28 research outputs found

    Access to the quadratic and cubic Zeeman effects at ARTEMIS

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    Characterization of a croygenic adsorption valve for inert gases

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    In-trap production of highly charged ions at ARTEMIS

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    Bound electron g-factor measurements at the HITRAP facility

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    Experimental access to higher-order Zeeman effects by precision spectroscopy of highly charged ions in a Penning trap

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    We present an experimental concept and setup for laser-microwave double-resonance spectroscopy of highly charged ions in a Penning trap. Such spectroscopy allows a highly precise measurement of the Zeeman splittings of fine- and hyperfine-structure levels due the magnetic field of the trap. We have performed detailed calculations of the Zeeman effect in the framework of quantum electrodynamics of bound states as present in such highly charged ions. We find that apart from the linear Zeeman effect, second- and third-order Zeeman effects also contribute to the splittings on a level of 10^-4 and 10^-8, respectively, and hence are accessible to a determination within the achievable spectroscopic resolution of the ARTEMIS experiment currently in preparation