Distribution of Macrozoobenthos in River Narmada near Water Intake Point


Rivers support vast biodiversity of flora and fauna, provide food and shelter to organisms that thrive in. Macrozoobenthos play an important role in aquatic ecosystem as primary and secondary consumers and form the trophic relationships include those that feed on them directly or indirectly like fish and bird population. Presently, the study was carried out on a selected reach of river Narmada near water intake point. Aim of the study was to assess the distribution of macrozoobenthos near water intake point on river Narmada. Loss in the distribution of macrozoobenthos fauna was recorded in lower reaches and in front of water intake point which indicates that ecological conditions are degrading and in near future situation can be alarming in the respect of ecology. Keywords: River Narmada, Macrozoobenthos, Water intake point

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