34 research outputs found

    The Shape of Things to Come. An Interview with Eva von Contzen

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    In this interview, Eva von Contzen introduces her current research project on retellings of premodern texts in contemporary narrative fiction. In this connection, she talks about the potential of historical and diachronic narratologies as an interdisciplinary undertaking that not only investigates storytelling practices at certain points in time, but that also examines narratives from different cultures

    The Shape of Things to Come. An Interview with Eva von Contzen

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    In this interview, Eva von Contzen introduces her current research project on retellings of premodern texts in contemporary narrative fiction. In this connection, she talks about the potential of historical and diachronic narratologies as an interdisciplinary undertaking that not only investigates storytelling practices at certain points in time, but that also examines narratives from different cultures

    Narratology and Classics.: A Transhistorical Approach

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    Irene J. F. de Jong: Narratology and Classics. A Practical Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014. Pp. 240. EUR 25.00. ISBN 978-0-1996-8870-

    Diachrone Narratologie und historische Erzählforschung. Eine Bestandsaufnahme und ein Plädoyer

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    Der Beitrag nähert sich dem Feld der mediävistischen Erzählforschung zu­nächst in Abgrenzung zum Begriff Narratologie und in interdisziplinärer Per­spek­­tive: Ausgehend von zentralen Beispielen der oft teleologisch auf die Moderne ausgerichteten Narratologie wird gezeigt, dass die mediävistische Erzähl­forschung – zu Unrecht – ein Schattendasein fĂĽhrt. Dabei kann gerade an mittel­alterlichen Texten eine Schärfung dessen erfolgen, was wir ĂĽber Erzählen zu wissen glauben: Aus einem Zusammenspiel aus transdisziplinärer Kooperation einerseits und ande­rer­­seits der Nutzung philologischer Kernkompetenzen könnte so von der mediä­vistischen Erzählforschung ein Gewinn fĂĽr die gesamte Narratologie aus­gehen.This contribution primarily approaches the field of medieval narrative research as distinct from the concept of narratology and from an interdisciplinary perspective. Using key examples from narratology, which is often teleologically oriented towards the modern age, it shows that medieval narrative research is – unjustly – relatively invisible, although medieval texts offer a particularly good opportunity to refine our understanding of narrative. Through a combination of transdisciplinary cooperation on the one hand and the application of philological core competences on the other, medieval narrative research can benefit narratology as a whole. &nbsp

    Why We Need a Medieval Narratology: A Manifesto

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    In the wake of the growing interest in diachronic approaches and the historicizing of narratology, a medieval narratology is called for which systematically scrutinizes medieval forms and functions of narration. In the first part of the article, the problems of applying classical narratological theories to medieval literature are sketched, as well as the reasons for the relative invisibility of the narratological studies already conducted by medievalists. In the second part, the main parameters of a medieval narratology are outlined by means of selected sample analyses across a range of genres. A medieval narratology, it is argued, requires necessary shifts and modifications of existing theories, but also an open dialogue between the disciplines. Both narratologists and medievalists can profit from such an endeavor, which does not reject classical and post-classical theories. Rather, it is based on an informed understanding of the historical grounding of narrative forms and their place in the history of literature. The essay rounds off with a proposal of “Ten Theses for a Medieval Narratology”

    Historische Narratologie – Wahrscheinlichkeit, Unzuverlässigkeit, Schema-Erzählen

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    Why We Need a Medieval Narratology: A Manifesto

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    In the wake of the growing interest in diachronic approaches and the historicizing of narratology, a medieval narratology is called for which systematically scrutinizes medieval forms and functions of narration. In the first part of the article, the problems of applying classical narratological theories to medieval literature are sketched, as well as the reasons for the relative invisibility of the narratological studies already conducted by medievalists. In the second part, the main parameters of a medieval narratology are outlined by means of selected sample analyses across a range of genres. A medieval narratology, it is argued, requires necessary shifts and modifications of existing theories, but also an open dialogue between the disciplines. Both narratologists and medievalists can profit from such an endeavor, which does not reject classical and post-classical theories. Rather, it is based on an informed understanding of the historical grounding of narrative forms and their place in the history of literature. The essay rounds off with a proposal of “Ten Theses for a Medieval Narratology”