2 research outputs found

    "The Easternization of the West"

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    V sodobnem svetu smo priča spreminjanju in preobrazbi tega, kar je "naše" in kar je "tuje", po zaslugi globalizacije. Kultura – kot laboratorij smisla – se je tako primorana ves čas prilagajati, spreminjati, preobraziti ali upirati. Glavno vlogo v tem besedilu prevzemata dve civilizaciji, Vzhod in Zahod, poudarek pa je na spreminjanju in preobrazbi druge. V magistrskem delu s pomočjo teoretske analize raziskujem, kakšnim sodobnim kulturnim spremembam je podvržen Zahod od šestdesetih let 20. stoletja dalje in kaj se pri tem dogaja z Zahodom. Britanski sociolog Colin Campbell v svojem delu "Povzhodnjenje zahoda" zagovarja tezo, da se v zahodni miselnosti dogajajo temeljne spremembe, ki spreminjajo zahodni etos in pogled na svet. Celotni tradicionalni zahodni nazor naj bi se vzhodniziral in tradicionalno zahodno kulturno paradigmo je nadomestila vzhodna. S pomočjo komparativne metode nadalje soočim Campbellovo teorijo z nekaterimi najglasnejšimi kritikami te teorije ter s predhodnikom, palestinsko-ameriškim literarnim teoretikom, kritikom in aktivistom Edwardom W. Saidom, avtorjem teorije Orientalizma. V njej Said zagovarja tezo, da vsa znanja o Vzhodu, ki se akumulirajo na Zahodu, predstavljajo zgolj interpretacije, ki so močno podvržene regulaciji ter obvladovanju s strani zahodnih imperativov, perspektiv in ideoloških predsodkov. Znanja Zahoda o Vzhodu tako ne temeljijo na resnici in dejstvih, temveč na različnih stereotipih. Posledično govorimo o reproduciranju kulturne hegemonije in potemtakem zagotovo ne moremo govoriti o povzhodnjenju Zahoda.In modern world we are witnessing changes and transformations of what is \u27ours\u27 and what is \u27foreign\u27. Cultures, as a laboratory of meaning, is thus forced to constantly adapt, change, transform or resist. In the presented text the main role is given to two civilizations, the East and the West, and the emphasis is on the changes and transformations of the latter – the West. With theoretical analysis, I investigate what kind of modern cultural changes the West has undergone since 1960s and what is happening to the West throughout this process. British sociologist Colin Campbell in his work defends the thesis that fundamental changes are taking place in the Western mentality, which are changing the Western ethos and the traditional Western ethos and worldview. The entire traditional Western viewpoint was easternized and the traditional Western cultural paradigm was replaced by an Eastern one. Using the comparative method, I further confront Campbell´s theory with some of the most vocal critics of this theory and with the theory of Orientalism, which presents the diametric opposite of what Campbell called in his work the easternization of the West. All the knowledge West possesses about the East is mere representations that are heavily subject to regulations and control by Western imperatives, perspectives and ideological prejudices. As a result, we are talking about the reproduction of cultural hegemony, and therefore we certainly cannot talk about the easternization of the West

    Vegetarianism and nutrition in primary school

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    V diplomski nalogi poskušam predstaviti različne vzorce prehranjevanja kot družbeni fenomen, ki je močno vpet v samo družbo in ki hkrati sam oblikuje strukturo komunikacije in vrednot med posamezniki v njej. Prehranjevanje in hrano želim predstaviti skozi kulturološki in antropološki vidik, ki je večkrat prezrt, saj se prehranjevanje večinoma razume v kontekstu nutricionistike in naravoslovja, v okviru katerega je poudarjena vloga hrane kot gorivo za telo. V empiričnem delu svoje raziskave se omejujem na osnovnošolsko prehrano. Zanima me, kako je predstavljeno in sprejeto vegetarijanstvo v nasprotju z omnivorskim načinom prehranjevanja. Odgovore sem iskala z vidika državne in pravne regulacije osnovnošolske prehrane in tudi z vidika ideološkega pogleda zahodnih družb na prehranjevanje in hrano nasploh. Predvidevam, da bo vegetarijanstvo v osnovnih šolah razumljeno kot alternativni način prehranjevanja, ki ni enakovreden omnivorskemu načinu prehranjevanja, na podlagi katerega se je oblikovala celotna zahodna družba. Slednje se na podlagi empiričnega raziskovanja izkaže kot ustrezno predvidevanje. Zanimajo me tudi sociodemografske dimenzije kot pospeševalci ali zaviralci sprejetosti vegetarijanstva v družbi.In my thesis, I try to present different patterns of nutrition as a social phenomenon, which is strongly integrated into the society itself, and at the same time it also constructs the structure of communication and a system of values among individuals in the society. Consequently, I want to present nutrition and food, having regard to the cultural and anthropological aspect, which is often ignored due to the fact that nutrition is usually perceived in the context of natural and nutritional science, where the role of “food as fuel for the body” is emphasized. In the empirical part, I limit my research to nutrition in primary schools and focus on how vegetarianism is presented and accepted compared to the carnivorous way of nutrition. I tried to find answers considering the state and legal regulation of nutrition in primary schools and the ideological view on nutrition and food by Western societies as well. I assume that vegetarianism in primary schools will be treated as an alternative way of nutrition, which is far from being equal to the omnivorous mode of nutrition on which the whole Western society was formed. The latter is through empirical research proves to be correct prediction. I am also interested in sociodemographic dimensions acting as promoters or inhibitors of vegetarianism being accepted in the society