phytotherapy, based on medicinal plants, have excellent potential in managing several diseases. A vital part of the healthcare system is herbal medicines, consisting of therapeutic agents with high safety profile and no or least adverse effects. Herbs or medicinal plants show anticancer, antioxidant, and gene-protective activity, which is useful for pharmaceutical industries. In vitro, the extract of antioxidant compounds prevents the growth of colon and liver cancer cells, followed by a dose-dependent method. The screening of extracts is done by using in vitro models. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals lead to diseases based on age which promotes oxidative stress. Different types of ROSs available have central roles in the normal physiology and functioning of processes. Herbal or traditional plant medicines have rich antioxidant activity. Despite the limited literature on the health effect of herbal extract or spices. There are many studies examining the encouraging health effects of single phytochemicals instigating from the medicinal plant. This review provides a detailed overview on herbal antioxidants and how application of nanotechnology can improve its biological activity in managing several major diseases, and having no reported side effects

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    Not AvailableOvaries of 4 adult non-lactating, non-pregnant one humped female camel (Camelus dromedarius) belonging to the herd of National Research Centre on Camel, Bikaner, India, were examined using real-time ultrasonography for the presence of follicle with ≥ 1.0 cm diameter. Buserelin acetate 40 μg i.v. was used to induce ovulation. Sequential ultrasound examination at 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 and 96h of the Buserelin administration revealed that ovulation did not occur up to 96 h in all four female camels.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableIn the present investigation the use of porcine FSH(Super-OV; group I) and comiphene citrate (group II) was observed on induction of ovarian activity and fertility in prepubertal she camels (three years= 2 months). All the animals in group I responded to the treatment and eight out of eleven heifers conceived (72.7%). Only one (out of four) animal responded to the treatment in group II but failed to conceive.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableAn artificial insemination study was conducted on 17 female camels which were administered human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) to induce ovulation after confirming a follicle in the ovaries using sonography. The animals were inseminated with either diluted-cooled or fresh undiluted semen. No female camel could be impregnated with diluted and cooled semen, while pregnancy rate was low with neat undiluted semen. To ascertain possible causes of low conception rate, plasma progesterone (P4) profiles were monitored. Criteria adopted for interpretation of these profiles were as follows: P 4 levels below 1 ng/ml on days 5-8 was considered to indicate failure to ovulate; a single peak of 1ng/ml on days 5-8 followed by a decline on day 12 was considered to indicate ovulation. However, failure of fertilization and P 4 levels of more than 1 ng/ml on days 5-8 and day 12 followed by a decline was considered to indicate successful ovulation and fertilization, but failure of embryo survival. Consistently higher levels of P4 were considered to be indicative of pregnancy. Using these criteria, 5 of 33 inseminations were diagnosed as pregnant, while profiles of 17 of 33, 8 of 33 and 3 of 33 were indicative of failure of ovulation, failure of fertilization and failure of embryo survival, respectively. A high incidence of failure of ovulation may be due to oversized follicles or follicles in which degenerative processes might have been initiated prior to administration of hCG. High failure of fertilization may be due to a viscous form of camel semen, which may play a role as a sperm reservoir and protect the viability of spermatozoa in the female genital tract by entrapping sperm. Insemination with diluted and cooled semen may disturb the protection, resulting in failure of conception. It is concluded that the high incidence of ovulation failure and failure to deposit sperm in its natural entrapped viscous form are the major problems for development of AI in the camel. Further improvement may be expected, if we are able to standardize the appropriate insemination time around peri ovulatory time, and appropriate follicular size, which responds to hCG.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe present study describes use of ointment containing salicylic acid, zinc sulphate, fenvalerate and sulphur with petroleum jelly as base for successful and effective treatment of severe mange in an adult male dromedary camel. The affected camel had severe lesions on neck, axilla, inner surface of thigh, inguinal region, perineal region, root of tail, flank region, head, lip necckand brisket region. The case did not respond to Ivermectin treatment. Itching disappeared 7 days after application of acaricidal ointment and fresh shiny skin appeared at 7 day after second application.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableVER was studied in female dromedary camels (n=14) concomitant to ultrasound examination at 2 days intervals to evaluate vaginal electrical resistance (VER) as an indicator of follicular activity and pregnancy. VER was recorded using a commercially available resistance probe and scanner was used for ultrasound examination. Females were mated with virile stud camels and the diameter of the follicle at the time of mating recorded. VER and ultrasound examinations were continued till day 30 after mating. Follicles of different diameters were recorded but the follicular growth wave was difficult to define. The growth of follicles in non-mated camels continued with follicles reaching up to 3.72 cm diameter. Ovulations did occur in the mated females even when the size of follicle was 0.8 cm at mating, however, only 50% of the matings resulted into ovulation when the follicle size was <1.0 cm. The use of heat detector for measurement of vaginal electrical resistance in dromedary camel did not give significantly different values, when there was no follicle, follicles with diameter < 0.5 cm, follicle with 0.8 to 0.99 cm, follicle ≥1.0 cm, corpus luteum and pregnant uterus.Not Availabl