17 research outputs found

    Proactive risk assessment through failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) for perioperative management model of oral anticoagulant therapy. A pilot project

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    Introduction: Correct perioperative management of anticoagulant therapy is essential to prevent thromboembolic events and reduce the risk of bleeding. The lack of universally accepted guidelines makes perioperative anticoagulant therapy management difficult. The present study aims to identify the perioperative risks of oral anticoagulant therapy and to reduce adverse events through Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). Materials and Methods: A multidisciplinary working group was set up, and four main phases of the process were identified. Each of these phases was divided into micro-activities to identify the related possible failure modes and their potential consequences. The Risk Priority Number was calculated for each failure mode. Results and Discussion: Seventeen failure modes were identified in the entire perioperative period; those with a higher priority of intervention concern the incorrect timing between therapy suspension and surgery, and the incorrect assessment of the bleeding risk related to the invasive procedure. Conclusion: The FMEA method can help identify anticoagulant therapy perioperative failures and implement the management and patient safety of surgical procedures

    Response to letter to the editor regarding physical restraint in psychiatric setting

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    The following letter addresses the issues of the applicability of physical restriction, with particular attention to the therapeutic regime and its meaning as a therapeutic or restrictive provision, while considering possible alternative measures in the context of Italian jurisprudence. The letter, in response to the questions posed by Cioffi and Tomassini, examines the possible legal implications for doctors and suggests that the integration of jurisprudence and psychiatry seems to be mandatory to define the operational protocols for the management of physical restraint. Introduzione. La seguente lettera affronta il problema relativo all’applicabilitĂ  della contenzione fisica, con particolare riferimento al regime terapeutico, nonchĂ© la sua valenza giuridica quale misura terapeutica o restrittiva, considerando eventuali approcci alternativi. La lettera, in risposta alle domande poste da Cioffi e Tomassini, esamina le possibili implicazioni legali cui possono incorrere i medici nell’applica-re la contenzione fisica, suggerendo la necessitĂ  di un’integrazione tra le norme giurisprudenziale e la scienza psichiatrica, al fine di definire i protocolli operativi di gestione della contenzione fisica

    Cytokine Storm in COVID-19: Immunopathogenesis and Therapy

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    A cytokine storm is a hyperinflammatory state secondary to the excessive production of cytokines by a deregulated immune system. It manifests clinically as an influenza-like syndrome, which can be complicated by multi-organ failure and coagulopathy, leading, in the most severe cases, even to death. The term cytokine storm was first used in 1993 to describe the graft-versus-host disease following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. It was then reused to define the adverse syndromes secondary to the administration of immunostimulating agents, such as anti-CD28 antibodies or bioengineered immune cells, i.e., CAR T-cell therapy. Currently, the concept of cytokine storm has been better elucidated and extended to the pathogenesis of many other conditions, such as sepsis, autoinflammatory disease, primary and secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, and multicentric Castleman disease. Moreover, cytokine storm has recently emerged as a key aspect in the novel Coronavirus disease 2019, as affected patients show high levels of several key pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IP-10, GM-CSF, MCP-1, and IL-10, some of which also correlate with disease severity. Therefore, since the onset of the pandemic, numerous agents have been tested in the effort to mitigate the cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients, some of which are effective in reducing mortality, especially in critically ill patients, and are now becoming standards of care, such as glucocorticoids or some cytokine inhibitors. However, the challenge is still far from being met, and other therapeutic strategies are being tested in the hope that we can eventually overcome the disease

    The role of SARS-COV-2 infection in promoting abnormal immune response and sepsis: A comparison between SARS-COV-2-related sepsis and sepsis from other causes

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    Background: COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus is characterized by respiratory compromise and immune system involvement, even leading to serious disorders, such as cytokine storm. Methods: We then conducted a literature review on the topic of sepsis and covid-19, and in parallel conducted an experimental study on the histological finding of patients who died from SARS-Covid 19 infection and a control group. Results: Sepsis associated with covid-19 infection has some similarities and differences from that from other causes. Conclusion: In this paper the complex interplay between the 2 disorders was discussed, focusing on the similarities and on the effect that one could have on the other. A preliminary experimental section that demonstrates the multisystemic involvement in subjects who die from SARS-CoV-2 is also proposed

    What will our children do when we are gone? Italian legislature does not tackle the worries of parents of disabled children. Reflections on disability

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    Background: Over the last fifty years the concept of health has passed, hence from a humanitarian and charitable approach to an approach based on respect for human rights and the removal of obstacles and discrimination. This is an important change because of the need for legislature to address the necessities of disabled people. Legislation analysis: The Italian Law n. 112/2016 recognized the importance of a more ‘human’ relationship between seriously disabled people and the context in which they live. The law gave the power to severely disabled individuals to decide whether to continue to live in their apartment alone, or sharing the own apartments with others, or move to an assisted living structure, after their parents’ death. Conclusion: Unfortunately, a strong limitation of the law is that it is mainly designed only in favor of severely disabled individuals, thus excluding other people who have also the need and the right to better living conditions, and the choice of trust, which is expensive and not available to all families. This review aims to make a revision of national and international legislation on disability, underlining lights and shadows to provide insights for future implementations and improvements

    Death by artery injury: two peculiar cases of sharp force fatality

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    Background: As sharp force injury accounts for 10-20% of clinical forensic examinations, forensic pathologists are often asked to investigate deceased victims of stab wounds. Moreover, homicide by sharp force (stabbing) is one of the most common in European countries, involving generally domestic or interpersonal conflict. Stabbing as a suicide method constitutes a low percentage of all suicides, 2% to 3%. Accidental death due to sharp force is even rarer (0-3%) and usu-ally caused by an impact or a fall into different type of glass surface. Death due to stabbing is usually caused by exsanguinating incisions to organs or large blood vessels (such as arteries), leading to haemor-rhagic shock. Penetrating artery injuries are well known in clinical settings, and extremities are the most common sites of such injuries. Indeed, 50% to 60% of injuries occur in femoral or popliteal arteries, 30% in brachial artery. Aims: The aim of this paper is to present two rare cases of sharp force fatality, showing how a thorough forensic pathology methodology, including death scene investigation, autopsy examination, and toxicological analyses, are pivotal to detect the manner of death. Case reports: This paper presents two peculiar cases of sharp force fatalities: the first, a single and accidental stab injury on the right armpit which caused a complete transection of the axillary artery; the second, a single homicidal stab wound on the lower leg causing a full-thickness lesion of the anterior tibial artery

    Influence of different screenig procedures on the stroke prevalences estimates: the Italian longitudinal study on aging

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    Multidisciplinary approach to suspected sudden unexpected infant death caused by milk-aspiration: a case report

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    BACKGROUND The term sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) is not always properly invoked. It refers to a broad range of conditions that sometimes defy classification. There is not only a strong emotional impact on the family, but such cases are also quite complex. Underlying causes may be multiple, not always readily apparent, and have potential repercussions, especially in terms of forensics. CASE SUMMARY A 5-month-old male baby was pronounced dead following acute lung failure and cardiopulmonary arrest. The parents had immediately rushed their child to the hospital, stating the baby was found prone and not breathing. Total-body postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) was performed, revealing a hypodense material of indeterminate nature within the main airways and areas of ground-glass parenchymal change. At autopsy, the respiratory tract mucosa appeared edematous and was coated with a whitish stringy material. There was widespread airspace reduction due to parenchymal collapse. Alveolar sacs and bronchial openings contained abundant amorphous material admixed with white blood cells. Immunohistochemical studies were performed, targeting CD15, CD68, and alpha-lactalbumin. Ultimately, the focus was on alpha-lactalbumin (milk protein), which showed marked immunopositivity within alveolar spaces. Cytoplasmic staining of macrophages was also particularly prominent. CONCLUSION Postmortem investigations are thus essential to identify causes of death and surrounding circumstances. PMCT is a useful tool in this setting, given the frequent dearth of autopsy findings and ambiguity as to cause of death in SUID cases. These findings, later confirmed by immunohistochemical investigations, were indicative of active pneumonia due to aspirated milk. The present account illustrates the importance a broad diagnostic approach to SUID in cases of forensic concern. PMCT is a very valuable aid in cases of forensic interest, as it can provide useful information in all those situations in which the cause of death is uncertain or there are no suggestive dynamics or lesions

    Comparative study between conventional and new methods in defining the cause of death from anaphylactic shock

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    Anaphylaxis is defined as a rapid systemic reaction that develops in individuals previously exposed to specific allergens. The new exposure causes systemic cellular degranulation, which in turn leads to cardiovascular and respiratory changes that are fatal if not treated immediately. One of the main problems of this scenario in the forensic field is the determination of a correct post-mortem diagnosis. Traditional methods, such as histopathological examination of the respiratory tract and the use of specific antibodies used in immunohistochemistry, are sensitive but not always specific and therefore do not guarantee a high degree of probability in the diagnosis of anaphylaxis. For this reason, a new and promising research frontier in this field of forensic pathology could be represented by the application of miRNAs as biomarkers, as has been done in other areas of medicine.