11 research outputs found

    Adamantane, the Building Block in the Construction of Macrocyclic Systems

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    Dio naÅ”ih istraživanja obuhvaća sintezu novih makrocikličkih polietera i politialaktona koji sadrže policikličke molekule ugrađene u makrociklički prsten ili vezane kao supstituent pokrajnjeg lanca. Pripravili smo niz oksa-, aza- i tiakrunastih etera s adamantanskom molekulom ugrađenom u makrociklički prsten i istraživali smo njihovu sposobnost kompleksiranja s metalnim kationima pomoću eksperimenata ekstrakcije pikratnih soli alkalijskih metala ili uporabom spektrometrije masa, metodom ionizacije elektrorasprÅ”enjem. NaÅ”li smo da vrsta heteroatoma kao i prisutnost adamantanske podjedinice utječe na selektivnost kompleksiranja metalnih iona, a također i na ukupnu lipofilnost makrocikličkog liganda.Part of our investigation was directed to the synthesis of novel macrocyclic polyethers, which contain polycyclic cage molecule, incorporated into the macrocyclic framework or attached as a side chain. We have prepared a series of adamantane-functionalized oxa-, aza- and thia-crown ethers, and studied their complexation abilities by alkali or transition metal picrate extraction experiments or by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. In the homogeneous methanol/chloroform solutions as well as, in the extractions of metals from aqueous solution by macrocycles in chloroform, it was found that the type of heteroatom (O, N, S) and presence the adamantanesubstituents, influence the metal selectivity as well as the overall lipophilicity of the macrocyclic ligand

    Ispitivanje bioremedijacionog potencijala bakterijskih konzorcijuma sedimenata čukaričkog kanala (Beograd)

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    Poster presented at: Prvi naučnog skupa:ā€œZaÅ”tita životne sredineā€œ, (26. maj 2011., Sremska Kamenica)Abstract: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5063

    Ispitivanje bioremedijacionog potencijala bakterijskih konzorcijuma sedimenata čukaričkog kanala (Beograd)

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    Cilj ovog rada je procena bioremedijacionog potencijala sedimenata Čukaričkog kanala zagađenog naftom i njenim derivatima.Poster: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5422

    Ispitivanje bioremedijacionog potencijala bakterijskih konzorcijuma sedimenata čukaričkog kanala (Beograd)

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    Cilj ovog rada je procena bioremedijacionog potencijala sedimenata Čukaričkog kanala zagađenog naftom i njenim derivatima.Poster: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5064

    Pharmacological countermeasures to spaceflight-induced alterations of the immune system

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    Human bioastronautic programs have grown during the last 50 years. Medical and physiological findings from these missions have demonstrated that spaceflight impacts almost all physiological systems, including bone demineralization and reduced immunological competence. These adaptive responses can affect crew health and performance. Indeed, about half of the astronauts encountered immune dysregulations during space travels. Developing efficient countermeasures to preserve the astronautā€™s immune system is therefore a prerequisite before undertaking future long-duration space missions. In this chapter, we present promising pharmacological countermeasures to mitigate that risk