136 research outputs found

    Profil šećera i organskih kiselina u plodovima sorti crne i crvene ribizle

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    In this study, three black currant cultivars (Ben Sarek, Ben Lomond and Malling Juel) and three red currant cultivars (Industrija, Rondom and Red Versailles) were compared in terms of fruit quality by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis in order to determine sugars and organic acids profiles in their fruits. Among the analyzed individual sugars, fructose was determined to be the major component in all studied cultivars. Cv Ben Lomond exhibited the highest levels of glucose (78,8 mg g-1 FW), fructose (117,6 mg g-1 FW) and sucrose (10,1 mg g-1 FW) in comparison to the other tested black currant cultivars. Among investigated red currant cultivars the highest amounts of glucose (81,1 mg g-1 FW), fructose (113,1 mg g-1 FW) and sucrose (14,5 mg g-1 FW) were recorded in the fruits of cv Industrija, as well as the richest content of total sugars (208,7 mg g-1 FW). The same tendency was noticed considering the organic acids content (citric and malic), that is, the highest levels were registered with the cv Industrija (0,32 mg g-1 FW and 0,13 mg g-1 FW, respectively). Black currant cv Ben Sarek displayed the highest contents of citric and malic acids (0,68 mg g-1 FW and 0,14 mg g-1 F, respectively). Generally, dominant share of total acids was exhibited by citric acid in all studied black and red currant cultivars. These results point to the fact that the chemical fruit composition of currants significantly varied among the genotypes of each species analyzed.Rad prikazuje rezultate ispitivanja sadržaja šećera i organskih kiselina u plodovima tri sorte crne (Ben Sarek, Ben Lomond i Moling Džul) i tri sorte crvene ribizle (Industrija, Rondom i Versajska crvena), kao determinišućih faktora ukusa ploda. Primenom tehnike tečne hromatografije visokog stepena razdvajanja izvršena je identifikacija i kvantifikacija individualnih šećera (glukoze, fruktoze i saharoze) i organskih kiselina (limunske i jabučne) u plodovima ispitivanih sorti. Ustanovljeno je dominantno prisustvo fruktoze u strukturi ukupnih šećera, sa najvišim registrovanim vrednostima kod sorte crne ribizle Ben Lomond (117,6 mg g-1 sv.m.pl.) i sorte crvene ribizle Industrija (113,1 mg g-1 sv.m.pl.). U pogledu sadržaja organskih kiselina, ista tendencija se zapaža među ispitivanim sortama crvene ribizle, odnosno sorta Industrija se odlikuje najvišim vrednostima sadržaja limunske (0,32 mg g-1 sv.m.pl.) i jabučne kiseline (0,13 mg g-1 sv.m.pl.). Nasuprot niskom sadržaju šećera, sorta crne ribizle Ben Sarek je ispoljila najviše vrednosti sadržaja limunske (0,68 mg g-1 sv.m.pl.) i jabučne kiseline (0,14 mg g-1 sv.m.pl.). Generalno, kod svih ispitivanih sorti crne i crvene ribizle se zapaža dominantna zastupljenost limunske kiseline u strukturi ukupnih kiselina detektovanih u plodu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na činjenicu da hemijski sastav ploda ribizle varira značajno između ispitivanih sorti kod obe analizirane vrste, što može predstavljati značajnu osnovu u daljem oplemenjivačkom radu

    Fenolne komponente i vitamin C kao izvori antioksidativne aktivnosti ploda crne ribizle (Ribes nigrum L.)

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    The content of some important phenolic compounds (kaempferol, myricetin, quercetin, and ellagic acid), total phenolics (TPH), vitamin C, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in the fruit of three black currant cultivars (Ben Lomond, Ben Sarek and Malling Juel) were studied. The content of individual phenolic compounds showed variability among the studied cultivars. The main flavonol found in cv. Malling Juel was kaempferol (1.60 μg g-1 FW), whereas the lowest values of myricetin (5.46 μg g-1 FW) and quercetin (7.65 μg g-1 FW) were also observed in the fruit of this cultivar. Ellagic acid content was the highest in cv. Ben Lomond (12.90 μg g-1 FW), which is also characterized by lower values of individual flavonols compared to other cultivars tested. However, the highest TPH level was recorded in cv. Ben Lomond (4.71 mg g-1FW). Vitamin C content in fruit of cv. Malling Juel was at a very high level (141.4 mg 100g-1), whereas cv. Ben Lomond expressed the highest level of TAC (7.60 mg asc g-1 FW). Overall, the content and profile of phenolic compounds in the black currant cultivars showed significant contribution to the expressed antioxidant capacity which was confirmed by positive correlation between TPH and TAC obtained in this study. Besides total phenolics, vitamin C is also a significant contributor to the measured antioxidant capacity in black currant fruit indicating that some cultivars with lower phenolic content may express high TAC.Rad prikazuje rezultate trogodišnjih ispitivanja sadržaja važnih fenolnih jedinjenja (flavonola - kampferola, miricetina i kvercetina, elaginske kiseline i ukupnih fenola), vitamina C, kao i vrednosti antioksidativnog kapaciteta registrovane u plodu tri sorte crne ribizle Ben lomond, Ben sarek i Moling džuel. Istraživanja su realizovana u periodu od 2004. do 2006. godine u laboratorijama Katedre za voćarstvo Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i Instituta za multidisciplinarna istraživanja iz Beograda. Ustanovljeno je variranje u sadržaju pojedinih individualnih fenolnih komponenti između ispitivanih sorti crne ribizle, pri čemu je kod sorte Moling džuel registrovan najveći prosečni sadržaj kampferola (1,60 μg g-1), ali i najniže prosečne vrednosti sadržaja miricetina (5,46 μg g-1) i kvercetina (7,65 μg g-1). Među ispitivanim sortama crne ribizle najveći sadržaj elaginske kiseline imala je sorta Ben lomond (12,90 μg g-1), koja se odlikuje nešto nižim vrednostima sadržaja flavonola u plodu, ali i najvećim sadržajem ukupnih fenola za ispitivani period (4,71 mg g-1). U pogledu sadržaja vitamina C, sorta Moling džuel je pokazala superiornost (141,4 mg 100g-1), dok se najvećim antioksidativnim kapacitetom ploda za trogodišnji period ispitivanja odlikuje sorta Ben lomond (7,60 mg ask g-1). Na osnovu većine analiziranih parametara može se konstatovati da sadržaj i profil fenolnih komponenata prisutnih u plodovima ispitivanih sorti crne ribizle, ima značajan doprinos u ispoljenoj antioksidativnoj aktivnosti, što potvrđuje i pozitivna korelativna zavisnost između sadržaja ukupnih fenola i antioksidativnog kapaciteta ploda. Pored ukupnih fenola, značajan doprinos antioksidativnom kapacitetu ploda daje i vitamin C. To objašnjava pojavu da su neke sorte posedovale visok antioksidativni kapacitet ploda uz, istovremeno registrovan, umeren sadržaj fenolnih jedinjenja

    Total phenolic content and peroxidase activity in Salanova lettuce

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    Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) belongs to a group of leafy vegetables commonly used as a salad in human nutrition. As minimally processed food product, it is an important source of vitamins, minerals and various antioxidative compounds. In our greenhouse experiment, two Salanova let tuce cultivars (‘Aquino‘ RZ- green and ‘Gaugin‘ RZ- red multi-leaf butterhead) were grown in the fertile soil during three successive seasons (autumn, winter and spring). The aim of the study was to examine the effect of different microbiological fertilizers (EM Aktiv, Vital Tricho and combination of EM Aktiv and Vital Tricho), cultivars and growing seasons on the total phenolic content and peroxidase activity. Our results showed that in all seasons red cultivar ‘Gaugin‘ had higher total phenolic content compared to green cultivar ‘Aquino‘. Their highest level was measured in au tumn with fertilizer Vital Tricho (549.14 µg GAE g-1 FW). The elevated phenolic status of red versus green cultivar was further strengthened by its higher level of peroxidase with the highest activity measured in spring with combination of fertilizers EM Aktiv and Vital Tricho (0.43 U mg-1 prot). The higher peroxidase activity and content of UV-absorbing phenolics, as plant-borne substrates of these enzymes, in the red cultivars indicate that the red leaves are better equipped to combat oxidative stress. Consequently, red cultivar ‘Gaugin‘, with increased synthesis of health-promoting antioxidants, could be considered as functional food in human diet

    Silicon facilitates manganese phytoextraction by cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

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    The effect of excess nutrient levels of manganese (Mn, 50 and 100 M) on the growth inhibition and the appearance of Mn-toxicity symptoms in the leaves was studied in cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Chinese long). Silicon (Si), when supplied as 1.5 mM silicic acid, clearly decreased symptoms of Mn-toxicity despite approximately the same total Mn content in the leaves. In treated plants, Si improves growth and biomass production compared with that of non Si treated plants. Inert deposition of Si in the leaf cell walls of cucumber (a Si-accumulating species) enhanced cell wall stability. The mechanism of Si protection is proposed to act by Si induced compartmentation of Mn hence increasing Mn2+ -binding sites in the cell wall (e.g. Mn silicate polymers) finally resulting in decreased toxic free Mn within the plant tissue rather than decrease of Mn uptake. These results suggest that Si nutrition can improve the phytoextraction potential of plants due to enhanced metal tolerance in leaf tissue

    Drought intensity in Vojvodina Province and impact on fields crop production

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    The lowlands in the northern parts of the Serbia and Montenegro, Province of Vojvodina, in which agricultural production is concentrated, have changeable unstable and unforeseeable rainfalls and dry periods between June and August. Analyses of drought in Novi Sad, which represents (the Vojvodina Province) the average precipitation sum is 612 mm (270-931), and 348 mm (138-683) in the growing season. Depending on drought intensity, crop yields may be reduced to 50% in relation to the genetic yield potential. In extremely dry years yield reductions in some crop species reach 90% in comparison with years with normal rainfall

    Does overhead irrigation with salt affect growth, yield, and phenolic content of lentil plants?

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    Overhead irrigation of lentil plants with salt (100 mM NaCl) did not have any significant impact on plant growth, while chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence parameter F-v/F-m were affected. Under such poor irrigation water quality, the malondialdehyde content in leaves was increased due to the lipid peroxidation of membranes. In seeds, the total phenolic content (TPC) was correlated to their total antioxidant capacity (TAC). High performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) detection showed that flavonoids (catechin, epicatechin, rutin, p-coumaric acid, quercetin, kaempferol, gallic acid and resveratrol) appear to be the compounds with the greatest influence on the TAC values. Catechin is the most abundant phenolic compound in lentil seeds. Overhead irrigation with salt reduced the concentration of almost all phenolic compounds analyzed from lentil seed extracts

    Нутритивне и биоактивне компоненте у плодовима једнородних и сталнорађајућих сорти јагодe

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    Поред шећера и витамина, плод јагоде (Fragaria×ananassa Duch) је важан извор и биоактивних једињења, као што су укупни феноли и антоцијани. Ова једињења истовремено дефинишу нутритивни и сензорички квалитет плода. У овим истраживањима испитиване су новије сорте јагоде , које су још увек у фази тестирања, и то три једнородне сорте ('Aprika', 'Sibilla', 'Vivaldi') и три сталнорађајуће сорте ('Albion', 'Capri', 'Irma') у којима су одређене концентрације индивидуалних шећера, органских киселина, витамина Ц, укупних фенола (TPC) и укупних антоцијана (TACY). Од једнородних сорти 'Vivaldi' се издвојила по садржају TACY (24.92 mg Pg-3-g eq/100 g свеже масе (FW)) и витамина Ц (46.7 mg/100 g FW), док је 'Sibilla' била доминантна у садржају глукозе и фруктозе (2.58 и 2.91 g/100 g FW, по редоследу), као и свих органских киселина детектованих помоћу HPLC. Од свих испитиваних параметара, једино је садржај TPC (1.41 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalents)/FW) био повећан код сорте 'Aprika' у односу на друге сорте. Од сталнорађајућих сорти 'Albion' се значајно издваја по високом садржају TACY (12.37 mg Pg-3-g eq/100 g FW) и витамина Ц (48.1 mg/100 g FW), док је 'Capri' била доминантнија у садржају фруктозе и глукозе (5.60 и 6.18 g/100 g FW, по редоследу), већине органских киселина, као и у садржају TPC (0.74 mg GAE/FW). Са аспекта здравствене корисности плода, као перспективне сорте могу се препоручити 'Aprika' од једнородних и 'Capri' од сталнорађајућих сорти

    Comparison of field performance and fruit quality among newly released Italian June-bearing strawberry cultivars

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    The aim of this study was to compare newly released June-bearing strawberry cultivars (‘Quicky’, ‘Sandra’, ‘Lofty’, ‘Nadja’ and ‘Aprica’) in terms of their phenology, vegetative growth, productivity and fruit quality to identify their potential for wider cultivation. A field study was conducted in a strawberry plantation established in July 2020 in double rows on beds covered with black polyethylene foil (Šid, Serbia). The cultivars were evaluated in 2021–2022 for their flowering and ripening time, productivity, plant growth, biometrical and nutritional fruit traits (soluble solids content – SSC, total acids – TAs, vitamin C, total anthocyanins – TACY, total phenolics – TPC and total antioxidant capacity – TAC). The cultivar ‘Quicky’ started to ripen earliest, while ‘Aprica’ was the latest in both experimental years. The number of branch crowns per plant was significantly higher in ‘Sandra’ and ‘Lofty’, whereby ‘Sandra’ had also the highest number of leaves per rosette (41.5) in comparison with the other tested cultivars. The cultivar ‘Aprica’ was superior in terms of productivity (1061 g/plant and 4.67 kg/m2 ), fruit weight (29.9 g) and fruit shape index (1.15). Contrary to this, ‘Nadja’ was the least productive cultivar (608 g/plant and 2.68 kg/m2). The cultivars ‘Lofty’ and ‘Sandra’ showed the highest SSC values and were also characterized by a considerably high level of TPC (1.29 mg GAE eq g-1 FW) and TACY (24.4 mg pg-3-g eq 100 g-1 FW), respectively. Variability among the tested cultivars could serve as an important criterion for the selection of new high-performing cultivars for a given growing region

    Classification and fingerprinting of different berries based on biochemical profiling and antioxidant capacity

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the biochemical composition of six berry types belonging to Fragaria, Rubus, Vaccinium and Ribes genus. Fruit samples were collected in triplicate (50 fruit each) from 18 different species or cultivars of the mentioned genera, during three years (2008 to 2010). Content of individual sugars, organic acids, flavonols, and phenolic acids were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis, while total phenolics (TPC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC), by using spectrophotometry. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) were performed to evaluate the differences in fruit biochemical profile. The highest contents of bioactive components were found in Ribes nigrum and in Fragaria vesca, Rubus plicatus, and Vaccinium myrtillus. PCA and CA were able to partially discriminate between berries on the basis of their biochemical composition. Individual and total sugars, myricetin, ellagic acid, TPC and TAC showed the highest impact on biochemical composition of the berry fruits. CA separated blackberry, raspberry, and blueberry as isolate groups, while classification of strawberry, black and red currant in a specific group has not occurred. There is a large variability both between and within the different types of berries. Metabolite fingerprinting of the evaluated berries showed unique biochemical profiles and specific combination of bioactive compound contents