15 research outputs found

    Comparative study of chemical and functional-technological properties for milts of commercial fishes

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    Milts are produced as food waste after processing of such raw fishes of high nutritional value as salmons, cod, and herring. Their using as a basement for food products is a perspective way of fish-processing technology development. Chemical and function-technology properties of chopped milt are investigated to determine their suitability for producing of food products, as sausages, pates, souses, and pastes and these properties are compared for the milts from salmon, cod, and herring. The milts are 3-26 % of the raw fish weight for these commercial species that is a significant amount of food waste. The milt tissue is slightly saturated by fats (coefficient of food saturation is 0.3 for all investigated fishes) and highly saturated by water, so the milt should be combined with other raw materials for increasing the food value. The milt lipids differ from the lipids of muscular tissue by high concentration of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids with five and six connections; the amount of these fatty acids is twice higher than the amount of saturated ones (49-52 % of total fatty acids). Moreover, the milt lipids have high coefficients of metabolism comparing with the lipids of muscular tissue, that’s why they are easy digested by human. The milts of all investigated fish species are distinguished by ability for fat emulsification. These high functional-technological properties allow to recommend the milts of salmons, cod and herring for high spectrum of food products, including emulsion ones

    The association between <i>Candida albicans</i> sensitivity to antimycotic drugs and the architecture of their microbial community in the oropharynx of HIV infected patients

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    Relevance. Candida infection remains relevant due to the wide spread of antimycotic-resistant strains of Candida fungi, especially among immunocompromised individuals. It was previously discovered that the Candida spp. microbial community in the biotope of the oropharynx of HIV infected patients is characterized by a certain architecture: they can be present in this biotope in the form of a monoculture or as association of co-isolates. It has been suggested that the architecture of the Candida microbial community may influence their resistance to antimycotic drugs. Purpose a comparative study of the association between the architecture of the C. albicans microbial community in the oropharynx of HIV infected patients with oropharyngeal candidiasis and their sensitivity to antimycotic drugs. Materials and methods. A microbiological study of 52 isolates of Candida fungi (C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis and C. krusei) from the oropharynx of 31 HIV infected patients with clinical manifestations of oropharyngeal candidiasis aged 20 to 69 years with almost equal gender distribution was carried out. In the form of monocultures, 18 isolates were isolated, while 34 were identified as co-isolates, which formed 16 homogeneous communities that included strains of the same species, and 18 heterogeneous ones that consisted of fungi of various species. Results. It was found that heterogeneous communities of C. albicans were markedly distinguished by sensitivity to antimycotic drugs, in particular, by low sensitivity to imidazoles. Homogeneous communities practically did not differ from monocultural ones. The general properties of the C. non-albicans population were largely similar to those of C. albicans, but were characterized by lower heterogeneity in response to antimycotic drugs. Conclusion. The architecture of the community of C. albicans isolated from the oropharynx of HIV infected patients with clinical manifestations of oropharyngeal candidiasis affects their sensitivity to antimycotic drugs. When selecting effective antimycotic therapy for such patients, it is necessary to take into account the structure of the Candida spp. community in the oropharynx

    Plant Growth Promoting Activity and Metal Tolerance of Bacteria Isolated from Rhizosphere of the Orchid Epipactis atrorubens Growing on Serpentine Substrates of the Middle Urals

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    В статье представлены данные, полученные при изучении бактерий, выделенных из ризосферы орхидеи Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser. Проведен сравнительный анализ некоторых морфологических, физиологических и биохимических характеристик ризобактерий растений, произрастающих в двух биотопах на серпентинитовых породах: в естественном лесном фитоценозе (фоновый участок) и на отвале после добычи асбеста (Свердловская область, Средний Урал). Оценка ростстимулирующей (PGP) активности выделенных штаммов не показала достоверных различий между исследованными участками по способности ризобактерий к синтезу индолил‑3-уксусной кислоты (ИУК) и солюбилизации фосфатов. Однако доля изолятов, способных к азотфиксации, была выше в ризосфере E. atrorubens, произрастающего на отвале, по сравнению с фоновым местообитанием. Устойчивость изолятов к тяжелым металлам оценивали по максимальной концентрации металла (400, 600 и 1000 мг/л соответственно для Ni, Cu и Zn), при которой отмечался рост бактерий. Показано, что ризобактерии с отвала оказались более устойчивыми к повышенным концентрациям металлов по сравнению с естественным лесным фитоценозом. На основе молекулярно-генетического анализа изолятов с наиболее выраженной PGP‑активностью (ИУК >1,0 мг/л; PO4 3- >50,0 мг/л) обнаружено сходство между изученными местообитаниями по родовой принадлежности ризобактерий E. atrorubens: выделенные штаммы принадлежали преимущественно к родам Buttiauxella и Pseudomonas. В модельных экспериментах протестирована ростстимулирующая способность четырех отобранных штаммов на семенах циннии. Инокуляция семян Pseudomonas sp. и Buttiauxella sp. не оказывала значимого влияния на их всхожесть, однако Buttiauxella sp. способствовала увеличению длины проростков в сравнении с контролем (в среднем на 25 %). Сделано предположение, что отобранные изоляты ризобактерий E. atrorubens, благодаря их ростстимулирующей активности и металлоустойчивости, могут способствовать натурализации орхидеи на техногенно нарушенной территорииThe article presents data obtained in the study of bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of the orchid Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser. Analysis was carried out to compare some morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics of plant rhizobacteria growing on serpentine rocks in two biotopes: in the natural forest community (control habitat) and on the asbestos mine dump (the Sverdlovsk region, Middle Urals). An assessment of the plant growth promoting (PGP) activity of the isolated strains did not show significant differences in the ability of rhizobacteria to synthesize indol‑3-acetic acid (IAA) and solubilize phosphates between the study sites. However, the proportion of isolates capable of nitrogen fixation was higher in the rhizosphere of E. atrorubens growing on the dump compared to the control habitat. The tolerance of isolates to heavy metals was assessed by the maximum metal concentration (400, 600, and 1000 mg/L, respectively, for Ni, Cu, and Zn) at which bacterial growth was observed. Rhizobacteria from the dump were found to be more resistant to elevated concentrations of metals compared to their counterparts from the natural forest community. The molecular genetic analysis of isolates with the highest PGP‑activity (IAA >1.0 mg/L; PO4 3- >50.0 mg/L) revealed that most of the E. atrorubens rhizobacteria in both habitats belonged to the genera Buttiauxella and Pseudomonas. In model experiments, the PGP ability of four selected strains was tested on zinnia seeds. Seed inoculation with Pseudomonas sp. and Buttiauxella sp. did not have any significant effect on their germination; however, Buttiauxella sp. contributed to the increase in the length of seedlings compared with the control (by 25 %, on average). It has been suggested that the selected isolates of E. atrorubens rhizobacteria, due to their growth promoting activity and metal tolerance, can facilitate naturalization of the orchid in an industrially disturbed are

    The Global Landscape of Pediatric Bacterial Meningitis Data Reported to the World Health Organization-Coordinated Invasive Bacterial Vaccine-Preventable Disease Surveillance Network, 2014-2019.

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    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) coordinates the Global Invasive Bacterial Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (IB-VPD) Surveillance Network to support vaccine introduction decisions and use. The network was established to strengthen surveillance and laboratory confirmation of meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Neisseria meningitidis. METHODS: Sentinel hospitals report cases of children 137 000 suspected meningitis cases were reported by 58 participating countries, with 44.6% (n = 61 386) reported from countries in the WHO African Region. More than half (56.6%, n = 77 873) were among children <1 year of age, and 4.0% (n = 4010) died among those with reported disease outcome. Among suspected meningitis cases, 8.6% (n = 11 798) were classified as probable bacterial meningitis. One of 3 bacterial pathogens was identified in 30.3% (n = 3576) of these cases, namely S. pneumoniae (n = 2177 [60.9%]), H. influenzae (n = 633 [17.7%]), and N. meningitidis (n = 766 [21.4%]). Among confirmed bacterial meningitis cases with outcome reported, 11.0% died; case fatality ratio varied by pathogen (S. pneumoniae, 12.2%; H. influenzae, 6.1%; N. meningitidis, 11.0%). Among the 277 children who died with confirmed bacterial meningitis, 189 (68.2%) had confirmed S. pneumoniae. The proportion of pneumococcal cases with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) serotypes decreased as the number of countries implementing PCV increased, from 77.8% (n = 273) to 47.5% (n = 248). Of 397 H. influenzae specimens serotyped, 49.1% (n = 195) were type b. Predominant N. meningitidis serogroups varied by region. CONCLUSIONS: This multitier, global surveillance network has supported countries in detecting and serotyping the 3 principal invasive bacterial pathogens that cause pediatric meningitis. Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most common bacterial pathogen detected globally despite the growing number of countries that have nationally introduced PCV. The large proportions of deaths due to S. pneumoniae reflect the high proportion of meningitis cases caused by this pathogen. This global network demonstrated a strong correlation between PCV introduction status and reduction in the proportion of pneumococcal meningitis infections caused by vaccine serotypes. Maintaining case-based, active surveillance with laboratory confirmation for prioritized vaccine-preventable diseases remains a critical component of the global agenda in public health.The World Health Organization (WHO)-coordinated Invasive Bacterial Vaccine-Preventable Disease (IB-VPD) Surveillance Network reported data from 2014 to 2019, contributing to the estimates of the disease burden and serotypes of pediatric meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis

    Geographical migration and fitness dynamics of Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of pneumonia and meningitis worldwide. Many different serotypes co-circulate endemically in any one location1,2. The extent and mechanisms of spread and vaccine-driven changes in fitness and antimicrobial resistance remain largely unquantified. Here using geolocated genome sequences from South Africa (n = 6,910, collected from 2000 to 2014), we developed models to reconstruct spread, pairing detailed human mobility data and genomic data. Separately, we estimated the population-level changes in fitness of strains that are included (vaccine type (VT)) and not included (non-vaccine type (NVT)) in pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, first implemented in South Africa in 2009. Differences in strain fitness between those that are and are not resistant to penicillin were also evaluated. We found that pneumococci only become homogenously mixed across South Africa after 50 years of transmission, with the slow spread driven by the focal nature of human mobility. Furthermore, in the years following vaccine implementation, the relative fitness of NVT compared with VT strains increased (relative risk of 1.68; 95% confidence interval of 1.59–1.77), with an increasing proportion of these NVT strains becoming resistant to penicillin. Our findings point to highly entrenched, slow transmission and indicate that initial vaccine-linked decreases in antimicrobial resistance may be transient

    MODY in Siberia – molecular genetics and clinical characteristics

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    The diagnosis of maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) has high clinical significance in young patients (no absolute need for exogenous insulin; normoglycaemia in most patients achieved by dieting or taking oral hypoglycaemic agents) and their relatives (high probability of first-degree relatives being carriers of mutations, which requires a thorough collection of family history and determination of the parameters of carbohydrate metabolism). Aim. This study aimed was to determine the clinical characteristics of different subtypes of MODY in a Siberian region. Materials and Methods. We performed an examination, biochemical and hormonal blood tests, ultrasound and molecular genetic testing of 20 patients with a clinical diagnosis of MODY. Results. Four subtypes of MODY were verified: MODY2 in 11 patients, MODY3 in two, MODY8 in one and MODY12 in two. Eleven patients (69%) exhibited no clinical manifestations of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, and one patient showed weight loss during early stage of the disease. Comorbidities included dyslipidemia, thyroid gland disorders and arterial hypertension. One patient (6%) exhibited diabetic nephropathy; two (13%), diabetic retinopathy and three (19%), peripheral neuropathy of lower legs. All patients achieved the target carbohydrate metabolism; the level of C-peptide was within the reference range. Conclusion. Four different subtypes of MODY (2, 3, 8, 12) were diagnosed in the present study, which differed in their clinical characteristics, presence of complications and treatment strategies. Our knowledge of monogenic forms of diabetes is expanding with the development in molecular genetics, but several aspects related to them require further study

    Clinical aspects of TP53 gene inactivation in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    Abstract Background The knowledge about specific mechanisms generating TP53 dysfunction in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is limited. The aim of the current study was to comprehensively explore TP53 gene variability resulting from somatic mutations, promoter methylation, and allelic imbalance in tumorous tissue of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Methods DNA samples from 74 patients with DLBCL were used. Genomic DNA was isolated from paraffin blocks of lymph nodes or from extranodal biopsies of tumors by the phenol–chloroform extraction method with guanidine. Analysis of coding sequences of the TP53 gene was based on Sanger’s direct sequencing method. The methylation status of the TP53 promoter was analyzed using by methylation-specific PCR on bisulfite-converted DNA. Assessment of the detected mutations was carried out in the IARC TP53 Database and the TP53 UMD mutation database of human cancer. Results The mutations in regions coding for the DNA-binding domain were prevalent (95%). In the analyzed sample of patients, codons 275, 155, 272, and 212 were hotspots of mutations in the TP53 gene. In addition, functionally significant intron mutations (IVS6-36G > C and IVS5 + 43G > T) were detected. Instances of TP53 promoter methylation were observed only in a few samples of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma tissue. Furthermore, loss of heterozygosity was revealed only in the subgroup of patients with altered status of the gene (mutations were detected in five patients and promoter methylation in one case). Conclusions Thus, the results suggest that there are two sequential events in the formation of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in at least some cases. The first event is mutation or methylation of the TP53 promoter, leading to appearance of a cell with increased risk of malignant transformation. The second event is the loss of an intact allele of the gene; this change is necessary for tumorigenesis. We identified TP53 mutation patterns in a Russian cohort of patients with de novo DLBCL who were treated with R-CHOP and R-CHOP-like regimens and confirmed that TP53 mutation status is a valuable prognostic biomarker