27 research outputs found

    Nearest-neighbor resonating valence bonds in YbMgGaO4

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    Since its proposal by Anderson, resonating valence bonds (RVB) formed by a superposition of fluctuating singlet pairs have been a paradigmatic concept in understanding quantum spin liquids (QSL). Here, we show that excitations related to singlet breaking on nearest-neighbor bonds describe the high-energy part of the excitation spectrum in YbMgGaO4, the effective spin-1/2 frustrated antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice, as originally considered by Anderson. By a thorough single-crystal inelastic neutron scattering (INS) study, we demonstrate that nearest-neighbor RVB excitations account for the bulk of the spectral weight above 0.5 meV. This renders YbMgGaO4 the first experimental system where putative RVB correlations restricted to nearest neighbors are observed, and poses a fundamental question of how complex interactions on the triangular lattice conspire to form this unique many-body state.Comment: To be published in Nature Communication

    Crystalline Electric Field Randomness in the Triangular Lattice Spin-Liquid YbMgGaO4_4

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    We apply moderate-high-energy inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements to investigate Yb3+^{3+} crystalline electric field (CEF) levels in the triangular spin-liquid candidate YbMgGaO4_4. Three CEF excitations from the ground-state Kramers doublet are centered at the energies ℏω\hbar \omega = 39, 61, and 97\,meV in agreement with the effective \mbox{spin-1/2} gg-factors and experimental heat capacity, but reveal sizable broadening. We argue that this broadening originates from the site mixing between Mg2+^{2+} and Ga3+^{3+} giving rise to a distribution of Yb--O distances and orientations and, thus, of CEF parameters that account for the peculiar energy profile of the CEF excitations. The CEF randomness gives rise to a distribution of the effective spin-1/2 gg-factors and explains the unprecedented broadening of low-energy magnetic excitations in the fully polarized ferromagnetic phase of YbMgGaO4_4, although a distribution of magnetic couplings due to the Mg/Ga disorder may be important as well.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Spin dynamics of coupled spin ladders near quantum criticality in Ba2CuTeO6

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    We report inelastic neutron scattering measurements of the magnetic excitations in Ba2CuTeO6, proposed by ab initio calculations to magnetically realize weakly coupled antiferromagnetic two-leg spin-1/2 ladders. Isolated ladders are expected to have a singlet ground state protected by a spin gap. Ba2CuTeO6 orders magnetically, but with a small Neel temperature relative to the exchange strength, suggesting that the interladder couplings are relatively small and only just able to stabilize magnetic order, placing Ba2CuTeO6 close in parameter space to the critical point separating the gapped phase and Neel order. Through comparison of the observed spin dynamics with linear spin wave theory and quantum Monte Carlo calculations, we propose values for all relevant intra- and interladder exchange parameters, which place the system on the ordered side of the phase diagram in proximity to the critical point. We also compare high field magnetization data with quantum Monte Carlo predictions for the proposed model of coupled ladders.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Crystalline Electric Field Randomness in the Triangular Lattice Spin-Liquid YbMgGaO4_4

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    We apply moderate-high-energy inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements to investigate Yb3+^{3+} crystalline electric field (CEF) levels in the triangular spin-liquid candidate YbMgGaO4_4. Three CEF excitations from the ground-state Kramers doublet are centered at the energies ℏω\hbar \omega = 39, 61, and 97\,meV in agreement with the effective \mbox{spin-1/2} gg-factors and experimental heat capacity, but reveal sizable broadening. We argue that this broadening originates from the site mixing between Mg2+^{2+} and Ga3+^{3+} giving rise to a distribution of Yb--O distances and orientations and, thus, of CEF parameters that account for the peculiar energy profile of the CEF excitations. The CEF randomness gives rise to a distribution of the effective spin-1/2 gg-factors and explains the unprecedented broadening of low-energy magnetic excitations in the fully polarized ferromagnetic phase of YbMgGaO4_4, although a distribution of magnetic couplings due to the Mg/Ga disorder may be important as well.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Avoided quasiparticle decay and enhanced excitation continuum in the spin-1/2 near-Heisenberg triangular antiferromagnet Ba3CoSb2O9

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    We explore the magnetic excitations of the spin-1/2 triangular antiferromagnet Ba3CoSb2O9 in its 120 degree ordered phase using single-crystal high-resolution inelastic neutron scattering. Sharp magnons with no decay are observed throughout reciprocal space, with a strongly renormalized dispersion and multiple soft modes compared to linear spin wave theory. We propose an empirical parametrization that can quantitatively capture the complete dispersions in the three-dimensional Brillouin zone and explicitly show that the dispersion renormalizations have the direct consequence that one to two magnon decays are avoided throughout reciprocal space, whereas such decays would be allowed for the unrenormalized dispersions. At higher energies, we observe a very strong continuum of excitations with highly-structured intensity modulations extending up at least 4x the maximum one-magnon energy. The one-magnon intensities decrease much faster upon increasing energy than predicted by linear spin wave theory and the higher-energy continuum contains much more intensity than can be accounted for by a two-magnon cross-section, suggesting a significant transfer of spectral weight from the high-energy magnons into the higher-energy continuum states. We attribute the strong dispersion renormalizations and substantial transfer of spectral weight to continuum states to the effect of quantum fluctuations and interactions beyond the spin wave approximation, and make connections to theoretical approaches that might capture such effects. Finally, through measurements in a strong applied magnetic field, we find evidence for magnetic domains with opposite senses for the spin rotation in the 120 degree ordered ground state, as expected in the absence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, when the sense of spin rotation is selected via spontaneous symmetry breaking.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figure