39 research outputs found

    Exploratory Analysis of Pairwise Interactions in Online Social Networks

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    In the last few decades sociologists were trying to explain human behaviour by analysing social networks, which requires access to data about interpersonal relationships. This represented a big obstacle in this research field until the emergence of online social networks (OSNs), which vastly facilitated the process of collecting such data. Nowadays, by crawling public profiles on OSNs, it is possible to build a social graph where "friends" on OSN become represented as connected nodes. OSN connection does not necessarily indicate a close real-life relationship, but using OSN interaction records may reveal real-life relationship intensities, a topic which inspired a number of recent researches. Still, published research currently lacks an extensive exploratory analysis of OSN interaction records, i.e. a comprehensive overview of users' interaction via different ways of OSN interaction. In this paper we provide such an overview by leveraging results of conducted extensive social experiment which managed to collect records for over 3,200 Facebook users interacting with over 1,400,000 of their friends. Our exploratory analysis focuses on extracting population distributions and correlation parameters for 13 interaction parameters, providing valuable insight in online social network interaction for future researches aimed at this field of study.Comment: Journal Article published 2 Oct 2017 in Automatika volume 58 issue 4 on pages 422 to 42

    Vitamin D Deficiency: Consequence or Cause of Obesity?

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    Obesity is defined as an excess amount of body fat and represents a significant health problem worldwide. High prevalence of vitamin D (VD) deficiency in obese subjects is a well-documented finding, most probably due to volumetric dilution into the greater volumes of fat, serum, liver, and muscle, even though other mechanisms could not completely be excluded, as they may contribute concurrently. Low VD could not yet be excluded as a cause of obesity, due to its still incompletely explored effects through VD receptors found in adipose tissue (AT). VD deficiency in obese people does not seem to have consequences for bone tissue, but may affect other organs, even though studies have shown inconsistent results and VD supplementation has not yet been clearly shown to benefit the dysmetabolic state. Hence, more studies are needed to determine the actual role of VD deficiency in development of those disorders. Thus, targeting lifestyle through healthy diet and exercise should be the first treatment option that will affect both obesity-related dysmetabolic state and vitamin D deficiency, killing two birds with one stone. However, VD supplementation remains a treatment option in individuals with residual VD deficiency after weight loss

    Contribution to Analysis of Housing Policies and Planned Housing Construction in the Netherlands and Croatia

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    Analizira se pojam stambene politike i instrumenti putem kojih se ostvaruje, navodi kratak povijesni pregled stambene politike, te diskutira o recentnim stremljenjima u planskoj stanogradnji Nizozemske i Hrvatske. Posebna je pozornost u članku posvećena aspektima stambene politike koji izravno utječu na planiranje i programiranje stambenih naselja, prikazanim na primjeru nekoliko novih naselja u Hrvatskoj i Nizozemskoj.This paper analyzes the concept of housing policy and ways of its implementation. It also presents a short historical review of housing policies as well as current tendencies in the planned housing construction both in the Netherlands and Croatia. Special attention is given to those aspects of housing policy having direct impact on planning and programming of housing developments illustrated by a few Croatian and Dutch examples

    The effect of age, anthropometric parameters, vertebral bone densitometry and ash density on iliac crest bone volume and microstructure

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    Background and Purpose: The purpose was to compare iliac crest bone static bone histomorphometry and vertebral bone densitometry as two methods frequently used in clinical practice. Patients and Methods: Cylindrical bone samples of the iliac crest bone (N=100) for bone histomorphometry and the whole bodies of the third lumbar vertebra (L3) (N=100) for bone densitometry and atomic absorption spectrometry were collected. Multiple regression analyses were carried out and results were considered significant when p<0.05 and 0.01. Results: Age was inversely proportional to all histomorphometric parameters except for Tb.Sp. Age predicted BV/TV with the largest share of contribution of 68%. Gender showed the highest share of contribution for the Tb.Th (32%), while BMD showed it for the Ct.Th (10%). Conclusions: After age and gender, BMD is the third strongest variable to predict iliac crest bone histomorphometric parameters, and thus we can conclude that iliac crest bone histomorphometry and vertebral bone densitometry are correlated, which is important for monitoring osteoporosis in good clinical practic

    Review of gastrointestinal stromal tumors and contribution of dog1 immunohistochemical marker in diagnostics: A single tertiary centerb experience

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    Cilj: Prikazati patohistoloÅ”ko dijagnostičko iskustvo Kliničkog bolničkog centra (KBC) Rijeka u pacijenata s gastrointestinalnim stromalnim tumorom (GIST) dijagnosticiranim u razdoblju od 10 godina te pružiti pregled temeljnih karakteristika ovog mezenhimalnog tumora. Cilj je bio i prikazati osjetljivost DOG1 markera (engl. Discovered on GIST) te ga usporediti s osjetljivoŔću CD117 i vimentina. Materijali i metode: Iz baze podataka Zavoda za patologiju od 2005. do 2015. godine prikupljeni su podaci o 89 pacijenata s dijagnozom GIST-a. Podaci koje smo statistički analizirali obuhvaćali su dob, spol, lokalizaciju tumora, vrstu stanica (vretenaste ili epiteloidne), imunohistokemijske karakteristike te veličinu i mitotički indeks kao dva najvažnija parametra za određivanje prognostičke skupine. Rezultati: Medijan dobi iznosio je 64 godine, s rasponom od 17 do 93 godine. Značajna razlika u incidenciji među spolovima nije pronađena. NajčeŔća lokalizacija bio je želudac s postotkom od 48,3 %. Vretenastu morfologiju imalo je 84,3 % tumora, epiteloidnu 3.4 %, a mijeÅ”anu (epiteloidno-vretenastu) 12,3 %. Podjelom GIST-ova u prognostičke skupine ustanovili smo da je 65,2 % tumora bilo benigno, 33,7 % maligno, a 1,1 % imalo je nesigurni maligni potencijal. Na uzorku od 25 tumora određivali smo osjetljivost imunohistokemijskih markera i dobili sljedeće rezultate: DOG1 imao je osjetljivost 100 %, CD117 88 %, a vimentin 60 %. Zaključci: DOG1 najosjetljiviji je imunohistokemijski marker koriÅ”ten za GIST. Njegovo uvođenje u rutinsku imunohistokemijsku analizu pružilo je snažan doprinos u postavljanju dijagnoze. Prikazano iskustvo naÅ”eg centra moglo bi pružiti doprinos u napredovanju patoloÅ”kodijagnostičke obrade GIST-ova na razini Republike Hrvatske.Aim: To present the experience of Clinical Hospital Center (CHC) Rijeka, Department of Pathology in diagnosing gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) in a 10-year period and to demonstrate consequential characteristics of this mesenchymal tumor. Also the aim was to present the sensitivity of DOG1 (Discovered on GIST) immunohistochemical marker, and to compare it with CD117 and vimentin results. Materials and methods: Searching the Pathology Department database, 89 GISTs were found in the period from 2005 to 2015. Epidemiologic and clinicopathological data: age, gender, dimension, localization, immunohistochemical charachteristics, also mitotic rate and malignant potential as two most important parameters for prognostic group estimation, were statistically analyzed. Results: Median age was 64, range from 17 to 93. 48.3 % of patients were male and 51.7 % were female. Most GISTs (48.3 %) were localized in stomach. Spindle cell morphology was present in 84.3 % GISTs, epitheloid in 3.4 % and mixed in 12.3 % tumors. According to the prognostic groups, malignant potential was assigned. The biggest portion, 65.2 % of tumors, were benign. Malignant potential was present in 33.7 % of cases, while 1.1 % had insecure malignant potential. 25 GISTs were stained with DOG1 and this marker has shown 100 % sensitivity, while CD117 (88 %) and vimentin (60 %) have given inferior results. Conclusions: DOG1 is the most sensitive marker in immunohistochemical staining of GISTs. Hence, itā€™s usage has provided a step forward in differentiation of GISTs from other mesenchymal tumors. This review, based on a 10-year experience of CHC Rijeka, may make an important progress in pathohistological diagnostics of GISTs in Croatia

    The craniovertebral venous system

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    Kraniovertebralni venski sustav čine kranijalne i kralježnične vene. Ove vene su međusobno povezane i nemaju zalistaka, Å”to omogućava tok krvi u oba smjera. Kranijalnim venama pripadaju vene mozga, sinus tvrde moždane ovojnice, diploične i emisarne vene, dok kralježničnim venama pripada vanjski i unutarnji vertebralni splet te bazivertebralne vene. Iz kraniovertebralnog venskog sustava krv odvode vv. vertebrales, vv. intercostales postt., vv. lumbales i v. sacralis lat. u sustave gornje i donje Å”uplje vene izravno ili putem sustava vene azigos. Kraniovertebralni venski sustav s ostalim sustavima tvori brojne anastomoze koje u patoloÅ”kim uvjetima predstavljaju kolateralni put krvi ka srcu i omogućuju izravno Å”irenje neoplazmi iz prsne, trbuÅ”ne i zdjelične Å”upljine u područje kranijuma i kralježnice. Osim toga, značajna je uloga kranijalnih vena i vena gornjih dijelova diÅ”nog sustava u selektivnom rashlađivanju mozga, Å”to je osobito značajno u hipertermiji.The craniovertebral venous system consists of cranial veins and veins of vertebral column. These veins are interconnected with no valves, allowing blood to flow freely in both directions. The veins of brain, dural venous sinuses, diploic veins and emissary veins belong to cranial veins. The veins of vertebral column consist of external and internal vertebral venous plexus and of basivertebral veins. The vertebral veins, posterior intercostals veins, lumbar veins and lateral sacral veins drain blood directly from craniovertebral venous system in azigos vein or in superior and inferior vena cava. The craniovertebral venous system with other venous systems are forming numerous anastomosis, which in pathological conditions represent a collateral pathway for blood to the heart and allow the direct spread of neoplasms of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavity in the area of the cranium and spine. In addition, the significance of cranial veins and veins of the upper part of the respiratory system are part of the selective brain cooling mechanism which is particulary important in condition of hyperthermia

    The craniovertebral venous system

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    Kraniovertebralni venski sustav čine kranijalne i kralježnične vene. Ove vene su međusobno povezane i nemaju zalistaka, Å”to omogućava tok krvi u oba smjera. Kranijalnim venama pripadaju vene mozga, sinus tvrde moždane ovojnice, diploične i emisarne vene, dok kralježničnim venama pripada vanjski i unutarnji vertebralni splet te bazivertebralne vene. Iz kraniovertebralnog venskog sustava krv odvode vv. vertebrales, vv. intercostales postt., vv. lumbales i v. sacralis lat. u sustave gornje i donje Å”uplje vene izravno ili putem sustava vene azigos. Kraniovertebralni venski sustav s ostalim sustavima tvori brojne anastomoze koje u patoloÅ”kim uvjetima predstavljaju kolateralni put krvi ka srcu i omogućuju izravno Å”irenje neoplazmi iz prsne, trbuÅ”ne i zdjelične Å”upljine u područje kranijuma i kralježnice. Osim toga, značajna je uloga kranijalnih vena i vena gornjih dijelova diÅ”nog sustava u selektivnom rashlađivanju mozga, Å”to je osobito značajno u hipertermiji.The craniovertebral venous system consists of cranial veins and veins of vertebral column. These veins are interconnected with no valves, allowing blood to flow freely in both directions. The veins of brain, dural venous sinuses, diploic veins and emissary veins belong to cranial veins. The veins of vertebral column consist of external and internal vertebral venous plexus and of basivertebral veins. The vertebral veins, posterior intercostals veins, lumbar veins and lateral sacral veins drain blood directly from craniovertebral venous system in azigos vein or in superior and inferior vena cava. The craniovertebral venous system with other venous systems are forming numerous anastomosis, which in pathological conditions represent a collateral pathway for blood to the heart and allow the direct spread of neoplasms of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavity in the area of the cranium and spine. In addition, the significance of cranial veins and veins of the upper part of the respiratory system are part of the selective brain cooling mechanism which is particulary important in condition of hyperthermia

    The craniovertebral venous system

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    Kraniovertebralni venski sustav čine kranijalne i kralježnične vene. Ove vene su međusobno povezane i nemaju zalistaka, Å”to omogućava tok krvi u oba smjera. Kranijalnim venama pripadaju vene mozga, sinus tvrde moždane ovojnice, diploične i emisarne vene, dok kralježničnim venama pripada vanjski i unutarnji vertebralni splet te bazivertebralne vene. Iz kraniovertebralnog venskog sustava krv odvode vv. vertebrales, vv. intercostales postt., vv. lumbales i v. sacralis lat. u sustave gornje i donje Å”uplje vene izravno ili putem sustava vene azigos. Kraniovertebralni venski sustav s ostalim sustavima tvori brojne anastomoze koje u patoloÅ”kim uvjetima predstavljaju kolateralni put krvi ka srcu i omogućuju izravno Å”irenje neoplazmi iz prsne, trbuÅ”ne i zdjelične Å”upljine u područje kranijuma i kralježnice. Osim toga, značajna je uloga kranijalnih vena i vena gornjih dijelova diÅ”nog sustava u selektivnom rashlađivanju mozga, Å”to je osobito značajno u hipertermiji.The craniovertebral venous system consists of cranial veins and veins of vertebral column. These veins are interconnected with no valves, allowing blood to flow freely in both directions. The veins of brain, dural venous sinuses, diploic veins and emissary veins belong to cranial veins. The veins of vertebral column consist of external and internal vertebral venous plexus and of basivertebral veins. The vertebral veins, posterior intercostals veins, lumbar veins and lateral sacral veins drain blood directly from craniovertebral venous system in azigos vein or in superior and inferior vena cava. The craniovertebral venous system with other venous systems are forming numerous anastomosis, which in pathological conditions represent a collateral pathway for blood to the heart and allow the direct spread of neoplasms of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavity in the area of the cranium and spine. In addition, the significance of cranial veins and veins of the upper part of the respiratory system are part of the selective brain cooling mechanism which is particulary important in condition of hyperthermia

    The craniovertebral venous system

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    Kraniovertebralni venski sustav čine kranijalne i kralježnične vene. Ove vene su međusobno povezane i nemaju zalistaka, Å”to omogućava tok krvi u oba smjera. Kranijalnim venama pripadaju vene mozga, sinus tvrde moždane ovojnice, diploične i emisarne vene, dok kralježničnim venama pripada vanjski i unutarnji vertebralni splet te bazivertebralne vene. Iz kraniovertebralnog venskog sustava krv odvode vv. vertebrales, vv. intercostales postt., vv. lumbales i v. sacralis lat. u sustave gornje i donje Å”uplje vene izravno ili putem sustava vene azigos. Kraniovertebralni venski sustav s ostalim sustavima tvori brojne anastomoze koje u patoloÅ”kim uvjetima predstavljaju kolateralni put krvi ka srcu i omogućuju izravno Å”irenje neoplazmi iz prsne, trbuÅ”ne i zdjelične Å”upljine u područje kranijuma i kralježnice. Osim toga, značajna je uloga kranijalnih vena i vena gornjih dijelova diÅ”nog sustava u selektivnom rashlađivanju mozga, Å”to je osobito značajno u hipertermiji.The craniovertebral venous system consists of cranial veins and veins of vertebral column. These veins are interconnected with no valves, allowing blood to flow freely in both directions. The veins of brain, dural venous sinuses, diploic veins and emissary veins belong to cranial veins. The veins of vertebral column consist of external and internal vertebral venous plexus and of basivertebral veins. The vertebral veins, posterior intercostals veins, lumbar veins and lateral sacral veins drain blood directly from craniovertebral venous system in azigos vein or in superior and inferior vena cava. The craniovertebral venous system with other venous systems are forming numerous anastomosis, which in pathological conditions represent a collateral pathway for blood to the heart and allow the direct spread of neoplasms of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavity in the area of the cranium and spine. In addition, the significance of cranial veins and veins of the upper part of the respiratory system are part of the selective brain cooling mechanism which is particulary important in condition of hyperthermia

    Lažno pozitivna fenotipska detekcija metalo-beta-laktamaza u Acinetobacter Baumannii

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    Phenotypic detection of metallo-Ī²-lactamases (MBLs) in Acinetobacter (A.) baumannii is a serious challenge to clinical microbiologists. MBLs are inhibited by metal chelators such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) (EDTA). Production of MBLs cannot be recognized based on resistance phenotype. Therefore, phenotypic tests using EDTA are recommended. The aim of this study was to investigate the sensitivity and specificity of inhibitor based tests (EDTA) for detection of MBL. A total of 172 A. baumannii strains (123 carbapenemase positive and 49 carbapenemase negative) were analyzed. Phenotypic detection of MBLs was performed by the combined disk test with EDTA (CDT-EDTA) and EPI-dilution test (EPI-DT). Both tests were positive in all 11 isolates possessing VIM-1 MBL, showing 100% sensitivity. However, false positive results were observed in strains with class D carbapenemases using both tests, i.e. all OXA-23 and OXA-24/40 producing organisms and most OXA-58 positive strains (77% with CDT-EDTA vs. 65% with EPI-DT). False positive results can occur because oxacillinases are converted to a less active state in the presence of EDTA, leading to augmentation of the inhibition zone around the carbapenem disk or reduction of carbapenem minimum inhibitory concentrations. This study showed high sensitivity but low specificity of phenotypic methods in the detection of MBLs.Fenotipska detekcija metalo-Ī²-laktamaza (MBL) u Acinetobacter (A.) baumannii je velik izazov kliničkim mikrobiolozima. MBL su inhibirane metalnim kelatorima kao Å”to je etilendiamin tetraoctena kiselina (EDTA). Produkcija MBL ne može se prepoznati na temelju fenotipa rezistencije. Zbog toga se preporuča primjena fenotipskih testova koji rabe metalne kelatore kao Å”to je EDTA. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi osjetljivost i specifičnost testova s inhibitorom (EDTA) u otkrivanju MBL u A. baumannii. Analizirana su 172 izolata A. baumannii (123 karbapenemaza pozitivnih i 49 karbapenemaza negativnih). Fenotipska detekcija MBL je provedena metodom kombiniranih diskova (EDTA CDT-EDTA) i EPI-dilucijskom metodom (EPI-DT). Oba testa su bila pozitivna u svih 11 izolata pozitivnih na VIM-1 MBL, Å”to odgovara osjetljivosti od 100%. Lažno pozitivni rezultati su dobiveni u karbapenem-rezistentnim izolatima pozitivnim na klasu D karbapenemaza u oba testa: svi OXA-23 i OXA-24/40 kao i većina OXA-58 pozitivnih sojeva (77% u CDT-EDTA i 65% u EPI-DT). Lažno pozitivni rezultati u testovima s inhibitorom nastaju zbog toga Å”to oksacilinaze prelaze u stanje manje aktivnosti u prisustvu EDTA, Å”to dovodi do smanjenja minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije karbapenema ili do uvećanja zone oko diska karbapenema. Studija je pokazala visoku osjetljivost, ali nisku specifičnost fenotipskih testova za dokaz MBL u A. baumannii, Å”to ukazuje na neophodnost koriÅ”tenja molekularnih metoda