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    V sodobnem svetu se srečujemo z uporabo oblačnih storitev vsepovsod. Zaradi velikega poudarka današnjega časa na mobilnosti in fleksibilnosti, je oblačništvo čedalje bolj pomembno pri poslovanju organizacij. Ponudniki poslovnih programskih rešitev, zagotavljajo podjetjem dostopanje in uporabljanje poslovnih programov kjerkoli in kadarkoli. V trenutnih gospodarskih razmerah se pojavlja velika tekmovalnost podjetij pri boju za stranke in CRM sistemi so pri tem postali nepogrešljivi za pridobivanja prednosti podjetja. Sistemi podpirajo prodajne procese ter vsebujejo tudi marketinške funkcije za ohranjanje ter pridobivanje strank. Lokalno nameščene programe CRM pa počasi zamenjuje ponudba v oblakih. Tudi mala in srednja podjetja se borijo za rast in razvoj, zato se odločajo investicije v izboljševanje poslovnih procesov. Vsa podjetja iščejo boljše načine poslovanja z nižjimi stroški in večjo učinkovitostjo. Usmerjati pa se morajo predvsem k rešitvam, ki jim nudijo nižje tveganje pri poslovanju ter možnostih povečanja obsega poslov. V središču so torej mikro, mala in srednje velika podjetja v povezovanjem z oblačnimi sistemi za upravljanje odnosov s strankami. V diplomski nalogi je podrobneje predstavljen eden izmed največjih ponudnikov oblačnih CRM sistemov, Salesforce. Preveril sem ali njihov program zagotavlja potrebe mikro podjetja na podlagi primerjave zahtev podjetja z ponudbo Salesforca. Imel sem možnosti analize programa s pomočjo 30 dnevne brezplačne uporabe oblačnih storitev. Izkazalo se je, da oblačne rešitve Salesforca ne zadovoljujejo potreb mikro podjetja iz več razlogov. Paket storitev je teoretično zelo dober, praktično pa v manjših podjetjih ne bi izboljševal poslovnega procesa. Ima napredne funkcije ter orodja, zato je na pogled vrhunsko orodje, ampak se težava pojavlja v neuporabnosti za manjša podjetja.In the modern world we are faced with the use of cloud services everywhere. Due to the large focus our time on the mobility and flexibility is cloud computing increasingly important in business organizations. Providers of business software solutions, providing companies to access and use business applications anywhere, anytime. In the current economic climate, it appears a big rivalry undertakings in the fight for customers and CRM systems have become indispensable for the acquisition of advantages. Systems supporting sales processes, and they also contain a marketing tool for the conservation and acquisition of customers. CRM offer in the clouds gradually replaces locally installed programs. Even small and medium-sized enterprises are struggling for growth and development, they are deciding for investments in the improvement of business processes. All companies are looking for better ways of doing business with lower costs and greater efficiency. They must especially look for solutions that offer them lower business risk and the possibilities of increasing the volume of business. The focus is on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the integration with the cloudy systems for customer relationship management. In dissertation is more detailed presented one of the largest providers of cloud CRM systems, Salesforce. I checked whether their program ensures the needs of micro enterprises on the basis of a comparison of the requirements of the company with Salesforce offer. I had option to analysis program, using 30-day free cloud services use. It turned out that the Salesforce cloud solutions don’t meet the needs of micro enterprises for various reasons. The package of services is theoretically very good, but not practical. In smaller enterprises would not be extreme satisfied. It has advanced features and tools, on the first look it looks good, but it is in useless in small companies