40 research outputs found

    Genetic specificity of mineral nurition apple cultivars in orchard Borinci

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    ViÅ”egodiÅ”njim istraživanjima biljno-hranidbenog kapaciteta tla metodom folijarne dijagnoze u plantaži jabuka Borinci na antropogenom eutričnom smeđem tlu na karbonatnom lesu u semiaridnom području istočne Slavonije utvrđene su genetske, odnosno sortne specifičnosti, mineralne ishrane. Istraživanja su obavljena u plantaži Borinci kraj Vinkovaca na 5 do 11 godina starim stablima sorata: Golden Delicious, Gloster, Melrous, Idared, Red Boskoop, Jonagold i Jonathan, cijepljenim na podlozi M9. Jabuke su dostatno opskrbljene duÅ”ikom i kalijem, a optimalno fosforom,kalcijem i magnezijem. Veće variranje utvrđeno je u koncentraciji duÅ”ika i kalija. Genetske, odnosno sortne specifičnosti odrazile su utjecaj na koncentraciju duÅ”ika, kalija i kalcija, dok je razina fosfora i magnezija uglavnom podjednaka u liŔću svih istraživanih sorti. Najveću koncentraciju duÅ”ika sadrži liŔće sorte Gloster, a najmanju sorte Golden Deliciou. Signifikantna je razlika između ove dvije sorte i u njihovu odnosu na ostale sorte. Podjednaku koncentraciju duÅ”ika sadrži liŔće skupine sorti Melrous, Jonagold i Jonathan, kao i u skupine sorti Idared i Melrous. Utvrđena je signifikantna razlika između dvije skupine sorti. Veću koncentraciju kalija ima liŔće sorte Melrous od ostalih sorti. Razlika je signifikantna. Manju koncentraciju kalija sadrži liŔće sorti Gloster, Idared i Jonathan od sorti Golden Delicious i Jonagold. Razlika je statistički opravdana. Signifikantno nižu koncentraciju kalcija sadrži liŔće sorte Melrous od ostalih soreti. Signifikantno veću koncentraciju kalcija sadrži liŔće sorata Golden Delicious, Gloster, i Idared od sorata Jonagold i Jonathan.Investigations of the plant feeding capacity of the soil using foliar diagnosis method on apple plantation on antropogenous brown soil on calcareous loess were carried out over the period of six years in the eastern Croatia for determination of genetic, i.e. cultivar features of mineral nutrition. The investigations were carried out on the plantation of the Borinci near Vinkovci on 5 to 11 year old trees in the cultivars: Golden Delicious, Gloster, Melrous, Idared, Red Boskoop, Jonagold and Jonathan grafted on rootstock M9. Apples are sufficiently supplied with nitrogen and potassium, and optimal supply of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Greater variations were determined in concentrations of nitrogen and potassium. Genetic and variety specificity has reflected its influence to concentration of nitrogen, potassium and calcium while levels of phosphorus and magnesium are rather equal in leafs of investigated cultivars. The level of nitrogen was the highest in the leaves of cv. Gloster and the lowest in cv. Golden Delicious. There is a significant difference between these two cultivars and in their relation to other cultivars. Equal concentrations of nitrogen are determined in leafs of cultivars Melrous, Jonagold and Jonathan, as well as in cultivars Idared and Melrous. Significant difference is determined between two groups of cultivars. The concentration of potassium was higher in leafs of cultivar Melrous than in leafs of other cultivars. The difference is significant. The concentration of potassium was lower in leafs of cultivars Gloster, Idared and Jonathan than in leafs of cultivars Golden Delicious and Jonagold. The difference is statistically justified. Significantly lower concentration of potassium was found in leafs of cultivars Gloster, Idared and Jonathan than in cultivars Golden Delicious and Jinagold. The difference is statistically justified. Leafs of cultivar Melrous have significantly lower concentration of calcium than other cultivars. Significantly higher concentration of calcium was found in leafs of cultivars Golden Delicious, Gloster and Idared than in cultivars Jonagold and Jonathan

    Natural and Cultural Heritage as a Paradigm for Agrotourism Development in Krapina-Zagorje County

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    In this paper, we analyzed the connection between the natural and cultural heritage and agrotourism, respectively the natural and cultural heritage as a paradigm for development of agrotourism in the Krapina-Zagorje County. Through the questionnaire related to the agrotourism offer, agrotourism households, Agency for Rural Development and the County tourist boards, we evaluated the extent to which the natural and cultural heritage in agrotourism is valorized. The results are not satisfying with respect to the valorization of neither natural nor cultural heritage, but with a little good will, support and education, they can be easily improved. Through SWOT analysis we have also detected and synthesized strengths, weaknesses, benefits and limitations of agrotourism in this County. Since the Krapina-Zagorje County has a rich natural and cultural heritage, it should be incorporated into the tourist offer and it is necessary to create a unique agrotouristic product that will find its agrotouristic niche among local (excursion site for Zagreb residents) and foreign tourists

    Održana svečana promocija Spomenice uz 90. godiÅ”njicu rođenja prof. dr. sc. Ive Miljkovića

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    Hrvatsko agronomsko druÅ”tvo (HAD) uz suorganizaciju Odjela za poljodjelstvo Matice hrvatske organiziralo je svečanu promociju Spomenice uz 90. godiÅ”njicu rođenja i 65. godiÅ”njicu kontinuiranog nastavnog i plodonosnog znanstvenog te stručnog rada prof. dr. sc. Ive Miljkovića

    The Dynamic of Lead Accumulation in the Almond Leaves and in the Parts of the Fruit

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    Plodovi bajama (jezgra) smatraju se diljem svijeta zdravom hranom jer osim svoje visoke nutritivne vrijednosti u povećanim koncentracijama sadrže i esencijalne bio-molekule, koje pozitivno djeluju na ljudski metabolizam i istodobno preveniraju najvažnije imunoloÅ”ke bolesti. Slijedom toga su u ekoloÅ”kim uvjetima Ravnih kota ra provedena dvogodiÅ”nja istraživanja nakupljanja olova (Pb) u listu i pojedinim dijelovima ploda te istraživanja njihove korelacije. Od trenutka zametanja ploda prema zriobi razina Pb blago opada u svim dijelovima ploda, dok je kod lista to dvostruka sigmoidna krivulja. Razina Pb u listu je gotovo dvostruko veća negoli u dijelovima ploda, posebice u odnosu na jezgru i prema kraju vegetacije, Å”to ukazuje na vrlo slabo premjeÅ”tanje Pb iz lista u sjemenku i/ili imobilizaciju Pb u endodermu lista. Razina Pb u jezgri bajama u fenofazi zrelosti kretala se od 0,27Ā±0,031 do 0,40Ā±0,021 mg/kg suhe tvari. To je izuzetno niska razina u odnosu na drugo voće, koje u svježem stanju sadrži veće razine Pb, a na razini suhe tvari nerijetko i tri do četiri puta viÅ”e. Utvrđene su pozitivne korelacije između jezgre i koÅ”tice, odnosno lupine. Može se sa sigurnoŔću reći da se jezgra bajama proizvedena u ekoloÅ”kim uvjetima Ravnih kotara može koristiti kao funkcionalna hrana, ali i kao sastavni dio hrane za dojenčad.Almond fruits (kernels) are considered to be healthy all across the globe as they contain, in addition to their high nutritional value, an increased concentration of essential biomolecules that have positive effects on human metabolism and, at the same time, prevent the most important immune diseases. , As a result, in the ecological conditions of the Ravni Kotari area, the two-year studies of lead (Pb) accumulation in the leaves and certain parts of the fruit were carried out, and their correlations were calculated. Subsequent to the day on which the fruit was set (DAFS) till germination, the level of Pb decreased slightly in all parts of the fruit, whereas the direction manifested a double sigmoid curve when it comes to the leaf. The level of Pb in the leaf was almost twice as high when compared to the parts of the fruit, especially in relation to the kernels, and toward the end of vegetation, which indicates a weak transfer of Pb from the leaf to the kernel and/or an immobilization of Pb in the leaf endoderm. The concentration of Pb in almond kernel in the phenophase of maturity ranged from 0.27Ā±0.031 to 0.40Ā±0.021 mg/kg of dry matter. This is an extremely low level of concentration if compared to the other fruits, which contain the higher levels of Pb when fresh, often being three to four times greater amounts in terms of dry matter. Positive correlations were found between the kernel and the endocarp, as well as between the kernel and the exocarp. Thus, it is safe to assert that almond kernels produced in the ecological conditions of the Ravni Kotari area may be qualified as ā€œfunctional food,ā€ but they may also constitute an integral part of infant foodstuffs

    Taxonomic Determination of Marasca Cherry (Prunus Cerasus var. marasca)

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    U ovom radu je dat kratak prikaz taksonomske pripadnosti maraske (Prunus Cerasus var. marasca), kao posebno vrijedne voćne vrste Dalmacije. Iznijeli smo prijepore botaničara, pomologa i dendrologa koji nisu u suglasju da li na marasku gledati kao na zasebnu vrstu. podvrstu viÅ”nje ili na viÅ”nju. Gledajući na rod u užem smislu možemo je svrstati u rod Cerasus, no i tu je prijepor jer nemamo jasnu diferencijaciju unutar maraske na kvalitetne klonove koje bi eventualno mogli podvesti pod sorte. Danas je najuvrježenija, a miÅ”ljenja smo i najtočnija taksonomska klasifikacija koja je definira kao podvrstu viÅ”nje Prunus Cerasus var. marasca.This paper gives a brief overview of the taxonomic determination of the marasca cherry (Prunus Cerasus var. Marasca), as a particularly valuable fruit species of Dalmatia. We set forth the disputes between botanists, pomologists and dendrologists who cannot agree on whether marasca can be seen as a separate species, a subtype of sour cherry or sour cherry itself. Looking at its genus in the narrow sense of the word, it can be categorized within the genus of Cerasus, but here lies another controversy because we have no clear differentiation within the maraska species in quality clones that could be subsumed under separate cultivars. Today the most inveterate and we believe the most accurate taxonomic classification is the one that defines it as a subspecies of sour cherry known as Prunus Cerasus var. Marasc

    The level of biogenic elements and heavy metals in the almond kernel in the ecological conditions of Dalmatia (Croatia) - organic farming

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    Jezgra bajama, kao i drugi oraÅ”asti plodovi sadrži znatne razine biogenih elemenata neophodnih za ljudsko zdravlje. U ekoloÅ”kim uvjetima Ravnih kotara provedena su istraživanja razina devet biogenih elemenata (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu i Fe) i tri teÅ”ka metala (As, Cd i Pb). Temeljem rezultata istraživanja, razine biogenih elemenata su u suglasju s istraživanjima u glavnim proizvodnim područjima u svijetu, osim za P i Fe, kojih su razine u naÅ”em proizvodnom području značajno viÅ”e. Glede teÅ”kih metala, razine Cd i Pb s u ispod točke detekcije, a As niža no u ostalim proizvodnim područjima. Kod razina određenih biogenih elemenata i teÅ”kih metala dolazi do izražaja genetska specifičnost usvajanja istih. Dobiveni rezultati nam potvrđuju da se jezgra bajama iz proizvodnog područja Ravnih kotara odlikuje visokim sadržajem biogenih elemenata i zanemarivom razinom teÅ”kih metala. Istraživanja dodatno pridonosi boljoj valorizaciji jezgre bajama proizvedenih u ekoloÅ”kim uvjetima Ravnih kotara, cjenovnoj stimulaciji za proizvođače i zdravstvenoj dobrobiti za konzumente.The almond kernel, like other nuts, contains significant levels of biogenic elements necessary for human health. In the ecological conditions of Ravni kotari, research was carried out on the levels of nine biogenic elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu and Fe) and three heavy metals (As, Cd and Pb). Based on the research results, the levels of biogenic elements are in agreement with research in the main production areas in the world, except for P and Fe, the levels of which are significantly higher in our production area. Regarding heavy metals, the levels of Cd and Pb are below the detection point, and As is lower than in other production areas. At the levels of certain biogenic elements and heavy metals, the genetic specificity of their adoption comes to the fore. The obtained results confirm that the kernel of almond from the production area of Ravni kotari is characterized by a high content of biogenic elements and a negligible level of heavy metals. Research additionally contributes to the better valorization of the almond kernel produced in the ecological conditions of Ravni kotari, price stimulation for producers and health benefits for consumers