33 research outputs found

    Distribution of Macrozoobenthos in River Narmada near Water Intake Point

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    Rivers support vast biodiversity of flora and fauna, provide food and shelter to organisms that thrive in. Macrozoobenthos play an important role in aquatic ecosystem as primary and secondary consumers and form the trophic relationships include those that feed on them directly or indirectly like fish and bird population. Presently, the study was carried out on a selected reach of river Narmada near water intake point. Aim of the study was to assess the distribution of macrozoobenthos near water intake point on river Narmada. Loss in the distribution of macrozoobenthos fauna was recorded in lower reaches and in front of water intake point which indicates that ecological conditions are degrading and in near future situation can be alarming in the respect of ecology. Keywords: River Narmada, Macrozoobenthos, Water intake point

    IMC and IMC-Based PID Controler

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    Internal Model Control (IMC) is a commonly used technique that provides a transparent mode for the design and tuning of various types of control. The ability of proportional-integral (PI) and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers to meet most of the control objectives has led to their widespread acceptance in the control industry. The Internal Model Control (IMC)-based approach for controller design is one of them using IMC and its equivalent IMC based PID to be used in control applications in industries. It is because, for practical applications or an actual process in industries PID controller algorithm is simple and robust to handle the model inaccuracies and hence using IMC-PID tuning method a clear trade-off between closed-loop performance and robustness to model inaccuracies is achieved with a single tuning parameter. Also the IMC-PID controller allows good set-point tracking but sulky disturbance response especially for the process with a small time-delay/time-constant ratio. But, for many process control applications, disturbance rejection for the unstable processes is much more important than set point tracking. Hence, controller design that emphasizes disturbance rejection rather than set point tracking is an important design problem that has to be taken into consideration. In this thesis, we propose an optimum IMC filter to design an IMC-PID controller for better set-point tracking of unstable processes. The proposed controller works for different values of the filter tuning parameters to achieve the desired response As the IMC approach is based on pole zero cancellation, methods which comprise IMC design principles result in a good set point responses. However, the IMC results in a long settling time for the load disturbances for lag dominant processes which are not desirable in the control industry. In our study we have taken several transfer functions for the model of the actual process or plant as we have exactly little or no knowledge of the actual process which incorporates within it the effect of model uncertainties and disturbances entering into the process. Also, the parameters of the physical system vary with operating conditions and time and hence, it is essential to design a control system that shows robust performance in the case of the above mentioned situations. Then we tried to tune our IMC controller for different values of the filter tuning factor. Since all the IMC-PID approaches involve some kind of model reduction techniques to convert the IMC controller to the PID controller so approximation error usually occurs. This error becomes severe for the process with time delay. For this we have taken some transfer functions with significant time delay or with non invertible portions i.e. containing RHP poles or the zeroes. Here we have used different techniques like factorization to get rid off these error containing stuffs. It is because if these errors are not removed then even if IMC filter gives best IMC performance but structurally causes a major error in conversion to the PID controller, then the resulting PID controller could have poor control performance. Thus in our approach to IMC and IMC based PID controller to be used in industrial process control applications, there exists the optimum filter structure for each specific process model to give the best PID performance. For a given filter structure, as λ decreases, the inconsistency between the ideal and the PID controller increases while the nominal IMC performance improves. It indicates that an optimum λ value also exist which compromises these two effects to give the best performance. Thus what we mean by the best filter structure is the filter that gives the best PID performance for the optimum λ value

    Distribution of Macrophytes in River Narmada near Water Intake Point

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    Rivers have always been the most important fresh water resources. Along the banks of rivers ancient civilizations have flourished and still most of the developmental activities are dependent. Rivers support vast biodiversity of flora and fauna which provide food & shelter to aquatic organisms. Aquatic macrophytes are group of large macroscopic photosynthetic organisms usually growing with their roots in soil or water. Macrophytes provide habitat to aquatic organisms also help in maintaining water quality, nutrient cycling and stabilizing river banks. Present study was carried out on the distribution of macrophytes near water intake point in river Narmada. Present study depicted about the loss of macrophytic distribution in lower reaches of water intake point in river Narmada in conjunction with some physicochemical parameters of water quality. Key Words: River Narmada, Water Intake Point, Aquatic Macrophytes, Water quality

    A conceptual model for integrating sustainable supply chain, electric vehicles, and renewable energy sources

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    The effects of climate change can be seen immediately in ecosystems. Recent events have resulted in a commitment to the Paris Agreement for the reduction of carbon emissions by a significant amount by the year 2030. Rapid urbanisation is taking place to provide room for an increasing number of people’s residences. Increasing the size of a city and the number of people living there creates a daily need for consumable resources. In the areas of transportation, supply chains, and the utilisation of renewable energy sources, deliver on pledges that promote the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations. As a result, the supply chain needs to be handled effectively to meet the requirements of growing cities. Management of the supply chain should be in harmony with the environment; nevertheless, the question of how to manage a sustainable supply chain without having an impact on the environment is still mostly understood. The purpose of this study is to present a conceptual model that may be used to maintain a sustainable supply chain with electric vehicles in such a way that caters to both environmental concerns and human requirements. As part of the continual process of achieving sustainability, interrelationships between the various aspects that are being investigated, comprehended, and applied are provided by the model that was developed. It is self-evident that governmental and international organisations that are concerned with supply-demand side information will benefit from such a model, and these organisations will locate viable solutions in accordance with the model’s recommendations. Beneficiaries consist of individuals who are active in the supply chain and are concerned with supply-demand side information. These individuals also need to understand how to effectively manage this information

    CRISPR/Cas9 cleavage of viral DNA efficiently suppresses hepatitis B virus

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    Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is prevalent, deadly, and seldom cured due to the persistence of viral episomal DNA (cccDNA) in infected cells. Newly developed genome engineering tools may offer the ability to directly cleave viral DNA, thereby promoting viral clearance. Here, we show that the CRISPR/Cas9 system can specifically target and cleave conserved regions in the HBV genome, resulting in robust suppression of viral gene expression and replication. Upon sustained expression of Cas9 and appropriately chosen guide RNAs, we demonstrate cleavage of cccDNA by Cas9 and a dramatic reduction in both cccDNA and other parameters of viral gene expression and replication. Thus, we show that directly targeting viral episomal DNA is a novel therapeutic approach to control the virus and possibly cure patients.United States. National Institutes of Health (DK085713)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (P30-CA14051)National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (P30-ES002109)United States. National Institutes of Health (1K08DK101754


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    A Rare Case Report of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 with Bladder Ganglioneuroma in a Paediatric Patient

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    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a rare Autosomal Dominant (AD) disease manifesting in paediatric age group with an incidence of 1/3500 births. It has a varied clinical presentation most commonly involving skin followed by the skeletal and central nervous systems. Genitourinary involvement is very rare. Peripheral neuroblastic tumours are classified into Neuroblastomas (NB), Ganglioneuroblastomas (GNB) and Ganglioneuromas (GN). They are classified according to their stage of maturation in a spectrum, which starts from NB, the most primitive form, and extends to GN, the most mature form. The authors hereby present a rare case report of a paediatric patient presenting with NF1 features and a bladder ganglioneuroma. The 11-year-old male child presented with a history of haematuria since two weeks accompanied with increased micturation frequency and nocturia. Neurocutaneous markers suggestive of a diagnosis of Neurofibromatosis type 1 were observed during clinical examination. Computed Tomography Intravenous Urogram (CT-IVU) revealed a large irregular pelvic mass involving the wall of the urinary bladder. Enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes were observed during exploratory laparotomy, frozen section bipopsy of which was reported as ganglioneuroma. Partial cystectomy was performed along with complete excision of the mass. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of bladder ganglioneuroma

    Modeling and analysis of quadrotor using sliding mode control

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    In this paper, we present a model of a four rotor unmanned air vehicle (UAV) known as quadrotor aircraft. Quadrotors have generated considerable interest in both the control community due to their complex dynamics and military because of their advantages over regular air vehicles. The model is used to design a stable and accurate controller. Main aim of this paper is to achieve stable hover, with addition of variations in altitude based on human input for thrust. This paper explains the developments of a PD control method and sliding mode control for a fully-actuated subsystem of a quadrotor to obtain stability in flying the Quadrotor to a stable hovering position. The model has four input forces which are basically the thrust provided by each propeller