17 research outputs found

    New Insights on Long-Term Hepatitis B Virus Responses in HIV–Hepatitis B virus Co-infected Patients: Implications for Antiretroviral Management in Hepatitis B virus-Endemic Settings

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    BACKGROUND: WHO treatment guidelines recommend tenofovir plus lamivudine or emtricitabine as the nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor backbone in first-line regimens for HIV-infected adults. Lamivudine alone is not recommended, because of the risk of hepatitis B virus (HBV) resistance. We studied HBV responses in a large cohort of co-infected patients in a resource-limited setting. SETTING: Clinical centers in Uganda and Zimbabwe. METHODS: DART was a randomized trial of monitoring practices in HIV-infected adults starting antiretroviral therapy. Baseline samples were tested retrospectively for HBV serological markers and HBV DNA. Longitudinal HBV DNA testing at 48 weeks and the last available sample before HBV-relevant modification of antiretroviral therapy was performed on patients with detectable HBV DNA at baseline. RESULTS: Two hundred twenty-four hepatitis B surface antigen-positive patients were followed for up to 4.8 years. Of the drugs with anti-HBV activity, 166 were prescribed lamivudine-tenofovir and 58 lamivudine alone. Ninety-eight percent (96/98) patients with baseline HBV DNA 6 log10 IU/mL. Of the 83 patients suppressed at 48 weeks and with follow-up data, only 7(8%) experienced viral rebound (range 200-3460 IU/mL). Of the 20 patients not suppressed at 48 weeks and with follow-up data, HBV DNA levels generally declined with lamivudine-tenofovir, but increased with lamivudine alone. Alanine transaminase flares were not observed in any patient who experienced viral rebound. CONCLUSIONS: The suppressive effect of lamivudine alone was highly durable (up to 5 years) in HIV-HBV co-infected patients with baseline HBV DNA <6 log10 IU/mL. It may be feasible to develop stratified approaches using lamivudine as the only drug with anti-HBV activity

    Examining oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) literacy among participants in an HIV vaccine trial preparedness cohort study

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    Background: PrEP literacy is influenced by many factors including the types of information available and how it is interpreted. The level of PrEP literacy may influence acceptability and uptake. Methods: We conducted 25 in-depth interviews in a HIV vaccine trial preparedness cohort study. We explored what participants knew about PrEP, sources of PrEP knowledge and how much they know about PrEP. We used the framework approach to generate themes for analysis guided by the Social Ecological Model and examined levels of PrEP literacy using the individual and interpersonal constructs of the SEM. Results: We found that PrEP awareness is strongly influenced by external factors such as social media and how much participants know about HIV treatment and prevention in the local community. However, while participants highlighted the importance of the internet/social media as a source of information about PrEP they talked of low PrEP literacy in their communities. Participants indicated that their own knowledge came as a result of joining the HIV vaccine trial preparedness study. However, some expressed doubts about the effectiveness of the drug and worried about side effects. Participants commented that at the community level PrEP was associated with being sexually active, because it was used to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV. As a result, some participants commented that one could feel judged by the health workers for asking for PrEP at health facilities in the community. Conclusion: The information collected in this study provided an understanding of the different layers of influence around individuals that are important to address to improve PrEP acceptability and uptake. Our findings can inform strategies to address the barriers to PrEP uptake, particularly at structural and community levels. Trial registration: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04066881

    Examining oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) literacy among participants in an HIV vaccine trial preparedness cohort study

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    Background PrEP literacy is influenced by many factors including the types of information available and how it is interpreted. The level of PrEP literacy may influence acceptability and uptake. Methods We conducted 25 in-depth interviews in a HIV vaccine trial preparedness cohort study. We explored what participants knew about PrEP, sources of PrEP knowledge and how much they know about PrEP. We used the framework approach to generate themes for analysis guided by the Social Ecological Model and examined levels of PrEP literacy using the individual and interpersonal constructs of the SEM. Results We found that PrEP awareness is strongly influenced by external factors such as social media and how much participants know about HIV treatment and prevention in the local community. However, while participants highlighted the importance of the internet/social media as a source of information about PrEP they talked of low PrEP literacy in their communities. Participants indicated that their own knowledge came as a result of joining the HIV vaccine trial preparedness study. However, some expressed doubts about the effectiveness of the drug and worried about side effects. Participants commented that at the community level PrEP was associated with being sexually active, because it was used to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV. As a result, some participants commented that one could feel judged by the health workers for asking for PrEP at health facilities in the community. Conclusion The information collected in this study provided an understanding of the different layers of influence around individuals that are important to address to improve PrEP acceptability and uptake. Our findings can inform strategies to address the barriers to PrEP uptake, particularly at structural and community levels. Trial registration https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT0406688

    A Survey of Priority Livestock Diseases and Laboratory Diagnostic Needs of Animal Health Professionals and Farmers in Uganda

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    Background: Despite the investments made in veterinary diagnostic laboratory service delivery in Uganda, the scope and level of utilization remains low. This study aimed to determine the priority livestock diseases for which farmers and animal health professionals require veterinary diagnostic laboratory services, document the perceptions and opinions of key stakeholders on veterinary diagnostic laboratory services, and determine the factors that influence the delivery and utilization of animal disease diagnostic services in Uganda. Methods: A qualitative study approach involving a survey and key informant interviews was used to collect relevant data from four stakeholder groups: animal health workers, laboratory technologists and technicians, farmers, and key informants. The survey data were exported to excel, and descriptive statistics performed. The key informant interview recordings were transcribed, and thematic analysis performed. Results: The most reported diseases and conditions for which diagnostic services were needed were hemoparasites (including East Coast fever, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and trypanosomosis), viral (including Foot and mouth disease, lumpy skin disease, rift valley fever, and papillomatosis), bacteria (including brucellosis, colibacillosis, anthrax, leptospirosis, and paratuberculosis) and protozoa diseases (coccidiosis), endoparasites (helminths), and mastitis. The most common diagnostic laboratory tests requested by clients, but laboratories were unable to provide included: rapid tests for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, Foot and mouth disease, Newcastle disease, acaricide analysis, culture and antimicrobial sensitivity test, serology, and complete blood count. The most frequently reported challenges to providing diagnostic laboratory services were poor or lack of relevant equipment, insufficient or lack of supplies and reagents, high cost of reagents, inadequate or lack of laboratory staff to perform tests, and inadequate training of laboratory staff. Conclusions: This study highlighted the need to improve provision of laboratory diagnostic services to meet the prioritized diagnostic needs of farmers and animal health professionals. Increased intersectoral engagement and funding support from the private, industry, and government sectors is necessary to help address the observed challenges to provision of diagnostic laboratory services, including equipping of the laboratories, provision of supplies, and hiring and training of laboratory staff. Finally, the findings also suggest that the education of farmers and animal health workers on the value and benefits of laboratory diagnostic services may contribute to increase in sample submission and subsequent demand for diagnostic laboratory services. © Copyright © 2021 Vudriko, Ekiri, Endacott, Williams, Gityamwi, Byaruhanga, Alafiatayo, Mijten, Tweyongyere, Varga and Cook

    A One Health approach to fight antimicrobial resistance in Uganda: Implementation experience, results, and lessons learned

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    Uganda has been implementing the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) since 2015 to build its capacity according to World Health Organization (WHO) Benchmarks on International Health Regulations Capacities. The country remains prone to outbreaks, with more than 20 disease outbreaks reported in the past five years, including Ebola virus disease, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, Marburg haemorrhagic fever, measles, yellow fever, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and cholera. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an ongoing challenge. Uganda scored capacity level 3 on infection prevention and control (IPC) and antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) in the 2017 Joint External Evaluation (JEE) assessment. Identified gaps were being addressed after a self-assessment in 2021. This paper describes the technical assistance approaches provided to Uganda by the Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services Program, funded by the United States (U.S.) Agency for International Development, and implemented by Management Sciences for Health. The program, through a One Health approach, supported systematic capacity strengthening based on the JEE’s capacity advancement framework for global health security, specifically relating to AMR. The program’s interventions impacted 32 WHO benchmark actions (7 for AMR multisectoral coordination, 16 for IPC, and 9 for AMS), contributing to Uganda’s strengthened GHSA capacity. Leveraging success built on the AMR platform, the program trained 745 health workers in IPC for the Ebola virus and provided support for simulation exercises by eight district IPC teams. The program also worked with the Ministry of Health to coordinate IPC for the COVID-19 response in five health regions, covering 45 districts and reaching 5,452 health workers at 858 health facilities

    Control of ticks and tick-borne diseases in Africa through improved diagnosis and utilisation of data on acaricide resistance

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    Abstract A meeting, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and organised by Clinglobal, was held at The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Nairobi, Kenya, from 19th – to 21st October 2022. The meeting assembled a unique group of experts on tick control in Africa. Academia, international agencies (FAO and ILRI), the private Animal Health sector and government veterinary services were represented. The significant outcomes included: (i) a shared commitment to standardisation and improvement of acaricide resistance bioassay protocols, particularly the widely used larval packet test (LPT); (ii) development of novel molecular assays for detecting acaricide resistance; (3) creation of platforms for disseminating acaricide resistance data to farmers, veterinary service providers and veterinary authorities to enable more rational evidence-based control of livestock ticks. Implementation of enhanced control will be facilitated by several recently established networks focused on control of parasites in Africa and globally, whose activities were presented at the meeting. These include a newly launched community of practice on management of livestock ticks, coordinated by FAO, an African module of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP-AN) and the MAHABA (Managing Animal Health and Acaricides for a Better Africa) initiative of Elanco Animal Health. Graphical Abstrac