56 research outputs found

    Subtenon carboplatin in the management of intraocular retinoblastoma

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    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of adjuvant subtenon carboplatin in the management of intraocular retinoblastoma. Methods: This study was conducted as a randomized, double-masked clinical trial. A diagnosis of intraocular retinoblastoma was made based on clinical examination, ultrasonography and orbital CT-scanning. The greatest basal dimension of the tumors was estimated in disc diameter (DD) by indirect ophthalmoscopy. Tumor thickness was determined by ultrasonography. Each eye was assigned to one of 10 blocks based on tumor stage (Reese-Ellsworth classification) and randomly received systemic chemotherapy alone (control group) or systemic chemotherapy plus 20mg subtenon carboplatin (case group). Indirect laser photocoagulation or cryotherapy was performed as additional treatment. Results: The study included 35 tumors in 17 eyes of 14 patients (19 tumors in 8 eyes in the control group and 16 tumors in 9 eyes in the case group). There was 57.22 and 61.73 decrease in tumor thickness in the control and case groups, respectively. This difference was not statistically significant (P=0.12). The decrease in greatest basal tumor dimension in the control group (47.32) was not significantly different from that in the case group (38.80). One eye (12.5) in the control group and 3 eyes (33.3) in the case group were enucleated. Conclusion: Adjuvant subtenon carboplatin does not seem to increase the efficacy of systemic chemotherapy in the treatment of intraocular retinoblastoma

    A bio-economic model for cost analysis of alternative management strategies in beef finishing systems.

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    peer-reviewedGlobal population growth together with rising incomes is increasing the demand for meat-based products. This increases the need to optimize livestock production structures, whilst ensuring viable returns for the farmers. On a global scale, beef producers need tools to assist them to produce more high-quality products whilst maintaining economic efficiency. The Grange Scottish Beef Model (GSBM) was customized to simulate beef finishing enterprises using data from Scottish beef finishing studies, as well as agricultural input and output price datasets. Here we describe the model and its use to determine the cost-effectiveness of alternative current management practices (e.g. forage- and cereal-based finishing) and slaughter ages (i.e. short, medium or long finishing duration). To better understand drivers of profitability in beef finishing systems, several scenarios comparing finishing duration, gender, genetic selection of stock for growth rate or feed efficiency, as well as financial support were tested. There are opportunities for profitable and sustainable beef production in Scotland, for both cereal and forage based systems, particularly when aiming for a younger age profile at slaughtering. By careful choice of finishing systems matched to animal potential, as well as future selection of high performing and feed efficient cattle, beef finishers will be able to enhance performance and increase financial returns

    Cytogenetic sensitivity of G0 lymphocytes of Fanconi anemia patients and obligate carriers to mitomycin C and ionizing radiation

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    It is well known that Fanconi anemia (FA) patients show a hypersensitivity to the effect of cross-linking agents such as mitomycin C (MMC) and diepoxybutane (DEB), while the sensitivity of these patients to ionizing radiation is still controversial. Fanconi anemia heterozygotes do not show a hypersensitivity to the above mentioned agents compared to normal individuals. To examine the radio-sensitivity of Fanconi anemia patients and heterozygotes, ten patients and 13 heterozygotes were enrolled in this study. Standard metaphase analysis for detection and verification of radio-sensitivity was used to establish the relationship between γ-ray and chromosome breakages in these groups. Statistical analysis was used for the assessment of aberrations including chromatid and chromosome breaks and exchanges. Results of chromosome aberration yield that: (i) differentiation between obligate carriers and the control group after MMC treatment and gamma irradiation was not possible; (ii) homozygotes were clearly distinguishable from heterozygotes and controls after MMC treatment; (iii) FA patients don't show hypersensitivity to gamma irradiation compared to normal controls and heterozygous carriers. Copyright © 2008 S. Karger AG

    Bilateral maxillary, sphenoid sinuses and lumbosacral spinal cord extramedullary relapse of CML following allogeneic stem cell transplant

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    Isolated extramedullary relapse of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) after allogeneic stem cell transplant is rare. There is a case report of a child who developed a granulocytic sarcoma of the maxillary and sphenoid sinuses and lumbosacral spinal cord mass 18 months after allogeneic bone marrow transplant for CML. He was presented with per orbital edema and neurological deficit of lower extremities and a mass lesion was found on spinal cord imaging. No evidence of hematologic relapse was identified at that time by bone marrow histology or cytogenetic. The patient died 1 month later with a picture of pneumonia, left ventricular dysfunction and a cardiopulmonary arrest on a presumed underlying sepsis with infectious etiology. Granulocytic sarcoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of mass lesions presenting after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for CML, even if there is no evidence of bone marrow involvement. © 2016, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS). All Rights Reserved

    Short communication:Identifying key parameters for modelling the impacts of livestock health conditions on greenhouse gas emissions

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    Improved animal health can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity in livestock systems while increasing productivity. Integrated modelling of disease impacts on farm-scale emissions is important in identifying effective health strategies to reduce emissions. However, it requires that modellers understand the pathways linking animal health to emissions and how these might be incorporated into models. A key barrier to meeting this need has been the lack of a framework to facilitate effective exchange of knowledge and data between animal health experts and emissions modellers. Here, these two communities engaged in workshops, online exchanges and a survey to i) identify a comprehensive list of disease-related model parameters and ii) test its application to evaluating models. Fifty-six parameters were identified and proved effective in assessing the potential of farm-scale models to characterise livestock disease impacts on GHG emissions. Easy wins for the emissions models surveyed include characterising disease impacts related to feeding

    Comparison of antimicrobial sensitivity to older and newer quinolones versus piperacillin-tazobactam, cefepime and meropenem in febrile patients with cancer in two referral pediatric centers in Tehran, Iran

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    Background: Infection in pediatric cancer patients has become a concerning problem due to increasing antimicrobial resistance. The goal of this study was to determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns of blood isolates from pediatric oncology patients in Iran to determine if there was significant resistance to quinolones. Methods: Children with cancer who were admitted with or developed fever during admission to Aliasghar Children's Hospital or Mahak Hospitals July 2009 through June 2011 were eligible for enrollment. Two blood cultures were obtained. Antimicrobial sensitivity test was performed for ciprofloxacin, moxifloxacin, gatifloxacin, meropenem, cefepime, and piperacillin-tazobactam on isolates from children who were bacteremic. Results: Blood cultures were positive for 38 episodes in 169 enrolled children but 9 episodes were excluded as blood cultures were thought to be contaminated, yielding a bacteremia rate of 29/160 (18). The mean age of children and the stage of malignancy did not differ between those with and without bacteremia. Meropenem was the most likely antibiotic to cover isolates (97) with cefepime having the lowest coverage rate (21). Quinolone coverage ranged from 63 to 76. Conclusion. Quinolones may not be suitable for use as empiric therapy in febrile pediatric oncology patients in Iran

    Effects of L-asparginase administration on anticoagulant proteins and platelet function in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Introduction: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is one the most common malignancies in children and adolescents. L-asparginase (L-ASP) is one of the leading medications in treatment of ALL. L.ASP interferes with the synthesis of some coagulation proteins and therefore causing disturbance in normal coagulation. In this study, the effects of L-ASP on anticoagulant proteins (protein C, protein S, and antithrombin III) and platelet function were assessed. Material and methods: This was a before-after study on 41 patients with ALL who refered to Mahak hospital (Tehran, Iran). Before and after the injection of L.ASP, a bleeding time test was performed based on Ivy method. Protein C and protein S performance was assessed by turbidometry and antithrombin III performance was evaluated by chromogenic method. Results: 48.8 of patients were female. Mean (±SD) of age was 4.0±7.2. A significant reduction in the mean amount of protein C, antithrombin III and bleeding time was recorded. However, the reduction in protein S was not significant. No patient showed the symptoms of thrombosis. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that L. ASP drug reduced coagulation proteins (except the protein S). This decrease along with other concomitant genetic factors can lead to thrombosis in some patients with ALL during induction therapy

    Bone mineral density in Iranian adolescents and young adults with β-thalassemia major

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    The authors investigated the prevalence of low bone mass in patients from Tehran, Iran, with β-thalassemia major (n = 203), aged 10-20 years, and the potential risk factors for osteoporosis in this patient population. Prevalence of osteoporosis was 50.7 in lumbar spine, 10.8 in femur, and 7.9 in both regions with no significant difference between the two genders. The following factors were associated with low BMD: height for age and weight for age below 3rd percentile, delayed puberty or hypogonadism, age when Desferal (for iron chelation) was started, duration of Desferal therapy, and serum zinc. Low serum copper and 25(OH)D were not associated with low BMD. Copyright © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc

    Usporedba djelovanja blokatora kalcijevih kanala, blokatora autonomnoga živčanog sustava te inhibitora slobodnih radikala na hiposekreciju inzulin iz izolirnih langerhansovih otočića štakora uzrokovanu diazinonom

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    Hyperglycaemia has been observed with exposure to organophosphate insecticides. This study was designed to compare the effects of calcium channel blockers, alpha-adrenergic, beta-adrenergic, and muscarinic receptor blockers, and of free radical scavengers on insulin secretion from diazinon-treated islets of Langerhans isolated from the pancreas of rats using standard collagenase digestion, separation by centrifugation, and hand-picking technique. The islets were then cultured in an incubator at 37 °C and 5 % CO2. In each experimental set 1 mL of 8 mmol L-1 glucose plus 125 µg mL-1 or 625 µg mL-1 of diazinon were added, except for the control group, which received 8 mmol L-1 glucose alone. The cultures were then treated with one of the following: 30 µmol L-1 atropine, 100 µmol L-1 ACh + 10 µmol L-1 neostigmine, 0.1 µmol L-1 propranolol, 2 µmol L-1 nifedipine, 50 µmol L-1 phenoxybenzamine, or 10 µmol L-1 alphatocopherol. In all experiments, diazinon significantly reduced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion at both doses, showing no dose dependency, as the average inhibition for the lower dose was 62.20 % and for the higher dose 64.38 %. Acetylcholine and alpha-tocopherol restored, whereas atropine potentiated diazinoninduced hyposecretion of insulin. Alpha-, beta- and calcium channel blockers did not change diazinoninduced effects. These findings suggest that diazinon affects insulin secretion mainly by disturbing the balance between free radicals and antioxidants in the islets of Langerhans and by inducing toxic stress.U osoba izloženih organofosfatnim insekticidima zamijećen je nastanak hiperglikemije. Svrha je ovo istraživanja bila usporediti djelovanje blokatora kalcijevih kanala, alfa i beta-adrenergičkih i muskarinskih receptora te inhibicije slobodnih radikala na lučenje inzulina iz Langerhansovih otočića izoliranih iz štakora tretiranih diazinonom. Otočići su izolirani iz gušterače štakora s pomoću standardnog postupka digestije kolagenazom, odvajanja centrifugiranjem i metodom ručnog probira (engl. hand-picking) te su kultivirani u inkubatoru pri 37 °C i 5 % CO2. Pokusne su kulture inkubirane s 1 mL glukoze u koncentraciji od 8 mmol L-1 te diazinonom u dozi od 125 μg mL-1, odnosno 625 μg mL-1. U kontrolu je dodana samo glukoza u koncentraciji od 8 mmol L-1. Nakon toga je u kulture dodan jedan od sljedećih agenasa: 30 µmol L-1 atropin, 100 µmol L-1 ACh + 10 µmol L-1 neostigmin, 0,1 µmol L-1 propranolol, 2 µmol L-1 nifedipin, 50 µmol L-1 fenoksibenzamin, odnosno 10 µmol L-1 alfa-tokoferol. U svim je pokusima diazinon značajno smanjio lučenje inzulina, s time da je doza od 125 μg mL-1 dovela do 62,2 %-tne inhibicije, a doza od 625 μg mL-1 do 64,38 %-tne inhibicije lučenja inzulina, što upućuje na djelovanje neovisno o dozi. Acetilkolin i alfa-tokoferol su ponovno potaknuli lučenje inzulina, za razliku od atropina koji ga je dodatno smanjio. Primjena blokatora alfa i beta-adrenergičkih receptora te blokatora kalcijevih kanala nije utjecala na djelovanje diazinona. Autori zaključuju da diazinon utječe na lučenje inzulina ponajviše narušavanjem ravnoteže između slobodnih radikala i antioksidansa u Langerhansovim otočićima te dovodi do toksičnoga stresa