10 research outputs found

    Učestalost hipodoncije i atipičnih lateralnih sekutića udruženih sa impaktiranim maksilarnim očnjacima

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    Background/Aim. Many authors find that impacted maxillary canines is associated with missing and peg-shaped lateral incisor. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of peg-shaped and missing lateral incisor in subjects with impacted maxillary canines, and compare the size of maxillary lateral incisor on the side with palatally impacted canines and on the opposite side of the jaw where there is no impaction. Methods. The study included 64 patients with 80 impacted maxillary canines (23 males and 41 females, mean age 16.3). For each maxillary unerupted canine, precisely correct localization and classification into groups was done. We analyzed the morphology of the lateral incisor (normal, atypical) and frequency of missing of lateral maxillary incisors with canine impaction. Then, from the mentioned examinees sample with the maxillary canine teeth, a subgroup was formed. The criteria for selection were those with unilateral palatally impacted canines (33 subjects, 22 females and 11 males, mean age 17.8 years). The linear variables of the maxillary lateral incisor were measured by using digital measurements tools. The t-test was used to test the differences between the groups. Results. Normal morphology of the lateral incisors was found in 72% of the subjects with the impacted canines, 11.2% of the subjects had the peg-shaped lateral incisors, 6% had a bilateral and 4% had unilateral deficiency of lateral incisors. In the subgroup of the patients with unilateral palatal impaction, the middle value of the length of the lateral incisors was 1.9 mm shorter and the middle value of the width of the lateral incisors was smaller by 0.9 mm when comparing to the control group. Conclusion. The frequency of the deficiency of lateral incisors was statistically significantly higher in the group with palatal canine impaction. The maxillary lateral incisors on the side with palatally impacted canines were smaller than those on the side where there was no impaction.Uvod/Cilj. Mnogi autori pronalazili su da su atipični lateralni sekutići, kao i njihov nedostatak, udruženi sa impakcijama maksilarnih očnjaka. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita učestalost atipičnih lateralnih sekutića i njihov nedostatak kod pacijenata sa impaktiranim maksilarnim očnjacima kao i da se uporede veličine maksilarnih lateralnih sekutića na strani gde postoji palatinalno impaktiran očnjak i na suprotnoj strani vilice, gde ne postoji impakcija. Dužina i Å”irina lateralnih sekutića merene su na trodimentzionalnim snimcima. Metode. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 64 ispitanika (23 muÅ”kog pola i 41 ženskog pola, prosečne starosti 16,3 godine) sa 80 impaktiranih maksilarnih očnjaka. Za svaki impaktirani očnjak precizno je određena njegova lokalizacija (bukalan, palatinalan ili sredina alveole) pomoću trodimenzionalnog snimka maksile na osnovu čega su podeljeni u grupe po mestu impakcije. Analizirana je morfologija lateralnih sekutića (normalni, atipični) i učestalost nedostatka lateralnih sekutića u grupi sa bukalnim i palatinalnim impakcijama, a zatim je iz te grupe ispitanika izdvojena podgrupa. Kriterijum za odabir bile su unilateralne palatinalne impakcije očnjaka (33 ispitanika, 22 ženskog pola i 11 muÅ”kog pola, prosečne starosti 17,8 godina). T-test je koriŔćen za testiranje razlika između grupa. Rezultati. Ukupno 72% ispitanika sa impaktiranim očnjacima imalo je lateralne sekutiće normalne morfologije, 11,2% konične lateralne sekutiće, 6% ispitanika imalo je bilateralni nedostatak lateralnih sekutića i 4% unilateralni nedostatak lateralnog sekutića. U podgrupi ispitanika sa unilateralnim palatinalnim impakcijama srednja vrednost dužine lateralnih sekutića bila je za 0,9 mm kraća, u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom. Zaključak. Učestalost nedostatka lateranih sekutića bila je statistički značajno veća u grupi ispitanika sa palatinalnim impakcijama očnjaka nego u grupi sa bukalnim impakcijama očnjaka. Lateralni sekutići na strani palatinalno impaktiranih očnjaka bili su manji od onih na strani na kojoj nije bilo impakcije

    Uloga citokina u ortodontskom pomeranju zuba

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    One of the most important breakthroughs in the understanding of bone biology was the identification of the role of cytokines in bone remodelling including the alveolar bone exposed to the effect of mechanical forces during orthodontic treatment. Since bone remodelling is associated, in its early phase, with inflammation of the surrounding tissue, the hypothesis has been suggested on the role of proinflammatory cytokines in the process of bone remodelling, primarily IL-1Ī², IL-6 and TNF- Ī±. These cytokines function as response mediators in the acute phase of inflammation, as well as in the processes of metabolism, and stimulation of resorption and inhibition of bone formation. Mostly uninvestigated, the dynamics of concurrent changes of these three cytokines during the early phase of orthodontic teeth movement in children and adults was the subject of our investigation presented in this article on the current knowledge on the role of cytokines in this process.Jedan od najznačajnijih prodora u razumevanju bioloÅ”kih osobina kosti jeste rasvetljavanje uloge citokina u preoblikovanju kosti (remodeliranje, remodeling), uključujući i alveolarnu kost zuba, izloženog delovanju mehaničke sile tokom ortodontskog lečenja. S obzirom na to da je remodeliranje kosti, koje pokreću ortodontske sile, u svojoj ranoj fazi povezano sa zapaljenjem okolnog tkiva, izneta je pretpostavka o ulozi proinflamatornih citokina u procesu remodeliranja kosti, pre svega IL-1Ī², IL-6 i TNF-Ī±. Ovi citokini posreduju u reakcijama akutne faze zapaljenja, kao i u procesima metabolizma, stimulacije resorpcije i inhibicije stvaranja kosti. U velikoj meri neispitana, dinamika promena ova tri citokina istovremeno tokom rane faze ortodontskog pomeranja zuba kod dece i odraslih jeste predmet naÅ”ih istraživanja i povod za ovaj osvrt na postojeća saznanja o ulozi citokina u tom procesu

    The influence of head posture on the vertical dimension and the growth of facial skeleton

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    One of the factors that influences the growth of facial skeleton may be the head position in relation to the cervical spine. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of head position on facial height and inclination of the jaws. Also, the type of the face growth is determined on the basis of percentage of anterior and posterior facial height relationship. The face growth is related to the position of the head, which is estimated on the basis of values of craniocervical angle. Cephalometric radiographs are analyzed on the total of 90 orthodontic patients, who were divided into three groups based on the values of ANB angle as an indicator of sagittal skeletal jaw relationship. The results show that the position of the head extension in relation to the cervical spine is most often associated with class II maloclusion. Such a position of the head is associated with increased front and reduced rear height of the face and it creates conditions for the facial growth with backwards rotation. The increased values of the craniocervical angle are accompanied by increased values of angles of inclination of the jaw, which also affects the increase of front face height

    Orthodontics treatment open byte with fixed Damon technique

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    The complexity of the open bite is attributed to the combination of the skeletal, dental and soft tissue elements. Depending on the etiology there are different approaches in their solution from conventional to surgical orthodontic treatment. In boys, aged 15 years, was found anterior open bite. After diagnostic procedures and growth assessment, the Demon nonsurgical orthodontic treatment technique was performed. The use of mild force, low friction and early use of intraoral elastics, arterior vertikal and class II in the area of the side teeth, have enabled us to take advantage of favorable growth type maxillofacial complex by which we have achieved a satisfactory therapeutic effect and close the open bite

    Orthodontic-surgical treatment of four impacted canines in an adult patient: A case report

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    Introduction. Full impaction of canines, in both jaws, is a rare phenomenon. It is usually coupled with the persistence of deciduous canines, or any other irregularity in the dental arch. Case report. Panoramic radiograph of a 24-year-old female patient showed bilateral canine impaction in both jaws. Due to vestibular, apical and medial position of canines in the upper jaw, the surgical approach implied the apically positioned flap technique. The position of impacted mandibular canines was vertical with more coronal position relative to the upper canines, thus requiring a closed eruption technique. Conclusion. Inadequate position of impacted canines in the bone fully justifies the use of orthodontic-surgical treatment

    Radiographic cephalometry analysis of head posture and craniofacial morphology in oral breathing children

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    Background/Aim. Nasal breathing plays an important role in overall physical growth and mental development, as well as in the growth of the craniofacial complex. Oral breathing over a long period of time, can cause changes in position of the head relative to the cervical spine and jaw relationship. It can cause an open bite and the narrowness of the maxillary arch due to increased pressure of strained face. The aim of this study was to analyze the position of the head and craniofacial morphology in oral breathing children, and compare the values obtained compared with those of the same parameters in nasal brething children. Methods. We analyzed the profile cephalometric radiographs of 60 patients who had various orthodontic problems. In the first group there were 30 patients aged 8ā€“14 years, in which oral breathing is confirmed by clinical examination. In the second group there were 30 patients of the same age who had orthodontic problems, but did not show clinical signs of oral breathing. The analyses covered the following: craniocervical angle (NS/OPT), the length of the anterior cranial base (NS), anterior facial height (N-Me), posterior facial height (S-Go), the angle of maxillary prognathism (SNA), angle of mandibular prognathism (SNB), difference between angles SNA and SNB (ANB angle), the angle of the basal planes of the jaws (SpP/MP), cranial base angle (NSB), and the angle of facial convexity (NA/Apg). Results. The average value of the craniocervical angle (NS/OPT) was significantly higher in OB children (p = 0.004). There were significantly different values of SNA (p < 0.001), ANB (p < 0.001), NA/APg (p < 0.001) and length of the anterior cranial base (NS) (p = 0.024) between groups. Conclusion. Oral breathing children have pronounced retroflexion of the head in relation to the cervical spine compared to nasal breathing children, and the most prominent characteristics of the craniofacial morphology of skeletal jaw relationship of class II and increased facial convexity

    Levels of interleukin IL-6 in gingival fluid during orthodontic tooth movement: Children vs. adult

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    During orthodontic tooth movement comes to remodeling of periodontal ligament and alveolar bone in response to mechanical loading. Mechanical loading, which comes from the orthodontic force causes aseptic inflammatory reaction within the periodontal tissue, which, in turn, initiates the biological processes associated with bone remodeling. As one of the controllers of the process of bone remodeling, during orthodontic treatment, it is mentioned to be interleukin-6 (IL-6). IL-6 stimulates the production of osteoclasts, ie. induces bone resorption to the osteoclastogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of patient age on the production of interleukin-6 (IL-6) during the early stages of orthodontic tooth movement Participants were 10 children (mean age 13 years) and 10 adults (mean age 20 years) in which the orthodontic separator placed between the second premolar and first molar on one side and the opposite side served as controls. Samples were taken from treated and control teeth and before 24, 72, and 168 hours of placing the separator. Level of cytokines was determined by means of enzyme-linked whales. The content of IL-6 in gingival fluid of children and adults are remarkably different, when it comes to control, and when it comes to orthodontic treated teeth. IL-6 in gingival fluid control teeth of children was significantly lower than the content of cytokines in gingival fluid control adults. However, during orthodontic treatment, the content of IL-6 in gingival fluid is remarkably increased in children than in adults, in the comparative periods, where the trend changes in the content of this cytokine was the same in children and adults. The degree of increase is higher in children than adults which shows that the immune system of children reacts more quickly to local changes and the metabolic activity of periodontal ligament higher than in adult patients

    The prevalence of peg-shaped and missing lateral incisors with maxillary impacted canines

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    Background/Aim. Many authors find that impacted maxillary canines is associated with missing and peg-shaped lateral incisor. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of peg-shaped and missing lateral incisor in subjects with impacted maxillary canines, and compare the size of maxillary lateral incisor on the side with palatally impacted canines and on the opposite side of the jaw where there is no impaction. Methods. The study included 64 patients with 80 impacted maxillary canines (23 males and 41 females, mean age 16.3). For each maxillary unerupted canine, precisely correct localization and classification into groups was done. We analyzed the morphology of the lateral incisor (normal, atypical) and frequency of missing of lateral maxillary incisors with canine impaction. Then, from the mentioned examinees sample with the maxillary canine teeth, a subgroup was formed. The criteria for selection were those with unilateral palatally impacted canines (33 subjects, 22 females and 11 males, mean age 17.8 years). The linear variables of the maxillary lateral incisor were measured by using digital measurements tools. The t-test was used to test the differences between the groups. Results. Normal morphology of the lateral incisors was found in 72% of the subjects with the impacted canines, 11.2% of the subjects had the peg-shaped lateral incisors, 6% had a bilateral and 4% had unilateral deficiency of lateral incisors. In the subgroup of the patients with unilateral palatal impaction, the middle value of the length of the lateral incisors was 1.9 mm shorter and the middle value of the width of the lateral incisors was smaller by 0.9 mm when comparing to the control group. Conclusion. The frequency of the deficiency of lateral incisors was statistically significantly higher in the group with palatal canine impaction. The maxillary lateral incisors on the side with palatally impacted canines were smaller than those on the side where there was no impaction

    The prevalence of peg-shaped and missing lateral incisors with maxillary impacted canines

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    Background/Aim. Many authors find that impacted maxillary canines is associated with missing and peg-shaped lateral incisor. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of peg-shaped and missing lateral incisor in subjects with impacted maxillary canines, and compare the size of maxillary lateral incisor on the side with palatally impacted canines and on the opposite side of the jaw where there is no impaction. Methods. The study included 64 patients with 80 impacted maxillary canines (23 males and 41 females, mean age 16.3). For each maxillary unerupted canine, precisely correct localization and classification into groups was done. We analyzed the morphology of the lateral incisor (normal, atypical) and frequency of missing of lateral maxillary incisors with canine impaction. Then, from the mentioned examinees sample with the maxillary canine teeth, a subgroup was formed. The criteria for selection were those with unilateral palatally impacted canines (33 subjects, 22 females and 11 males, mean age 17.8 years). The linear variables of the maxillary lateral incisor were measured by using digital measurements tools. The t-test was used to test the differences between the groups. Results. Normal morphology of the lateral incisors was found in 72% of the subjects with the impacted canines, 11.2% of the subjects had the peg-shaped lateral incisors, 6% had a bilateral and 4% had unilateral deficiency of lateral incisors. In the subgroup of the patients with unilateral palatal impaction, the middle value of the length of the lateral incisors was 1.9 mm shorter and the middle value of the width of the lateral incisors was smaller by 0.9 mm when comparing to the control group. Conclusion. The frequency of the deficiency of lateral incisors was statistically significantly higher in the group with palatal canine impaction. The maxillary lateral incisors on the side with palatally impacted canines were smaller than those on the side where there was no impaction.Uvod/Cilj. Mnogi autori pronalazili su da su atipični lateralni sekutići, kao i njihov nedostatak, udruženi sa impakcijama maksilarnih očnjaka. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita učestalost atipičnih lateralnih sekutića i njihov nedostatak kod pacijenata sa impaktiranim maksilarnim očnjacima kao i da se uporede veličine maksilarnih lateralnih sekutića na strani gde postoji palatinalno impaktiran očnjak i na suprotnoj strani vilice, gde ne postoji impakcija. Dužina i Å”irina lateralnih sekutića merene su na trodimentzionalnim snimcima. Metode. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 64 ispitanika (23 muÅ”kog pola i 41 ženskog pola, prosečne starosti 16,3 godine) sa 80 impaktiranih maksilarnih očnjaka. Za svaki impaktirani očnjak precizno je određena njegova lokalizacija (bukalan, palatinalan ili sredina alveole) pomoću trodimenzionalnog snimka maksile na osnovu čega su podeljeni u grupe po mestu impakcije. Analizirana je morfologija lateralnih sekutića (normalni, atipični) i učestalost nedostatka lateralnih sekutića u grupi sa bukalnim i palatinalnim impakcijama, a zatim je iz te grupe ispitanika izdvojena podgrupa. Kriterijum za odabir bile su unilateralne palatinalne impakcije očnjaka (33 ispitanika, 22 ženskog pola i 11 muÅ”kog pola, prosečne starosti 17,8 godina). T-test je koriŔćen za testiranje razlika između grupa. Rezultati. Ukupno 72% ispitanika sa impaktiranim očnjacima imalo je lateralne sekutiće normalne morfologije, 11,2% konične lateralne sekutiće, 6% ispitanika imalo je bilateralni nedostatak lateralnih sekutića i 4% unilateralni nedostatak lateralnog sekutića. U podgrupi ispitanika sa unilateralnim palatinalnim impakcijama srednja vrednost dužine lateralnih sekutića bila je za 0,9 mm kraća, u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom. Zaključak. Učestalost nedostatka lateranih sekutića bila je statistički značajno veća u grupi ispitanika sa palatinalnim impakcijama očnjaka nego u grupi sa bukalnim impakcijama očnjaka. Lateralni sekutići na strani palatinalno impaktiranih očnjaka bili su manji od onih na strani na kojoj nije bilo impakcije

    Differences in IL-1Ī² and IL-6 levels in the gingival crevicular fluid during acute phase of orthodontic tooth movement between juveniles and young adults

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    Background/Aim. There is little information, about the difference in cytokine levels in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) during orthodontic tooth movement (OTM), between juveniles (children) and young adults (adults). The aim of this study was to examine the levels of interleukins IL-1Ī² and IL- 6 in GCF of these two age groups during the acute phase of OTM. Methods. The subjects, 10 children and 10 adults, underwent OTM of a single tooth, with an untreated antagonistic tooth used as the control group. GCF was sampled from both the control and treatment sites right before the beginning (the baseline) and 24 h, 72 h and 168 h upon initiation of OTM. Cytokine levels were determined by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results. The levels of both GCF IL-1Ī² and IL-6 showed a bimodal peak during early phase of OTM, at 24 h and 168 h, in both age groups. As the statistic has shown, the increase in IL-1Ī² levels was more prominent after 168 h in treated teeth of children, compared to both childrenā€™s control teeth and treated teeth of adults, whilst the GCF IL-6 levels in the same group increased significantly after 24 h, as well as after 168 h, approximately 70 and 55 fold, respectively. In the same time periods the increase of IL-6 levels in GCF of adults was notably lesser, averaging approximately 5 and 10 fold, respectively, compared to the control teeth. In addition, the amount of tooth movement was statistically larger for children than for adults 168 hours upon the initiation of OTM. Conclusion. GCF IL-1Ī² and IL-6 were increasingly expressed during initial phase of OTM in both children and adults. However, excretory response of cytokines in childrenā€™s GCF, especially the concentration of IL-6, was at a significantly higher level than that of adultsā€™, which accords to the finding that the initial OTM is faster in children