19 research outputs found

    Weight Status Is Related with Gender and Sleep Duration but Not with Dietary Habits and Physical Activity in Primary School Italian Children.

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    The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children has risen greatly worldwide. Diet and poor physical activity are the two risk factors usually examined, but epidemiological evidence exists suggesting a link between sleep duration and overweight/obesity in children. The aim of this study was to describe the relationship among body mass index (BMI), diet quality, physical activity level, and sleep duration in 690 children attending the 5th grade in primary schools (9-11 years old) in the city of Parma (Italy) involved in the Giocampus educational program. This was achieved through (i) measuring anthropometric data to compute body mass index; (ii) administering a food questionnaire to evaluate adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (KIDMED score); and (iii) administering a lifestyle questionnaire to classify children physical activity level (PAL), sleep duration, and school achievement. A highly significant negative association was found between BMI and sleep hours. Moreover, there was a significant positive association between PAL and KIDMED scores. No evidence was found of association between BMI and PAL, nor between BMI and KIDMED score. Data from this study established that BMI is correlated to gender and sleep duration, defining sleep habits as one of the factors linked to overweight and obesity

    Joint mobility/muscular chain elasticity and motor coordination in a cohort of 9-11 years school children exposed to specifically designed and professionally guided training

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    Beside the positive role that an active lifestyle plays in the physical and emotional well-being of a child, physically active children have lower risks to encounter injury as adults. However, many groups have reported that only a small population of children in western countries are sufficiently active (1, 2). The aim of this study was to investigate whether joint mobility/muscular elasticity and coordination were related to a merely active lifestyle or could be significantly improved in the presence of a collective, easy-to-perform, but specifically-designed and professionally-guided school program. Specific functional and anthropometric parameters were single-blind tested on 277 children (aged 9-11 years). 148 were randomly assigned to a school-based physical education program specifically designed to increase coordination and elasticity and supervised by professionals, while 129 (control group) continued their usual physical activity at school, with no specific program. The specific program generated a significant improvement of joint mobility and coordination abilities as compared to non-specific physical activity. As a secondary end-point, gender and BMI-related differences emerged during the study, showing that females respond better to a low intensity program, while males benefit of a higher intensity (or a differently designed) program, particularly when belonging to overweight/ obese BMI classes. These results, building up on those from our and other groups, should orient decision-makers in the area of physical exercise for primary school children in favour of specifically designed programs based on demographic and anthropometric data

    Banca dati relativa al monitoraggio dei laghi

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    A relational database was set up to host the high resolution biological, cvhemical and hydromorphological data produced within the InHabit project. Based on previous partial databases (Deliverables I1d2 and I1d3) the database was built using PostgreSQL, an Open Source Relational Database Management system. The data base contains information on the habitat surveys, information on lake water chemistry and the four biological quality elements quoted in the Annex V of the Directive 2000/60/EC (Water Framework Directive) for lakes: phytoplankton, macrophytes, benthic macroinvertebrates and fishes. With respect to the previous databases, more temporal and taxonomical resolution is provided. At the moment, Lake Habitat survey information are available for 13 lakes and or reservoirs, totaling 170 habitat plots an 170 inter-plot shore descriptions. Chemical data are available for 13 lakes and 258 samples. For what concern the biological quality elements, phytoplankton (58 samples and 281 taxa), macrophyte (94 samples and 20 taxa) and benthos (28 sample and 177 taxa) data are stored at the species level, while fish data are stored at the speciemen level (607 specimen, belonging to 29 species in 16 samples).Questo rapporto descrive la banca dati relazionale predisposta per i dati ad alta risoluzione provenienti dai laghi all?interno del progetto InHabit. Per evitare l?uso di software proprietario, la banca dati ? stata scritta usando il software PostgreSQL, un gestore di database relazionali disponibile con licenza Open Source. La banca dati ? predisposta sulla base dei precedenti database parziali (deliverables I1d2 e I1d3) per contenere i dati relativi alla descrizione degli habitat lacustri secondo il metodo del Lake Habitat Survey, e i dati ad alta risoluzione raccolti nella campagna di monitoraggio, con una risoluzione tassonomica e temporale maggiroe rispetto alle banche dati precedenti. Al momento di scrivere questo rapporto, erano disponibili informazioni di tipo idromorfologico per 13 laghi o invasi, per un totale di 170 osservazioni puntuali di habitat e 170 descrizioni della sponda tra un punto di rilevamento e l?altro. Inoltre, la banca dati contiene i risultati delle analisi chimiche di 258 campioni di acqua dei 13 laghi del progetto. Per gli elementi biologici di qualit?, i dati sono stati archiviati a livello di specie per il fitoplancton (58 campioni e 281 taxa), le macrofite (94 campioni e 20 taxa) e il benthos (28 campioni e 177 taxa), mentre nel caso dei pesci sono stati archiviati i dati a livello di singolo individuo campionato, (607 pesci di 29 specie 16 campioni)

    Analisi della relazione tra le concentrazione di azoto e la composizione delle comunit? acquatiche

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    This report presents an analysis of the relationships between environmental variables and organisms belonging to the four biotic communities used to define the lake\u27s ecological quality, according to provisions of the Italian legislation (D.Lgs. 260, November 2010) and the European Water Framework 2000/6. The data analyzed were collected during the sampling surveys carried out within InHabit Project in 13 water bodies, 7 in Piedmont and 6 in Sardinia respectively. In particular, the aim of the study was to evaluate the possible effects of nitrogen on biotic communities. Phytoplankton community shown the clearer responses: according to the result of multivariate analysis, total nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen are among the most significant factors explaining the relationships among phytoplankton orders, species and environmental variables. In particular, cyanobacteria increased considerably with increasing availability of ammonium nitrogen. Conversely, high concentrations of this compound suppress the development of diatoms. Other algal groups show a nonlinear response with respect to nitrogen, with a possible limitation under low levels of nitrogen and an inhibition at higher levels. A comparative analysis, carried out to evaluate the response to the gradient of total phosphorus, shows that this nutrient is not as selective as nitrogen in controlling the structure of the algal assemblage in different environmental conditions. Other biotic communities did not show a clear relationship with nitrogen, but they rather responded to the trophic gradient as a whole: responses by macroinvertebrates seem, especially in the analysis of functional groups, complex and difficult to discriminate, highlighting a possible shifting of the food web towards the presence of large carnivores at high trophic status. Regarding the fish, the results show that nitrogen alone does not seem to be an important controlling factor for the fish communities. However together with the phosphorus, is one of the main elements controlling both biomass and size of the fish fauna, as well as the presence of tolerant, omnivorous or benthofagous species. In conclusion, the results of our analysis highlight the need for a greater emphasis on nitrogen inputs, which, especially in cases of nitrogen carried by atmospheric deposition, may even affect lake ecosystems relatively distant from direct impacts of human activities, thus altering the structure of biotic communities.A partire dai dati raccolti con le campagne di campionamento effettuate nell?ambito del progetto InHabit, questo documento presenta un?analisi delle relazioni tra le variabili ambientali e gli organismi appartenenti alle quattro comunit? biotiche utilizzate per la definizione della qualit? ecologica degli ambienti lacustri, secondo quanto previsto dal D.Lgs. 260 del novembre 2010, che recepisce la Direttiva Europea sulle Acque 2000/60. I campionamenti sono stati condotti in 13 ambienti lacustri, 7 in Piemonte e 6 in Sardegna. In particolare, lo scopo del lavoro ? stato valutare i possibili effetti sulla comunit? biotiche di concentrazioni variabili dei composti azotati inclusi tra le variabili considerate. La comunit? che mostra le risposte pi? chiare ? quella fitoplanctonica: come risulta dall?analisi multivariata, sia azoto ammoniacale che azoto totale compaiono tra le variabili significative per spiegare l?ordinamento di ordini e specie fitoplanctoniche. Tra questi, sono soprattutto i cianobatteri che aumentano sensibilmente all?aumentare della disponibilit? di azoto ammonicale. Al contrario, elevate concentrazioni di questo composto deprimono lo sviluppo delle diatomee. Altri gruppi algali mostrano una risposta non lineare rispetto ai composti azotati, con una possibile limitazione a bassi livelli di azoto ed una inibizione a livelli troppo elevati. L?analisi della risposta rispetto al gradiente di fosforo totale, mostra che questo nutriente non ? selettivo come l?azoto nel controllare la struttura delle associazioni algali in diverse condizioni ambientali. Le altre comunit? non hanno mostrato una relazione evidente con i composti azotati, ma, piuttosto, con il gradiente trofico complessivo: le risposte evidenziate dalla fauna macroinvertebrata, sembrano, soprattutto nell?analisi dei gruppi funzionali, complesse e difficili da discriminare, evidenziando un possibile spostamento degli equilibri della rete trofica verso i carnivori in presenza di elevati livelli trofici. Relativamente alla fauna ittica, i risultati mostrano che da solo l?azoto non sembra essere un fattore di controllo importante per la comunit? ittiche. Tuttavia insieme al fosforo, ? uno degli elementi principali a cui si associano positivamente la biomassa e le dimensioni della fauna ittica, nonch? la presenza di specie tolleranti, onnivore o bentofaghe. In conclusione, i risultati della nostra analisi, sottolineano ulteriormente la necessit? di porre una maggiore attenzione agli apporti di azoto, che, soprattutto nei casi di azoto veicolato da deposizioni atmosferiche, potrebbero interessare anche ecosistemi lacustri relativamente distanti da impatti diretti delle attivit? antropiche, alterandone la struttura delle comunit? biotiche

    Effetti dell\u27inquinamento da azoto nei laghi e nei fiumi e suggerimento per il miglioramento dei PdG

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    This report summarizes the finding of the InHabit project on the importance of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in affecting the chemical composition of lake water and in eventually altering the biological communities living in them. Previous deliverables (I2d5, Id26 and I2d7) have shown that; 1. in both regions studied in the InHabit project (Piedmont and Sardinia), atmospheric deposition of nitrogen compounds is relevant; 2. the flux of nitrogen from the atmosphere to the ecosystem is markedly larger in Piedmont than in Sardinia; 3. models of the dynamic behavior of nitrogen in forested catchments indicates that Piedmon soils are mainly N-saturated, so that nitrogen carried by atmospheric deposition can be released form forest soil to the surface water; 4. in Sardinia, soil are less saturated, but a part of the deposited nitrogen is still carried to surface water; 5. trend analysis of deposition and stream water revealed that nitrogen deposition is stable or slightly decreasing in recent years, both in atmospheric deposition and in stream water; 6. the importance relative importance of N deposition is relevant for sites in or close to reference conditions; 7. the relationships between environmental variables and organisms belonging to the four biotic communities used to define the lake\u27s ecological quality, according to provisions of the Italian legislation (D.Lgs. 260, November 2010) and the European Water Framework 2000/60 differ depending on the biological quality element considered; 8. phytoplankton community shows the clearer responses: according to the result of multivariate analysis, total nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen are among the most significant factors explaining the relationships among phytoplankton orders, species and environmental variables. In particular, cyanobacteria increased considerably with increasing availability of ammonium nitrogen. Conversely, high concentrations of this compound suppress the development of diatoms. On the basis of those results, which are summarized in this deliverable, we focused on the effect of different levels of nitrogen in lakes with low phosphorus concentration, slightly affected by direct trophic pressure and close to the reference conditions. The comparison between two lakes in Piedmont with low P concentration and high N concentration with two reservoirs in Sardinia with low levels of both nutrients shows that the formers are dominated by diatoms and the latter by dynophytes. Two reservoirs in Piedmont with high N levels are also dominated by diatoms. In spite of the small number of lakes studied, it seems that dynophytes are more fitted to low N lakes, probably because of their ability to use an heterotrophic metabolism, while lakes in reference conditions are generally considered to be dominated by oligotrophic diatoms, Our findings call for deeper studies on reference conditions in the Mediterranean ecoregion, because they suggest that lakes not affected by direct trophic pressure, i.e. reference lakes, may host different diatom communities depending on the amount of nitrogen deposition they receive

    Effect of naloxone on the inhibitory effect of melatonin on the release of arginine-vasopressin induced by physical exercise in man

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    This study was performed in order to establish whether endogenous opioids play a role in the inhibitory effect of melatonin on arginine-vasopressin (AVP) response to physical exercise. Seven healthy men underwent four bicycle ergometer tests until exhaustion [exercise control test, exercise plus naloxone (2mg injected plus 5mg infused intravenously), exercise plus melatonin (6mg), exercise plus melatonin plus naloxone]. Plasma AVP concentrations, non endocrine physiological parameters (NEPP) and biochemical parameters were evaluated during all tests. NEPP and biochemical values had a similar pattern during all tests. Physical exercise significantly increased the AVP levels. The pre-treatment with melatonin inhibited the AVP response to physical exercise. In contrast, naloxone had no effect on AVP rise during exercise, when given alone, whereas it abolished the negative effect of melatonin on AVP response to physical exercise. Our data indicate that naloxone-sensitive endogenous opiates mediate the inhibitory modulation exerted by melatonin on the AVP response to physical exercise

    A two-week summer program promoting physical activity: quality of life assessment in Italian children

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    Physical activity (PA) can be associated with better health-related quality of life (HRQoL). This study aimed to assess HRQoL before and after a two-week summer program promoting PA in Italian school-aged children. Participants were recruited during the Giocampus summer2017 (Parma, Italy), from June to July. Before (T0) and after (T1) the program, children and one of their parents answered the Kindl questionnaire. For each domain, least-square mean changes (LSmc) at T1 were derived from linear regression models stratified by responder and adjusted for child gender, age group, time spent in PAs and HRQoL score of the responder at T0. 350 children (7-13 years, 52% males) and 342 parents answered the questionnaire at both T0 and T1. At T1, the HRQoL score of the children significantly improved in the emotional (LSmc 2.9, p<0.001), self-esteem (LSmc 3.3, p<0.001), family (LSmc 4.2, p<0.001) and friend (LSmc 3.1, p<0.001) domains. Parents reported significantly more improvement in self-esteem than children (LSmc 6.7 vs 3.3, p=0.012). Children spending more time in PA reported significantly more improvement in self-esteem than those doing less PA (LSmc 4.4 [p vs 2.2 [p=0.181]). A short summer program promoting PA may improve HRQoL in the general population of school-aged children

    Learning new sport actions: Pilot study to investigate the imitative and the verbal instructive teaching methods in motor education.

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    The aim of the project was to investigate the effects of two strategies of teaching new sport actions on performance of eight-year-old children: observational-imitative method (OIM) and descriptive-directive method (DDM). The OIM group was provided with a pre-practice instruction in the form of expert modeling observation by an expert athlete. The DDM group received only verbal explanations of few selected static images. Thirty-six children (18 males and 18 females, mean age = 8,8) participated in the experiment. Subjects were randomly assigned to the OIM or DDM groups. Participants were instructed to perform four sport motor sequences never performed before (shoulder stand, soccer action, vortex howler throw, step action). Actions were videotaped and 2D kinematic analysis performed. A 10-point Likert questionnaire was administered to blind sport experts to assess the correctness and accuracy of each action. Results suggest that the OIM is the most effective instruction method when participants have no experience with the sport action to be performed. On the contrary, if the athlete needs to learn specific aspects of an exercise (such as grasping a tool) the best method is the DDM. In fact, detailed information on how to grab the vortex helped children in throwing it. We also found gender differences which might reflect cultural influences in specific sports (e.g. soccer). Finally, repetition of the exercise also improved the DDM group's performance. This has potential applications in sport teaching, suggesting that in the absence of a model performing the action to be imitated, the DDM can be as effective as the OIM if the observer repeats the sport action many times

    Giocampus school: A ''learning through playing'' approach to deliver nutritional education to children

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    To improve nutritional knowledge of children, single-group educational interventions with pre/ post knowledge assessment were performed in primary schools in Parma, Italy, participating to the Giocampus Program. A total of 8165 children (8-11 years old) of 3rd, 4th and 5th grades of primary school were involved in 3 hours per class nutritional lessons, with specifically designed games and activities for each school grade. To evaluate children learning, a questionnaire was administered before and after three months of educational intervention. A total of 16330 questionnaires were analysed. Children nutritional knowledge significantly increased (p50.001) in all school grades. The integrated "learning through playing" approach, including the educational figures, tools and games, was successful in improving children's nutritional knowledge. A stable integration of this method in primary school settings could prepare a new generation of citizens, better educated on health-promotion lifestyles