74 research outputs found

    Deep Optical Counterpart Searches of Gamma-Ray Burst Localizations

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    We report the results of a 5 year CCD imaging program of small gamma-ray burst (GRB) error boxes from the First Interplanetary Network and an optical transient field. The fields include GBS 0010 - 16, GBS 0552-08, GBS 1028 + 46, GBS 1205 + 23, GBS 1412 + 79, OTS 1809 + 31, GBS 2006 - 22, and GBS 2252 - 03. A total of 274 hours of open shutter time was used to obtain multiple UBVI-filtered frames covering an area approximately twice that of the 99% confidence localizations. For 2070 objects in these fileds above the survey detection limit of V ~ 22, 79,000 calibrated photometric measurements were made. The objectives of the survey were to search for objects of unusual colours, variability, or proper motions. The final cesus of objects in these fields is consistent with the expected numbers of normal stars, galaxies, and proper motion objects based on statistics on large-scale surveys. While no obvous GRB optical counterparts were found, several potentially interesting objects were discovered, along with marginal evidence for a QSO excess at the rate one per high Galactic latitude localization. The results and implications are discussed in detial along with suggestions for future work

    The Brown Dwarf Kinematics Project (BDKP). III. Parallaxes for 70 Ultracool Dwarfs

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    We report parallax measurements for 70 ultracool dwarfs (UCDs). Using both literature values and our sample, we report new polynomial relations between spectral type and MJHK_{JHK}. Including resolved L/T transition binaries in the relations, we find no reason to differentiate between a "bright" (unresolved binary) and "faint" (single source) sample across the L/T boundary. Isolating early T dwarfs, we find that the brightening of T0-T4 sources is prominent in MJ_{J} where there is a [1.2 - 1.4] magnitude difference. A similar yet dampened brightening of [0.3 - 0.5] magnitude happens at MH_{H} and a plateau or dimming of [-0.2 - -0.3] magnitude is seen in MK_{K}. Comparing with evolutionary models that vary gravity, metallicity, and cloud thickness we find that a near constant temperature of 1200 ±\pm100 K along a narrow spectral subtype of T0-T4 is required to account for the brightening and color magnitude diagram of the L-dwarf/T-dwarf transition. Furthermore, there is a significant population of both L and T dwarfs which are red or potentially "ultra-cloudy" compared to the models, many of which are known to be young indicating a correlation between enhanced photospheric dust and youth. For the low surface-gravity or young companion L dwarfs we find that 8 out of 10 are at least [0.2-1.0] magnitude underluminous in MJH_{JH} and/or MK_{K} compared to equivalent spectral type objects. We speculate that this is a consequence of increased dust opacity and conclude that low-surface gravity L dwarfs require a completely new spectral-type/absolute magnitude polynomial for analysis.Comment: 65 pages, Accepted for publication to Ap

    New BVI_C Photometry of Low-mass Pleiades Stars: Exploring the Effects of Rotation on Broadband Colors

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    We present new BVI_C photometry for 350 Pleiades proper motion members with 9 < V ≾ 17. Importantly, our new catalog includes a large number of K- and early M-type stars, roughly doubling the number of low-mass stars with well-calibrated Johnson/Cousins photometry in this benchmark cluster. We combine our new photometry with existing photometry from the literature to define a purely empirical isochrone at Pleiades age (≈100 Myr) extending from V = 9 to 17. We use the empirical isochrone to identify 48 new probable binaries and 14 likely nonmembers. The photometrically identified single stars are compared against their expected positions in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD). At 100 Myr, the mid K and early M stars are predicted to lie above the zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) having not yet reached the ZAMS. We find in the B – V versus V CMD that mid K and early M dwarfs are instead displaced below (or blueward of) the ZAMS. Using the stars' previously reported rotation periods, we find a highly statistically significant correlation between rotation period and CMD displacement, in the sense that the more rapidly rotating stars have the largest displacements in the B – V CMD

    The Discovery of an Embedded Cluster of High-Mass Stars Near SGR 1900+14

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    Deep I-band imaging to approximately I = 26.5 of the soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 1900+14 region has revealed a compact cluster of massive stars located only a few arcseconds from the fading radio source thought to be the location of the SGR (Frail, Kulkarni, & Bloom 1999). This cluster was previously hidden in the glare of the pair of M5 supergiant stars (whose light was removed by PSF subtraction) proposed by Vrba et al. (1996) as likely associated with the SGR 1900+14. The cluster has at least 13 members within a cluster radius of approximately 0.6 pc, based on an estimated distance of 12-15 kpc. It is remarkably similar to a cluster found associated with SGR 1806-20 (Fuchs et al. 1999). That similar clusters have now been found at or near the positions of the two best-studied SGRs suggests that young neutron stars, thought to be responsible for the SGR phenomenon, have their origins in proximate compact clusters of massive stars.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted Astrophysical Journal Letter

    OTS 1809+314 and the Gamma-Ray Burst GB 790325b

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    We present deep CCD images of the field containing the recurring Optical Transient Source (OTS) 1809+314 recently discovered on the archival plates of the Sonneberg Observatory. At the position of OTS 1809+314 we find no optical counterpart brighter tha V=24.0 24.5, rgunn = 22.0-22.5 and I = 22.0 22.5, and I = 22.0-22.5. In the zero proper motion limit our observations place severe constraints on possible quiescent counterparts. There is no compelling evidence to suggest an association between the historical optical transient source and the gamma-ray burst GB 790325b located ~ 5\u27 to the east of OTS 1809+314

    A 10-micron Search for Inner-Truncated Disks Among Pre-Main-Sequence Stars With Photometric Rotation Periods

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    We use mid-IR (primarily 10 μ\mum) photometry as a diagnostic for the presence of disks with inner cavities among 32 pre-main sequence stars in Orion and Taurus-Auriga for which rotation periods are known and which do not show evidence for inner disks at near-IR wavelengths. Disks with inner cavities are predicted by magnetic disk-locking models that seek to explain the regulation of angular momentum in T Tauri stars. Only three stars in our sample show evidence for excess mid-IR emission. While these three stars may possess truncated disks consistent with magnetic disk-locking models, the remaining 29 stars in our sample do not. Apparently, stars lacking near-IR excesses in general do not possess truncated disks to which they are magnetically coupled. We discuss the implications of this result for the hypothesis of disk-regulated angular momentum. Evidently, young stars can exist as slow rotators without the aid of present disk-locking, and there exist very young stars already rotating near breakup velocity whose subsequent angular momentum evolution will not be regulated by disks. Moreover, we question whether disks, when present, truncate in the manner required by disk-locking scenarios. Finally, we discuss the need for rotational evolution models to take full account of the large dispersion of rotation rates present at 1 Myr, which may allow the models to explain the rotational evolution of low-mass pre-main sequence stars in a way that does not depend upon braking by disks.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Parallax and Luminosity Measurements of an L Subdwarf

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    We present the first parallax and luminosity measurements for an L subdwarf, the sdL7 2MASS J05325346+8246465. Observations conducted over three years by the USNO infrared astrometry program yield an astrometric distance of 26.7+/-1.2 pc and a proper motion of 2.6241+/-0.0018"/yr. Combined with broadband spectral and photometric measurements, we determine a luminosity of log(Lbol/Lsun) = -4.24+/-0.06 and Teff = 1730+/-90 K (the latter assuming an age of 5-10 Gyr), comparable to mid-type L field dwarfs. Comparison of the luminosity of 2MASS J05325346+8246465 to theoretical evolutionary models indicates that its mass is just below the sustained hydrogen burning limit, and is therefore a brown dwarf. Its kinematics indicate a ~110 Myr, retrograde Galactic orbit which is both eccentric (3 <~ R <~ 8.5 kpc) and extends well away from the plane (Delta_Z = +/-2 kpc), consistent with membership in the inner halo population. The relatively bright J-band magnitude of 2MASS J05325346+8246465 implies significantly reduced opacity in the 1.2 micron region, consistent with inhibited condensate formation as previously proposed. Its as yet unknown subsolar metallicity remains the primary limitation in constraining its mass; determination of both parameters would provide a powerful test of interior and evolutionary models for low-mass stars and brown dwarfs.Comment: Accepted to ApJ 10 September 2007; 13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, formatted in emulateapj styl

    Astrometry and Photometry for ≈\approx1000 L, T, and Y Dwarfs from the UKIRT Hemisphere Survey

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    We present positions, proper motions, and near-infrared photometry for 966 known objects with spectral types later than M observed as part of the the UKIRT Hemisphere Survey (UHS). We augment the photometry and astrometry from UHS with information from Gaia DR3, Pan-STARRS DR2, and CatWISE 2020 to produce a database of homogeneous photometry and astrometry for this sample. The multi-epoch survey strategy of UHS allows us to determine proper motions for most sources, with a median proper motion uncertainty of ∼\sim3.6 mas yr−1^{-1}. Our UHS proper motion measurements are generally in good agreement with those from Gaia DR3, Pan-STARRS, and CatWISE 2020, with UHS proper motions typically more precise than those from CatWISE 2020 and Pan-STARRS but not Gaia DR3. We critically analyze publicly available spectra for 406 members of this sample and provide updated near-infrared spectral types for ∼\sim100 objects. We determine typical colors as a function of spectral type and provide absolute magnitude vs. spectral type relations for UHS JJ- and KK-band photometry. Using newly determined proper motions, we highlight several objects of interest, such as objects with large tangential velocities, widely separated co-moving companions, and potential members of young nearby associations.Comment: Accepted to A

    Fine Structure in the Circumstellar Environment of a Young, Solar-like Star: the Unique Eclipses of KH 15D

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    Results of an international campaign to photometrically monitor the unique pre-main sequence eclipsing object KH 15D are reported. An updated ephemeris for the eclipse is derived that incorporates a slightly revised period of 48.36 d. There is some evidence that the orbital period is actually twice that value, with two eclipses occurring per cycle. The extraordinary depth (~3.5 mag) and duration (~18 days) of the eclipse indicate that it is caused by circumstellar matter, presumably the inner portion of a disk. The eclipse has continued to lengthen with time and the central brightness reversals are not as extreme as they once were. V-R and V-I colors indicate that the system is slightly bluer near minimum light. Ingress and egress are remarkably well modeled by the passage of a knife-edge across a limb-darkened star. Possible models for the system are briefly discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
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