316 research outputs found

    Simplified Thermal Evolution of Proto-hybrid Stars

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    We study the possibility of a hadron-quark phase transition in the interior of neutron stars, taking into account different schematic evolutionary stages at finite temperature. Furthermore, we analyze the astrophysical properties of hot and cold hybrid stars, considering the constraint on maximum mass given by the pulsars J1614-2230 and J1614-2230. We obtain cold hybrid stars with maximum masses ≥2\geq 2 M⊙_{\odot}. Our study also suggest that during the proto-hybrid star evolution a late phase transition between hadronic matter and quark matter could occur, in contrast with previous studies of proto-neutron stars.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, contribution to the Proceedings of the VII International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics - IWARA 201

    Constant entropy hybrid stars: a first approximation of cooling evolution

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    We aim to study the possibility of a hadron-quark phase transition in the interior of neutron stars, taking into account different schematic evolutionary stages at finite temperature. We also discuss the strange quark matter stability in the quark matter phase. Furthermore, we aim to analyze the astrophysical properties of hot and cold hybrid stars, considering the constraint on maximum mass given by the pulsars J1614-2230 and J0348+0432. We have developed a computational code to construct semi-analytical hybrid equations of state at fixed entropy per baryon and to obtain different families of hybrid stars. An analytical approximation of the Field Correlator Method is developed for the quark matter equation of state. For the hadronic equation of state we use a table based on the relativistic mean field theory, without hyperons. We solved the relativistic structure equations of hydrostatic equilibrium and mass conservation for hybrid star configurations. For the different equations of state obtained, we calculated the stability window for the strange quark matter, lepton abundances, temperature profiles and contours profiles for the maximum mass star depending on the parameters of the Field Correlator Method. We also computed the mass-radius and gravitational mass-baryonic mass relationships for different hybrid star families. We have analyzed different stages of hot hybrid stars as a first approximation of the cooling evolution of neutron stars with quark matter cores. We obtain cold hybrid stars with maximum masses ≥2M⊙\geq 2 M_\odot for different combinations of the Field Correlator Method parameters. In addition, our study based on the gravitational mass - baryonic mass plane shows a late phase transition between hadronic and quark matter during the proto-hybrid star evolution, in contrast with previous studies of proto-neutron stars.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, published in A&A 601, A21 (2017

    On Inflation and Variation of the Strong Coupling Constant

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    Variation of constants in the very early universe can generate inflation. We consider a scenario where the strong coupling constant was changing in time and where the gluon condensate underwent a phase transition ending the inflation.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Time variation of fundamental constants: two phenomenological models

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    Time variation of fundamental constants, a strong signal of new physics, is analyzed comparing extant data with two phenomenological models. Results are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. aipproc.sty; Talk given in the X Mexican School of Particles and Fields, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, 2002

    Axiomatic Foundations of Galilean Quantum Field Theories

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