42 research outputs found

    A capacitor discharge, quasi-trapezoidal pulse generator for particle extraction

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    In the CERN SPS Accelerator two methods for particle extraction are used. One of these methods, called Slow Extraction, delivers extracted beams with a duration of up to several seconds to the majority of experiments. The other one, the Fast Resonant Extraction, providing particle bursts with a duration of a few milliseconds, is used for neutrino experiments. For the latter kind of extraction a quadrupole magnet is installed, which is connected to a high voltage pulse generator delivering quasi-trapezoïdal current pulses. The pulse generator is a capacitor discharge system generating current pulses, with a rising slope having 2 different gradients, of which the second one is approximately zero. The falling slope is obtained through natural decay in a freewheel circuit. The use of modern GTO (Gate Turn Off) power switches resulted in a much simpler circuit than the use of standard thyristors would have permitted

    Improved Turn-on Characteristics of Fast High Current Thyristors

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    The beam dumping system of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is equipped with fast solid state closing switches, designed for a hold-off voltage of 30 kV and a quasi half sine wave current of 20 kA, with 3 ms rise time, a maximum di/dt of 12 kA/ms and 2 ms fall time. The design repetition rate is 20 s. The switch is composed of ten Fast High Current Thyristors (FHCTs), which are modified symmetric 4.5 kV GTO thyristors of WESTCODE. Recent studies aiming at improving the turn-on delay, switching speed and at decreasing the switch losses, have led to test an asymmetric not fully optimised GTO thyristor of WESTCODE and an optimised device of GEC PLESSEY Semiconductor (GPS), GB. The GPS FHCT, which gave the best results, is a non irradiated device of 64 mm diameter with a hold-off voltage of 4.5 kV like the symmetric FHCT. Tests results of the GPS FHCT show a reduction in turn-on delay of 40 % and in switching losses of almost 50 % with respect to the symmetric FHCT of WESTCODE. The GPS device can sustain an important reverse current during a short period. This eliminates the need for an anti-parallel diode stack in the final switch. Extrapolation of the test results onto the final switch result in a turn-on delay of 600 ns and 6 J total conduction losses from turn-on to 20 kA peak current. Further tests on the GPS FHCT at 4.4 kV, 60 kA peak current and a repetition rate of 10 s resulted in a di/dt of 50 kA/ms with a turn-on delay of 700 ns. These encouraging results, obtained with a slightly modified standard device and based on several hundred thousand discharges, open a wide field of fast high current, high voltage applications where presently thyratrons and ignitrons are used

    High power semiconductor switches in the 12 kV, 50 kA pulse generator of the SPS beam dump kicker system

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    Horizontal deflection of the beam in the dump kicker system of the CERN SPS accelerator is obtained with a series of fast pulsed magnets. The high current pulses of 50 kA per magnet are generated with capacitor discharge type generators which, combined with a resistive free-wheel diode circuit, deliver a critically damped half-sine current with a rise-time of 25 ms. Each generator consists of two 25 kA units, connected in parallel to a magnet via a low inductance transmission line

    Upgrading of the SPS injection kicker system for LHC requirements

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    The present SPS injection kicker system is composed of 12 travelling wave magnets connected in pairs to six pulse generators. The eight most upstream magnets ('S'-type) have a kick rise time (2-98%) o f 145 ns and the remaining four ('L'-type) of 215 ns. The flat top ripple of the kick is ±1%. In the future, this system will also inject protons and ions for the LHC, with a bunch spacing of respect ively 220 ns and 125 ns, and a flat top ripple requirement of at most ±0.5%. Important modifications, concerning both magnets and generators, are then required to meet these goals. For ion injection only 'S'-type magnets will be used. The reduction of the kick rise time will be achieved by shortening the magnet length and increasing the characteristic impedance. To compensate for the loss in tota l kick strength, four new magnets and two new pulse generators will be added. At the moment it is not intended to modify the 'L'-type magnets. Most of the pulse forming networks (PFN's) must be adapt ed to the higher characteristic impedance of 16.67 W. The internal structure of all PFN's will be upgraded to reduce the flat top ripple and improve the turn-on characteristics

    Control Loop for a Pulse Generator of a Fast Septum Magnet using DSP and Fuzzy Logic

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    A prototype of a fast pulsed eddy current septum magnet for one of thebeam extraction's from the SPS towards LHC is under development. The precision of the magnetic field must be better than ±1.0 10-4 during a flat top of 30 µs. The current pulse is generated by discharging the capacitors of a LC circuit that resonates on the 1st and on the 3rd harmonic of a sine wave with a repetition rate of 15 s. The parameters of the circuit and the voltage on the capacitors must be carefully adjusted to meet the specifications. Drifts during operation must be corrected between two pulses by mechanically adjusting the inductance of the coil in the generator as well as the primary capacitor voltage. This adjustment process is automated by acquiring the current pulse waveform with sufficient time and amplitude resolution, calculating the corrections needed and applying these corrections to the hardware for the next pulse. A very cost-effective and practical solution for this adjustment process is the integration of off-the-shelf commercially available boards into an active digital control loop. A 16-bit fixed point, 33 MIPS, DSP together with a 12-bit, 500 kSPS, ADC (total cost of under 250 $) has been used for this control process. The correction algorithm developed for the DSP uses Fuzzy Logic reasoning

    Solid State Switch Application for the LHC Extraction Kicker Pulse Generator

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    A semiconductor solid state switch has been constructed and tested in the prototype extraction kicker pulse generator of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [1]. The switch is made of 10 modified 4.5 kV, 66 mm symmetric GTO's (also called FHCT-Fast High Current Thyristor), connected in series. It holds off a d.c. voltage of 30 kV and conducts a 5 µs half-sine wave current of 20 kA with an initial di/dt of 10 kA/µs. Major advantages of the switch are the extremely low self-firing hazard, no power consumption during the ready-to-go status, instantaneous availability, simple condition control, very low noise emission during soft turn-on switching and easy maintenance. However, the inherent soft, relatively slow turn-on time is a non negligible part of the required rise time and this involves adaptation of generator components. A dynamic current range of 16 is achieved with variations in rise time, which stay within acceptable limits. Important generator improvements have been made with the series diodes and freewheel diodes. A more efficient droop compensation circuit is being studied. It is directly connected in series with the freewheel diode stack and maintains an acceptable flattop variation of 5% of the magnet current during 90 µs. This paper presents the complete generator, in particular the solid state switch and discusses related electrical measurements

    Kick Stability Analysis of the LHC Inflectors

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    Two sets of four LHC inflector magnet systems must produce a kick of 1.36 Tm each with a duration of 6.5 µs, a rise time of 750 ns, and an overall stability of ± 0.5%. The electrical circuit of the complete system, including all known stray quantities, has been simulated with PSpice. Many stray elements were determined from Opera2D simulations which included eddy-currents. 3D analyses have also been carried out for the kicker magnet using the electromagnetic analysis code Opera3D. Equivalent circuits which simulate the frequency dependence of inductance and resistance of the Pulse Forming Network (PFN) have been derived. The dimensions of the PFN coil have been selected to give the correct pulse response. The end cells of the PFN have also been optimised. The discharge stability of various PFN capacitors has been measured. This paper presents the results of both the analyses and measurements

    High voltage measurements on a prototype PFN for the LHC injection kickers

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    Two LHC injection kicker magnet systems must produce a kick of 1.3 T.m each with a flattop duration of 4.25 mu s or 6.5 mu s, a rise time of 900 ns, and a fall time of 3 mu s. The ripple in the field must be less than +or-0.5The electrical circuit of the complete system has been simulated with PSpice. The model includes a 66 kV resonant charging power supply (RCPS), a 5 Omega pulse forming network (PFN), a terminated 5 Omega kicker magnet, and all known parasitic quantities. Component selection for the PEN was made on the basis of models in which a theoretical field ripple of less than +or-0.1as attained. A prototype 66 kV RCPS was built at TRIUMF and shipped to CERN. A prototype 5 Omega system including a PFN, thyratron switches, and terminating resistors, was built at CERN. The system (without a kicker magnet) was assembled as designed without trimming of any PFN component values. The PFN was charged to 60 kV via the RCPS operating at 0.1 Hz. The thyratron timing was adjusted to provide a 30 kV, 5.5 mu s duration pulse on a 5 Omega terminating resistor. Measurement data is presented for the prototype PFN, connected to resistive terminators. A procedure has been developed for compensating the probe and oscilloscope amplifier calibration errors. The top of the 30 kV pulse is flat to +or-0.3after an initial oscillation of 600 ns total duration. The post-pulse period is flat to within +or-0.1after approximately 600 ns from the bottom of the falling edge of the pulse. A calculation was performed in which a measured 27.5 kV pulse with a 5.5 mu s flattop was fed into a PSpice model of a kicker magnet with a 690 ns delay length. The resultant predicted kick rise time, from 0.2to 99.8, is 834 ns and the fall time 2.94 mu s, for a field pulse with a flattop of 4.69 mu s and a ripple of less than +or-0.2(12 refs)

    Design aspects related to the reliability of the LHC beam dump kicker systems

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    The two LHC beam dump kicker systems consist each of 14 pulse generator and magnet subsystems. Their task is to extract on request the beams in synchronisation with the gap in the beam. This operation must be fail-safe to avoid disastrous consequences due to loss of the beam inside the LHC. Only a failing operation of one of the 14 pulse generators is allowed. To preserve this tolerance premature beam dumps are forced immediately after early detection of internal faults. However, these faults should occur rarely in order not to be a source of undesirable downtime of the LHC. The report determines first the level of reliability required for the main components of the system. In particular faults which could cause spontaneously non-synchronised beam dumps are identified. Then, technical solutions are evaluated on failure behaviour. Those having a most likely failure mode which does not cause dump triggers are favoured. These solutions need redundancy and are more complex but have the advantage to be fault tolerant. The design goal can be achieved with a combination of high quality components, redundant signal paths, fault tolerant subsystems, continuous surveillance and check-list validation tests before the start of the injection of beam in the LHC