130 research outputs found

    Characterization of graphs whose a small power of their edge ideals has a linear free resolution

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    Let I(G)I(G) be the edge ideal of a simple graph GG. We prove that I(G)2I(G)^2 has a linear free resolution if and only if GG is gap-free and regI(G)3I(G) \le 3. Similarly, we show that I(G)3I(G)^3 has a linear free resolution if and only if GG is gap-free and regI(G)4I(G) \le 4. We deduce these characterizations from a general formula for the regularity of powers of edge ideals of gap-free graphs reg(I(G)s)=max(regI(G)+s1,2s),{\rm reg}(I(G)^s) = \max({\rm reg} I(G) + s-1,2s), for s=2,3s =2,3.Comment: 14 pages. Update a proof of Theorem 2.13 with a statement for a squarefree monomial ideal. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2109.0639

    Active Targeting of Cancer Cells by the Shape of Nanoparticles

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    The shape of nanoparticles has emerged as a potentially important factor in the design of drug carriers in vitro and in vivo. Changing the shape of the conventional nanospheres to high aspect ratio (length/diameter) nanoparticles such as rod-shaped and worm-like shapes results in a significant alteration in the amount of nanoparticles and drug that can be delivered to the nucleus (Nat Nanotechnol, 12 (1), 81-89 (2017)). This has been attributed to rod-shaped nanoparticles escaping endosomes and entering the nucleus more effectively in comparison to their spherical counterparts. However, it is unclear whether the shape of nanoparticles enables the targeting of cancer cells over healthy cells? This thesis seeks to show how a material property such as the shape can be used for active targeting of cancer cells over healthy cells rather than a surface receptor target such as antibody. The reason for this is that if an antibody modified nanoparticle contacts a healthy cell, it can still be taken up by the healthy cells. Also, the use of surface receptors confers so little advantage as indicated in the seminal Nature Reviews Materials 1 16014 (2016). Here materials morphology is explored as an approach to design a nanoparticle shape that is taken up by endocytosis mechanisms only occurring in cancer cells. Here it is found that nanorods internalise into cancer cells through the macropinocytosis pathway - a consequence of oncogenic alterations of cancer cells (most healthy cells are non-macropinocytic). Comparison of endocytic behaviour of cancer and healthy cells provides control over the uptake of nanorods by cancer cells and suppress the metabolism and endocytosis of nanorods in healthy cells. Secondly, the nanorods enable the delivery of the anticancer drug doxorubicin to the nucleus of cancer cells which selectively kills the cancer over the healthy cells in a monoculture or co-culture of the two mixed cell types. This study opens exciting possibilities for targeting cancer cells over healthy cells by adjusting the shape of nanoparticles

    Depth of powers of edge ideals of cycles and trees

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    Let II be the edge ideal of a cycle of length n5n \ge 5 over a polynomial ring S=k[x1,,xn]S = \mathrm{k}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]. We prove that for 2t<(n+1)/22 \le t < \lceil (n+1)/2 \rceil, depth(S/It)=nt+13.\operatorname{depth} (S/I^t) = \lceil \frac{n -t + 1}{3} \rceil. When G=TaG = T_{\mathbf{a}} is a starlike tree which is the join of kk paths of length a1,,aka_1, \ldots, a_k at a common root 11, we give a formula for the depth of powers of I(Ta)I(T_{\mathbf{a}})


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    The development of Solar energy system is growing rapidly in Vietnam in recent years by encouragement of the Government in renewable energy. Requirement for accurate knowledge of the solar radiation reaching the surface is increasingly important in the successful deployment of Solar photovoltaic plants. However, measurements of different components of solar resources including direct normal irradiance (DNI) and global horizontal irradiance (GHI) are limited to few stations over whole country. Satellite imagery provides an ability to monitor the surface radiation over large areas at high spatial and temporal resolution as alternatives at low cost. Observations from the new Japanese geostationary satellite Himawari-8 produce imagery covering Asia-Pacific region, permitting estimation of GHI and DNI over Vietnam at 10-minute temporal resolution. However, accurate comparisons with ground observations are essential to assess their uncertainty. In this study, we evaluated the Himawari-8 radiation product AMATERASS provided by JST/CREST TEEDDA using observations recorded at 5 stations in different regions of Vietnam. The result shows good agreement between satellite estimation and observed data with high correlation of range 0.92-0.94, but better in clear-sky episodes.Because of AMATERASS outperform, we used it for validating ERA-Interim reanalysis in the spatial scale. The comparison was made dividedly for 7 climate zones and 4 seasons. The conclusion is that ERA-Interim is also well associated with satellite-based estimates in seasonal trend for all season, but in average the reanalysis has negative bias towards satellite estimates. This underestimation is more pronounced in the months of JJA and SON periods and in the north part of Vietnam because of unpredicted cloud in the ERA reanalysis

    Characterization of pig farms in Hung Yen, Hai Duong and Bac Ninh provinces

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    peer reviewedIn order to characterization of pig farms in the Red River Delta, a study was conducted on 90 pig farms in Hung Yen, Hai Duong and Bac Ninh provinces from June to December 2006. Results show that most of the pig farms had been built for five years with a small size (0.5 hectare per farm). The invested capital was about 300-400 millions VND per farm. Four main sow groups used in the farms included crossbred exotic sows (51.1%), crossbred sow between local and exotic breeds (14.4%), purebred Landrace and Yorkshire breeds (15.6 and 18.9%, respectively). The boars were various (Duroc 30%, Yorkshire 21%, Landrace 13%, PiÐtrain × Duroc 36% and others). The pigs farms were faced with several difficulties such as limited land, lack of invested capital, uncontrolled quality of breeding pigs, high costs of feed, poor hygiene condition and diseases

    Inferring Properties of Graph Neural Networks

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    We propose GNNInfer, the first automatic property inference technique for GNNs. To tackle the challenge of varying input structures in GNNs, GNNInfer first identifies a set of representative influential structures that contribute significantly towards the prediction of a GNN. Using these structures, GNNInfer converts each pair of an influential structure and the GNN to their equivalent FNN and then leverages existing property inference techniques to effectively capture properties of the GNN that are specific to the influential structures. GNNINfer then generalizes the captured properties to any input graphs that contain the influential structures. Finally, GNNInfer improves the correctness of the inferred properties by building a model (either a decision tree or linear regression) that estimates the deviation of GNN output from the inferred properties given full input graphs. The learned model helps GNNInfer extend the inferred properties with constraints to the input and output of the GNN, obtaining stronger properties that hold on full input graphs. Our experiments show that GNNInfer is effective in inferring likely properties of popular real-world GNNs, and more importantly, these inferred properties help effectively defend against GNNs' backdoor attacks. In particular, out of the 13 ground truth properties, GNNInfer re-discovered 8 correct properties and discovered likely correct properties that approximate the remaining 5 ground truth properties. Using properties inferred by GNNInfer to defend against the state-of-the-art backdoor attack technique on GNNs, namely UGBA, experiments show that GNNInfer's defense success rate is up to 30 times better than existing baselines.Comment: 20 pages main paper, 10 pages for appendi

    Long Term Partial Discharge Behavior of Protrusion Defect in HVDC GIS

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    2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] This article investigates the partial discharge (PD) behavior of protrusion defects in real-size high-voltage direct current gas insulated switchgear (HVDC GIS) for SF6 and SF6 alternative gases including fluoronitrile-CO2 mixture (10%) and fluoroketone-dry air mixture (6.6%). The evolution of PD apparent charge and PD repetition rate for all investigated gases is presented and discussed. The measurement results indicate that PD behavior changes as a function of time. The PD apparent charge increases and the PD repetition rate decreases with the increase of voltage application time. This evolution can be related to the change in protrusion tip radius due to electrochemical etching: radius of the protrusion's tip being enlarged. In addition, the pulse sequence analysis (PSA) plots of the PDs caused by this defect are presented. It is observed that the PSA plots change over time. Therefore, for the development of a robust PD monitoring and defect-recognition tool, as well as for the assessment of risks in the operation of HVDC GIS, it is crucial to take these changes into account.This work was supported in part by the Horizon 2020 Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks (PROMOTioN) Project under Grant 691714 and in part by the French Government through the frame of "Investissements d'avenir," under Grant ANE-ITE-002-01.Vu, C.; Toigo, C.; Jacquier, F.; Girodet, A.; Riechert, U.; Tuczek, MN.; Rodrigo Mor, A. (2022). Long Term Partial Discharge Behavior of Protrusion Defect in HVDC GIS. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 29(6):2294-2302. https://doi.org/10.1109/TDEI.2022.32067262294230229

    A Survey on Some Parameters of Beef and Buffalo Meat Quality

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    A survey was carried out on 13 Vietnamese Yellow cattle, 14 LaiSind cattle and 18 buffalos in Hanoi to estimate the quality of longissimus dorsi in terms of pH, color, drip loss, cooking loss and tenderness at 6 different postmortem intervals. It was found that the pH value of longissimus dorsi was not significantly different among the 3 breeds (P>0.05), being reduced rapidly during the first 36 hours postmortem, and then stayed stable. The value was in the range that was considered to be normal. Conversely, the color values L*, a* and b* tended to increase and also stable at 36 hours postmortem, except that for LaiSind cattle at 48 hours. According to L* scale, the meat of Yellow and LaiSind cattle met the normal quality but the buffalo meat was considered to be dark cutters. The tenderness of longissimus dorsi was significantly different among the breeds (P<0.05). The value was highest at 48 hours and then decreased for LaiSind and buffalo, but for Yellow cattle the value decreased continuously after slaughtering In terms of tenderness buffalo meat and Yellow cattle meat were classified as “intermediate”, while LaiSind meat was out of this interval and classified as “tough”. Drip loss ratio was increased with the time of preservation (P<0.05). The cooking loss ratio was lowest at 12 hours and higher at the next period, but there was no significant difference among the periods after 36 hours postmotem.Peer reviewe