11 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic research of the effect of inhalational anesthetics on the structure of pulmonary surfactant

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    Plućni surfaktant čiji sastav čine fosfolipidi i četiri proteina specifična za surfaktant, jedna je od prvih struktura izloženih utjecaju inhalacijskih anestetika. Promjene uzrokovane utjecajem anestetika mogle bi biti jedan od mehanizama nastanka respiratornih komplikacija nakon dugotrajnih anestezioloških postupaka. U ovom je radu uporabom infracrvene spektroskopije s Fourierovom transformacijom (FTIR) istraživan utjecaj anestetika izoflurana i sevoflurana na plućni surfaktant. Snimljeni spektri su analizirani metodom analize glavnih komponenti, a proveden je i Studentov t-test. Najizraženiji učinak opažen je u području polarnih glava molekula fosfolipida gdje uslijed djelovanja anestetika dolazi do prekidanja vodikovih veza, dok promjene intenziteta vibracijskih vrpci istezanja CH2 skupine govore u prilog porastu nereda u području hidrofobnih repova fosfolipida. Naposlijetku, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se FTIR spektroskopija može s uspjehom primjenjivati u istraživanjima utjecaja anestetika na plućni surfaktant.Pulmonary surfactant, consisting of phospholipids and four surfactant specific proteins is among the first structures exposed to inhalational anesthetics. Changes due to this exposure could be one of the reasons for respiratory complications after long anesthetic procedures. In this doctoral thesis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to explore the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane on pulmonary surfactant. Recorded spectra were analysed using Principal Component Analysis and an additional Student's t-test was performed. The most pronounced effect was to the polar head group of phospholipids, which is in agreement with the disruption of the hydrogen bond, caused by the anesthetics. A change in the band intensities of the CH2 stretching vibrations, indicative of a disordering effect of anesthetics on the hydrophobic tails of phospholipids was also observed. Furthermore, our results suggest that FTIR spectroscopy is a promising tool in research of anesthetic effect on pulmonary surfactant

    Spectroscopic research of the effect of inhalational anesthetics on the structure of pulmonary surfactant

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    Plućni surfaktant čiji sastav čine fosfolipidi i četiri proteina specifična za surfaktant, jedna je od prvih struktura izloženih utjecaju inhalacijskih anestetika. Promjene uzrokovane utjecajem anestetika mogle bi biti jedan od mehanizama nastanka respiratornih komplikacija nakon dugotrajnih anestezioloških postupaka. U ovom je radu uporabom infracrvene spektroskopije s Fourierovom transformacijom (FTIR) istraživan utjecaj anestetika izoflurana i sevoflurana na plućni surfaktant. Snimljeni spektri su analizirani metodom analize glavnih komponenti, a proveden je i Studentov t-test. Najizraženiji učinak opažen je u području polarnih glava molekula fosfolipida gdje uslijed djelovanja anestetika dolazi do prekidanja vodikovih veza, dok promjene intenziteta vibracijskih vrpci istezanja CH2 skupine govore u prilog porastu nereda u području hidrofobnih repova fosfolipida. Naposlijetku, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se FTIR spektroskopija može s uspjehom primjenjivati u istraživanjima utjecaja anestetika na plućni surfaktant.Pulmonary surfactant, consisting of phospholipids and four surfactant specific proteins is among the first structures exposed to inhalational anesthetics. Changes due to this exposure could be one of the reasons for respiratory complications after long anesthetic procedures. In this doctoral thesis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to explore the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane on pulmonary surfactant. Recorded spectra were analysed using Principal Component Analysis and an additional Student's t-test was performed. The most pronounced effect was to the polar head group of phospholipids, which is in agreement with the disruption of the hydrogen bond, caused by the anesthetics. A change in the band intensities of the CH2 stretching vibrations, indicative of a disordering effect of anesthetics on the hydrophobic tails of phospholipids was also observed. Furthermore, our results suggest that FTIR spectroscopy is a promising tool in research of anesthetic effect on pulmonary surfactant

    Spectroscopic research of the effect of inhalational anesthetics on the structure of pulmonary surfactant

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    Plućni surfaktant čiji sastav čine fosfolipidi i četiri proteina specifična za surfaktant, jedna je od prvih struktura izloženih utjecaju inhalacijskih anestetika. Promjene uzrokovane utjecajem anestetika mogle bi biti jedan od mehanizama nastanka respiratornih komplikacija nakon dugotrajnih anestezioloških postupaka. U ovom je radu uporabom infracrvene spektroskopije s Fourierovom transformacijom (FTIR) istraživan utjecaj anestetika izoflurana i sevoflurana na plućni surfaktant. Snimljeni spektri su analizirani metodom analize glavnih komponenti, a proveden je i Studentov t-test. Najizraženiji učinak opažen je u području polarnih glava molekula fosfolipida gdje uslijed djelovanja anestetika dolazi do prekidanja vodikovih veza, dok promjene intenziteta vibracijskih vrpci istezanja CH2 skupine govore u prilog porastu nereda u području hidrofobnih repova fosfolipida. Naposlijetku, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se FTIR spektroskopija može s uspjehom primjenjivati u istraživanjima utjecaja anestetika na plućni surfaktant.Pulmonary surfactant, consisting of phospholipids and four surfactant specific proteins is among the first structures exposed to inhalational anesthetics. Changes due to this exposure could be one of the reasons for respiratory complications after long anesthetic procedures. In this doctoral thesis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to explore the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane on pulmonary surfactant. Recorded spectra were analysed using Principal Component Analysis and an additional Student's t-test was performed. The most pronounced effect was to the polar head group of phospholipids, which is in agreement with the disruption of the hydrogen bond, caused by the anesthetics. A change in the band intensities of the CH2 stretching vibrations, indicative of a disordering effect of anesthetics on the hydrophobic tails of phospholipids was also observed. Furthermore, our results suggest that FTIR spectroscopy is a promising tool in research of anesthetic effect on pulmonary surfactant

    Analysis of pulmonary surfactant by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy after exposure to sevoflurane and isoflurane

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    Pulmonary surfactant, consisting primarily of phospholipids and four surfactant-specific proteins, is among the first structures that is exposed to inhalation anesthetics. Consequently, changes of pulmonary surfactant due to this exposure could cause respiratory complications after long anesthetic procedures. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to explore the effects of two inhalation anesthetics, sevoflurane and isoflurane, on a commercially available pulmonary surfactant. The research was primarily focused on the effect of anesthetics on the lipid component of the surfactant. Four different concentrations of anesthetics were added, and the doses were higher from the low clinical doses typically used. Recorded spectra were analyzed using principal component analysis, and the Student's t-test was performed to confirm the results. The exposure to both anesthetics induced similar changes, consistent with the increase of the anesthetic concentration. The most pronounced effect was on the hydrophilic head group of phospholipids, which is in agreement with the disruption of the hydrogen bond, caused by the anesthetics. A change in the band intensities of CH2 stretching vibrations, indicative of a disordering effect of anesthetics on the hydrophobic tails of phospholipids, was also observed. Changes induced by isoflurane appear to be more pronounced than those induced by sevoflurane. Furthermore, our results suggest that FTIR spectroscopy is a promising tool in studying anesthetic effects on pulmonary surfactant

    Pseudocista nakon abdominoplastike: prikaz slučaja

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    Abdominoplasty is one of the most popular aesthetic body contouring procedures. Seroma formation is the most common early complication after abdominoplasty. Usually, it resolves with punctions and seroma evacuation. Chronic seroma and pseudocyst formation is a rare complication and it demands surgical intervention. Based on our experience from the described case, the pseudocyst needs to be radically extirpated and a combination of quilting sutures, fibrin glue, three weeks of suction drainage, and compressive garments should be used to prevent recurrence.Abdominoplastika je jedan od najpopularnijih zahvata za oblikovanje tijela, a stvaranje seroma je najčešća rana komplikacija tog zahvata. Obično se uspješno rješava punkcijama i evakuacijom seroma. Kronični serom može dovesti do stvaranja pseudociste ili pseudoburze, rijetke komplikacije koja zahtijeva kirurško liječenje. Prema našem iskustvu i novijoj literaturi radikalna ekstirpacija pesudociste je nužna kako bi se spriječilo ponovno stvaranje seroma, uz dodatnu uporabu sidrenih šavi, fibrinskog ljepila, sukcijske drenaže te nošenja elastičnog steznika


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    Background: This study aimed to examine the results of Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale among the Croatian population and its correlations with other scales and demographic data. Subject and methods: The sample consisted of 420 people who voluntarily filled out an online questionnaire. They completed demographic questions and four scales: Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale (ACSS), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), and Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2). Results: ACSS scale showed five statistically significant differences between genders and a higher overall score in women, but no significant differences were recorded in three ACSS subscales and the overall ACSS score. In contrast to men, women respondents recorded a significant negative correlation between ACSS subscales score (Social, Consider) and BAS-2 and Satisfaction with life score, while a positive correlation was recorded with BMI. Conclusion: The ACSS score among the Croatian population was higher than the results among the Italian and Serbian population, and similar to the original American study, which tells us that the Croatian population accepts and considers cosmetic surgery a lot. Furthermore, our results are important for practitioners and patients because they revealed correlations between ACSS scores and the self-thinking scale


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    Background: This study aimed to examine the results of Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale among the Croatian population and its correlations with other scales and demographic data. Subject and methods: The sample consisted of 420 people who voluntarily filled out an online questionnaire. They completed demographic questions and four scales: Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale (ACSS), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), and Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2). Results: ACSS scale showed five statistically significant differences between genders and a higher overall score in women, but no significant differences were recorded in three ACSS subscales and the overall ACSS score. In contrast to men, women respondents recorded a significant negative correlation between ACSS subscales score (Social, Consider) and BAS-2 and Satisfaction with life score, while a positive correlation was recorded with BMI. Conclusion: The ACSS score among the Croatian population was higher than the results among the Italian and Serbian population, and similar to the original American study, which tells us that the Croatian population accepts and considers cosmetic surgery a lot. Furthermore, our results are important for practitioners and patients because they revealed correlations between ACSS scores and the self-thinking scale

    Učinak regionalne vs. opće anestezije na imuni odgovor u kirurgiji karcinoma dojke; pregled literature

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    For breast cancer patients, surgery remains the cornerstone in treatment. Perioperative and postoperative period is associated with impaired immune function that can have profound implications for cancer patients in terms of tumor recurrence and metastases. The three main factors include surgery and related neuroendocrine stress response, anesthetic drugs, including opioid analgesics and postoperative pain. The most investigated immune cells are natural killer (NK) cells that are affected by both anesthesia and surgery. It has been demonstrated that ketamine, thiopental, volatile anesthetics, fentanyl and morphine, but not propofol, remifentanil or tramadol reduce the number of circulating NK cells and depress their toxicity. The level of NK cells’ cytotoxicity is inversely proportional to the stage and spread of cancer. Regional anesthesia and its potential beneficial effects on the perioperative immune response and long-term outcome after surgery has been investigated as an alternative to general anesthesia in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery. In this paper, we present a review of literature aimed to assess the impact of regional anesthesia techniques on the immune response in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery and how it compares to general anesthesia.Za pacijente s rakom dojke operacija je neizostavni dio terapijskog postupka. Predoperativno i postoperativno razdoblje je povezano s oslabljenom imunološkom funkcijom koja može imati značajne posljedice za bolesnike s karcinomom u smislu recidiva tumora i metastaza. Tri su glavna čimbenika odgovorna za takve promjene i uključuju operaciju i s njom povezan neuroendokrini stresni odgovor, anestetike uključujući opioidne analgetike i postoperativnu bol. Najčešće istraživane imunološke stanice su prirodne stanice ubojice (NK) na koje utječu i anesteziološki i kirurški postupak. Pokazano je da ketamin, tiopental, hlapljivi anestetici, fentanilimorfin, ali ne i propofol, remifentanil i tramadol, smanjuju broj cirkulirajućih NK stanica i njihovu citotoksičnost. Razina citotoksičnosti NK stanica obrnuto je proporcionalna stadiju i proširenosti karcinoma. Regionalna anestezija i njezin mogući povoljan učinak na predoperativni imunološki odgovor i dugoročni ishod nakon operacije istraživani su kao alternativa općoj anesteziji u bolesnica koje su podvrgnute operaciji karcinoma dojke. Cilj ovog pregleda literature je procjena utjecaja regionalne anestezije na imunološki odgovor u pacijentica podvrgnutih operaciji karcinoma dojke te njezina usporedba s općom anestezijom