223 research outputs found

    Analysis of the nBn-type barrier structures for infrared photodiode detectors

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    Modern trends in the technology of CdxHg1–xTe-based photosensitive barrier structures for the middle and far infrared bands, which can operate at near-room temperatures, are analyzed. Main approaches to solving the problem of increasing the photodiode-detector operating temperature have been considered and analyzed

    Temperature and field dependences of parameters of the equivalent circuit elements of MIS structures based on MBE n-Hg0.775Cd0.225Te in the strong inversion mode

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    A technique is proposed for the determining the parameters of the equivalent circuit elements in strong inversion mode using the measurement results of the admittance of MIS structures based on n-Hg0.775Cd0.225Te grown by molecular beam epitaxy. It is shown that at 77 K and frequencies above 10 kHz, the capacitancevoltage characteristics of MIS structures based on n-Hg0.775Cd0.225Te with a near-surface graded gap layer have a high-frequency behavior with respect to the recharge time of surface states located near the Fermi level of intrinsic semiconductor. It is established that the electron concentration in the near-surface graded-gap layer exceeds an average concentration found by the Hall method by more than 2 times. The proposed technique was used for determining the temperature dependences of the insulator capacitance, capacitance and differential resistance of the space-charge region, and capacitance of the inversion layer in MIS structures based on n-Hg0.775Cd0.225Te without a graded-gap layer. The temperature and voltage dependences of the parameters of the equivalent circuit elements in strong inversion are calculated. The results of calculation are qualitatively consistent with the results obtained from the measurements of the admittance

    Generalized Muller-Kern formula for equilibrium thickness of a wetting layer with respect to the dependence of the surface energy of island facets on the thickness of the 2D layer

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    Experimental results indicate a particular importance of such a value as the equilibrium thickness of the wetting layer during epitaxial growth according to the Stranski–Krastanow mechanism in systems with a lattice mismatch. In this paper the change in free energy during the transition of atoms from the wetting layer to the island in such systems is considered. Recent experimental results also show that the surface energy of the island's facets depends upon the thickness of the deposited material. So, in this paper the equilibrium thickness of the wetting layer, at which transition from 2D to 3D growth becomes energetically favorable, is calculated with the assumption that the specific energy of the island's facets depends upon the wetting layer thickness. In this approximation a new generalized Muller–Kern formula is obtained. As an illustration of the proposed method, an example of a numerical calculation according to the new formula for the material system of germanium on a silicon (001) surface is given. The result for the found equilibrium thickness of the wetting layer is rather unexpected since it differs from the value obtained in the bounds of the traditional Muller–Kern model

    Electro-physical characteristics of MIS structures with HgTe-based single quantum wells for optoelectronics devices

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    The paper presents brief research results of the admittance of metal-insulator- semiconductor (MIS) structures based on Hg1-xCdxTe grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) method including single HgCdTe/HgTe/HgCdTe quantum wells (QW) in the surface layer. The thickness of a quantum well was 5.6 nm, and the composition of barrier layers with the thickness of 35 nm was close to 0.65. Measurements were conducted in the range of temperatures from 8 to 200 K. It is shown that for structure with quantum well based on HgTe capacitance and conductance oscillations in the strong inversion are observed. Also it is assumed these oscillations are related with the recharging of quantum levels in HgTe
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