12 research outputs found

    Point mutation in AML1 disrupts subnuclear targeting, prevents myeloid differentiation, and effects a transformation-like phenotype

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    The multifunctional C terminus of the hematopoietic AML1 transcription factor interacts with coregulatory proteins, supports the convergence and integration of physiological signals, and contains the nuclear matrix targeting signal, the protein motif that is necessary and sufficient to target AML1 to subnuclear sites. The (8;21) chromosomal translocation, which replaces the C terminus of AML1 with the ETO protein, modifies subnuclear targeting of AML1 in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and results in defective myelopoiesis. We therefore addressed the relevance of AML1 subnuclear targeting and associated functions that reside in the C terminus to myeloid differentiation. A single amino acid substitution that abrogates intranuclear localization was introduced in the AML1 subnuclear targeting signal. Expression of the mutant AML1 protein blocks differentiation of myeloid progenitors to granulocytes in the presence of endogenous AML1 protein, as also occurs in the (8;21) chromosomal translocation, where only one allele of the AML1 gene is affected. The cells expressing the mutant AML1 protein continue to proliferate, maintain an immature blast-like morphology, and exhibit transformed properties that are hallmarks of leukemogenesis. These findings functionally link AML1 subnuclear targeting with competency for myeloid differentiation and expression of the transformed/leukemia phenotype

    Lymphoid to Myeloid Cell Trans-Differentiation Is Determined by C/EBPβ Structure and Post-Translational Modifications

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    <div><p>The transcription factor C/EBPβ controls differentiation, proliferation, and functionality of many cell types, including innate immune cells. A detailed molecular understanding of how C/EBPβ directs alternative cell fates remains largely elusive. A multitude of signal-dependent post-translational modifications (PTMs) differentially affect the protean C/EBPβ functions. In this study we apply an assay that converts primary mouse B lymphoid progenitors into myeloid cells in order to answer the question how C/EBPβ regulates (trans-) differentiation and determines myeloid cell fate. We found that structural alterations and various C/EBPβ PTMs determine the outcome of trans-differentiation of lymphoid into myeloid cells, including different types of monocytes/macrophages, dendritic cells, and granulocytes. The ability of C/EBPβ to recruit chromatin remodeling complexes is required for the granulocytic trans-differentiation outcome. These novel findings reveal that PTMs and structural plasticity of C/EBPβ are adaptable modular properties that integrate and rewire epigenetic functions to direct differentiation to diverse innate immune system cells, which are crucial for the organism survival.</p></div