1 research outputs found

    Moral Values of Street Prostitutes

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    Straipsnyje, remiantis atlikto tyrimo duomenimis, analizuojamos gatvės prostitučių vertybinės nuostatos. Aptariamos jų labiausiai ir mažiausiai vertinamos žmogaus savybės. Atskleidžiamas požiūris į klientus ir policijos darbuotojus. Taip pat išryškinami gatvės prostitučių vertybių prioritetai, gyvenimo prasmės ir sėkmės samprata.In the article discusses the atitudes of street prostitutes towards personal traits, interpersonal relationsships, clients and olice officiers, and highlights their value priorities as well as understanding of the meaning and succes in life. It is demonstrated that both professonal and unprofesional street prostitutes emphasize the same positive human temper attriibutes (kindless, fairness, cultivated behaviour), even though these attributes have different priorities among respondents. Such positive human qualities as kind ness and fairness are valueted more among the younger prostitutes. A Ggressivenessm cruelity, rudeness a consumerist attitude towards the sex service prvider and spreanding of gossip are regarded as the most negative qualities. Although these qualities are rated differently, there is also a common trend: the more senior the respondents, the more tolerance they display towards other peoples negative qualities