31 research outputs found

    The issues of transport environmental impacts perception by students of environmental and other engineering specialties

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    The issues of environmental consciousness formation among the students of nonenvironmental specialties are considered. The preconditions of environmental culture formation during secondary education have been analyzed on the example of Ukraine, Canada, Germany and Sweden. The efficiency of environmental impacts understanding among the students was tested and evaluated on the example of the environmental impacts of transport. The major complications and problems of environmental culture formation were formulated.У статті розглядаються питання формування екологічної свідомості у студентів неекологічних спеціальностей. Проаналізовано передумови формування екологічної культури під час отримання середньої освіти на прикладі України, Канади, Німеччини та Швеції. Повнота розуміння студентами впливів діяльності людини на навколишнє середовище була перевірена та оцінена шляхом опитування на прикладі впливів на довкілля транспорту. Виявлені основні проблеми формування екологічної культури

    European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg): Patterns and trends in first-line empirical eradication prescription and outcomes of 5 years and 21 533 patients

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    Objective The best approach for Helicobacter pylori management remains unclear. An audit process is essential to ensure clinical practice is aligned with best standards of care. Design International multicentre prospective non-interventional registry starting in 2013 aimed to evaluate the decisions and outcomes in H. pylori management by European gastroenterologists. Patients were registered in an e-CRF by AEG-REDCap. Variables included demographics, previous eradication attempts, prescribed treatment, adverse events and outcomes. Data monitoring was performed to ensure data quality. Time-trend and geographical analyses were performed. Results 30 394 patients from 27 European countries were evaluated and 21 533 (78%) first-line empirical H. pylori treatments were included for analysis. Pretreatment resistance rates were 23% to clarithromycin, 32% to metronidazole and 13% to both. Triple therapy with amoxicillin and clarithromycin was most commonly prescribed (39%), achieving 81.5% modified intention-to-treat eradication rate. Over 90% eradication was obtained only with 10-day bismuth quadruple or 14-day concomitant treatments. Longer treatment duration, higher acid inhibition and compliance were associated with higher eradication rates. Time-trend analysis showed a region-dependent shift in prescriptions including abandoning triple therapies, using higher acid-inhibition and longer treatments, which was associated with an overall effectiveness increase (84%-90%). Conclusion Management of H. pylori infection by European gastroenterologists is heterogeneous, suboptimal and discrepant with current recommendations. Only quadruple therapies lasting at least 10 days are able to achieve over 90% eradication rates. European recommendations are being slowly and heterogeneously incorporated into routine clinical practice, which was associated with a corresponding increase in effectiveness

    Комплексные лабораторные исследования при профессиональных заболеваниях органов дыхания

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    Results of complex laboratory examination of 103 patients with dust related bronchitis caused by exposure of various industrial dusts, 22 patients with pneumoconiosis and 12 subjects not having respiratory pathology and not exposed to quartz dust or any other occupational hazards are presented in this article. Laboratory examination included morphological investigations of sputum and bronchial brush biopsy specimens, cytochemical characterization of bronchial ciliated epithelium and blood cells, and bacteriological and serological investigations of bronchial mucus. Our results demonstrated that morphological lesions of bronchial epithelium cells leading to their death followed cell dysfunction, disorders of enzyme activity, hypoxemia, predominance of Haemophilus influenzae in microflora, and significant inflammatory and allergic response in blood. These changes were found in different clinical stages of dust related bronchitis and pneumoconiosis. The findings obtained are of great importance for understanding pathogenic mechanisms of dust related lung diseases as well as from clinical point of view such as diagnosis and development of individual treatment strategies.В статье представлены результаты комплексного лабораторного обследования 103 больных с пылевым бронхитом, вызванным различными видами производственной пыли, 22 пациентов с пневмокониозом различной степени выраженности и 12 человек, не имевших в анамнезе заболеваний органов дыхания и не подвергавшихся воздействию кварцсодержащей пыли и других профессиональных вредностей. Комплекс лабораторного обследования включал морфологическое изучение мокроты, соскоб слизистой бронхов, цитохимическую характеристику функционального состояния мерцательного эпителия, а также клеток крови в сочетании с бактериологической и серологической оценкой отделяемого бронхов. Исследования показали, что изменения морфологической структуры клеток бронхиального эпителия, приводящие к их гибели, связаны с нарушением функционального состояния, ферментативной активности клеток, гипоксемией, изменением микробной флоры с преобладанием Haemophilus influenzae, выраженной воспалительной и аллергической реакцией крови и характерны для различной степени выраженности клинических проявлений пылевого бронхита и пневмокониоза. Полученные данные имеют значение как с позиции уточнения патогенетических механизмов развития пылевых заболеваний легких, так и с практической точки зрения – в диагностике и при формировании индивидуальных лечебных комплексов при этой патологии

    Utilization of waste production of fluoropolymers in different technologies

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    Благодаря уникальным свойствам фторполимеры используются во многих отраслях и сферах деятельности человека. Однако, при производстве и эксплуатации политетрафторэтилена (ПТФЭ) образуется огромное количество твердых и жидких отходов, которые необходимо утилизировать.В работе представлены результаты исследования возможности применения отходов производства ПТФЭ для получения композиционных электрохимических покрытий, адсорбентов и смазок.Приведены данные определения оптимального состава раствора для нанесения композиционного электрохимического покрытия Ni – ПТФЭ, предложен способ рекуперации отработанных электролитов. Исследован состав продуктов термодеструкции твердых отходов ПТФЭ методом исчерпывающего фторирования. Рассмотрено влияние частиц ультрадисперсного ПТФЭ (УПТФЭ) на сорбционную способность силикагеля и лигнина, представлены результаты, касающиеся возможности использовать УПТФЭ в составе смазывающих материалов.Fluoropolymers are used in many industries and areas of human activity due to the unique properties. However, very much of solid and liquid wastes formed in the production and use of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) that must be disposed of.The results of research the ability to use of wastes of production PTFE for creation of composite electrochemical coatings, adsorbents and lubricants presented in the work.The results of determining the optimal composition of the solution for application to composite electrochemical coatings Ni – PTFE, method of recuperation of waste electrolytes were proposed. The composition of the products of thermal destruction of solid waste PTFE by the method of exhaustive fluorination was investigated. The influence of particles the ultradispersed PTFE (UPTFE) on the sorption capacity of silicagel and lignin was considered in the work, the results relating to the possibility to use UPTFE in the composition of the lubricants presented in the work


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    The article describes various etiological forms of esophagitis, such as reflux-induced, infectious: viral, fungal, bacterial, allergic, dysmetabolic, the one caused by systemic diseases, radiation, medicinal, eosinophilic. The main principles of management of these forms are provided. The paper defines a role of proton pump inhibitors in the treatment of various forms of esophagitis. Rabeprazole is the most effective agent of the group for the treatment of esophagitis. The results of clinical observation of daily pH-metry with the use of rabeprazole are presented

    Dramatic Effect of A Ring Size of Alicyclic α-Dioximate Ligand Synthons on Kinetics of the Template Synthesis and of the Acidic Decomposition of the Methylboron-Capped Iron(II) Clathrochelates

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    Kinetics and thermodynamics of the template synthesis and of the acidic decomposition of the methylboron-capped iron(II) tris-1,2-dioximates—the clathrochelate derivatives of six (nioxime)- and eight (octoxime)-membered alicyclic ligand synthons—were compared. In the case of a macrobicyclic iron(II) tris-nioximate, the plausible pathway of its formation contains a rate-determining stage and includes a reversible formation of an almost trigonal-antiprismatic (TAP) protonated tris-complex, followed by its monodeprotonation and addition of CH3B(OH)2. Thus, the formed TAP intermediate undergoes a multistep rate-determining stage of double cyclization with the elimination of two water molecules accompanied by a structural rearrangement, thus giving an almost trigonal-prismatic (TP) iron(FII) semiclathrochelate. It easily undergoes a cross-linking with CH3B(OH)2, resulting in the elimination of H+ ion and in the formation of a macrobicyclic structure. In contrast, the analogous scheme for its macrobicyclic tris-octoximate analog was found to contain up to three initial stages affecting the overall synthesis reaction rate. The rates of acidic decomposition of the above clathrochelates were found to be also affected by the nature of their ribbed substituents. Therefore, the single crystal XRD experiments were performed in order to explain these results. The difference in the kinetic schemes of a formation of the boron-capped iron(II) tris-nioximates and tris-octoximates is explained by necessity of the substantial changes in a geometry of the latter ligand synthon, caused by its coordination to the iron(II) ion, due to both the higher distortion of the FeN6-coordination polyhedra, and the intramolecular sterical clashes in the molecules of the macrobicyclic iron(II) tris-octoximates

    Polymorphism of Carbamazepine Pharmaceutical Cocrystal: Structural Analysis and Solubility Performance

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    Polymorphism is a common phenomenon among single- and multicomponent molecular crystals that has a significant impact on the contemporary drug development process. A new polymorphic form of the drug carbamazepine (CBZ) cocrystal with methylparaben (MePRB) in a 1:1 molar ratio as well as the drug’s channel-like cocrystal containing highly disordered coformer molecules have been obtained and characterized in this work using various analytical methods, including thermal analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and single-crystal and high-resolution synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction. Structural analysis of the solid forms revealed a close resemblance between novel form II and previously reported form I of the [CBZ + MePRB] (1:1) cocrystal in terms of hydrogen bond networks and overall packing arrangements. The channel-like cocrystal was found to belong to a distinct family of isostructural CBZ cocrystals with coformers of similar size and shape. Form I and form II of the 1:1 cocrystal appeared to be related by a monotropic relationship, with form II being proven to be the thermodynamically more stable phase. The dissolution performance of both polymorphs in aqueous media was significantly enhanced when compared with parent CBZ. However, considering the superior thermodynamic stability and consistent dissolution profile, the discovered form II of the [CBZ + MePRB] (1:1) cocrystal seems a more promising and reliable solid form for further pharmaceutical development