93 research outputs found

    Simulation of aircraft navigation L410 UVP - E20

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    The article describes the basics of navigation procedures for air transport. The specialization is characterized for defining the application for L 410 aircraft. The modeling is based on the classical algorithm design of the given problem


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    Gutmann’s company became involved with industrial wood processing in the mid-19th century, due to the demand for railroad ties for the purpose of building a railway network in the post-revolutionary Habsburg Monarchy. In the wood processing business, the company would hold its steady place word for almost a century, until the Ustasha regime and then the Communist government put an end to its tradition. Its fate was finally sealed in 1946 by the District People’s Court in Zagreb. Belišće was founded in 1884 and within a few years acquired the form of an industrial settlement with factory facilities, warehouses, administrative buildings, cultural centres, and typical apartment buildings. By the end of the interwar period, Belišće had the population of a smaller urban settlement, with a post office serving a number of surrounding villages, factories, a port on the river Drava, and a railway network as a starting point in connecting Slavonia-Podravina with the foot of Mount Papuk in Voćin. Gutmann’s industrial plants, infrastructure and workers were the backbone of a successful family business, which consequently built the township of Belišće

    Klauzule o nadležnom sudu u ugovorima o kružnim putovanjima pomorskih putnika

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    This paper represents a comparison between legal approaches to passenger protection in the United States and European Union. The author focuses on forum selection clauses in cruise passenger tickets and their treatment in proceedings following an accident related to the journey. In this context the author analyses the case law available to passengers in the United States and suggests certain changes in the treatment of forum selection clauses. Moreover, this paper introduces legal instruments available to cruise passengers in the European Union and gives a detailed analysis of EU approach towards jurisdiction clauses. Most importantly, the author draws conclusions from the comparison between the two legal systems and their approach to consumer protection.Tema ovoga članka je analiza klauzula u ugovorima o kružnim putovanjima pomorskih putnika (krstarenje, cruising) kojima stranke toga ugovora (prijevoznik i putnik) sporazumno određuju sud koji će biti nadležan za rješavanje njihovih međusobnih sporova iz toga ugovora. Autor analizira i uspoređuje uređenje pitanja dopustivosti i valjanosti klauzule o nadležnom sudu u navedenim ugovorima prema pravu SAD-a i pravu EU. Proučavajući relevantnu američku sudsku praksu, pisac upozorava da sudovi nedovoljno štite putnika kao slabiju ugovornu stranu. Za razliku od američkog prava, propisi EU (Briselska uredba o nadležnosti, priznanju i ovrsi sudskih odluka u građanskim i trgovačkim stvarima, Smjernica o nepoštenim ugovornim odredbama, Smjernica o paket putovanjima, paket odmorima i paket turama) pružaju veću zaštitu putnika kao slabijoj strani u socioekonomskom pogledu, ali i u pravno procesnom smislu. Pisac analizira i rješenje Atenske konvencije o prijevozu putnika i prtljage morem iz 2002. godine. U zaključnom dijelu pisac kritizira stajalište američkih sudova koji ne razlikuju potrošačke od trgovačkih ugovora te ocjenjuje da je rješenje prava EU o dopuštenosti i priznavanju klauzula o nadležnosti u ugovorima o prijevozu putnika na kružnim putovanjima prihvatljivije i suvremenije od rješenja američkog prava

    Detection threshold for heart rate change in psychopaths, recidivists and normals

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    To test this a three part study would be required. First, it should be determined if there is a difference between the threshold for perception of increased heart rate in psychopaths and normals in order to see if the problem is an attentional one. If such a difference were not found the next step would be to compare psychopaths and normals on the strength of the cognitive fear reaction to Sarm the source of which in this case is increased heart rate. Finally, if results show no cognitive fear attached to the awareness of their increased heart rate, an attempt would be made to condition fear to the physiological stimulus of increased heart rate. The following study was concerned with completion of the initial phase of this three part study

    Drvna industrija Slavonije s posebnim osvrtom na obitelj Gutmann do kraja 1918. godine

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    Rad prati razvoj trgovačke tvrtke S. H. Gutmann i sličnih poduhvata u eksploataciji drvne mase. Prati razvoj drvne industrije u Slavoniji, posebice nakon pokretanja proizvodnje u Belišću pa sve do kraja Prvog svjetskog rata

    Učestalost humane bruceloze u Hrvatskoj tijekom 60 godina - od 1948. do 2008. godine (Human brucellosis prevalenca in Croatia in the 60 years period - from 1948 to 2008)

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    S obzirom na relativno brojno oboljevanje ljudi od bruceloze u 2008. godini na što ukazuju podaci Službe za epidemiologiju zaraznih bolesti Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo, smatramo potrebnim ponovno podsjetiti stručnu javnost na tu zoonozu

    Urbarial Forests of the Virovitica County: a Contribution to the History of Land Communities in Croatia and Slavonia until 1919

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    Urbarijalne šume nastaju kao posljedica ukidanja feudalnih odnosa, bivši podložnici od nekadašnjih zemaljskih gospodara dobivaju određene šumske površine na korištenje u vlasništvu zemljišne zajednice. Segregacija se vršila posebno za pojedini pravni slučaj, a često je završavala nezadovoljstvom seljaka. Osim što analizira upravu županijskih oblasti nad urbarijalnim šumama, kao i materijalan položaj njihovih zaposlenika, rad analizira i pravno normiranje urbarijalnih općina, odnosno zemljišnih zajednica. Tržišna vrijednost urbarijalnih šuma ovisila je o njihovom racionalnom uzgoju, podjeli na određeni broj pravoužitnika, kao i o devastaciji kojoj su ove šume često bile izložene. U očima šumarske struke u Hrvatskoj ove šume su bile vrijednost koja se morala sačuvati kao nacionalni interes, a nakon raspada Austro-Ugarske monarhije, traže reviziju segregacije kako bi se vlasničko stanje uskladilo sa socijalnom strukturom zemlje, odnosno stvarnim potrebama pravoužitnika, ali i svih stanovnika.Urbarial forests occurred as a result of the abolition of feudal relationships; former vassals were granted the right to use the land of certain wooded areas owned by the land communities from their former lords. The segregation was carried out separately for each legal case and it often caused discontent among the peasants. This paper analyzes the management of urbarial forests in certain areas of the county as well as the financial status of their employees; it also analyzes the legal regulations of the urbarial municipalities, i.e. the land communities. The market value of urbarial forests depended on their rational cultivation, on the number of members to whom the forests were assigned and on the devastation to which these forests had been exposed. From the standpoint of the forestry profession in Croatia, these forests had to be preserved as a value of national interest, and after the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, a revision of the segregation was claimed in order to bring ownership into line with the social structure of the nation, that is, with the real needs of the beneficiaries as well as of all inhabitants


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    Rad istražuje posljedice koje je velika svjetska gospodarska kriza (1929-1934) imala za poslovanje i vlasničku strukturu krupnog, pretežno drvoprerađivačkog poduzeća “S. H. Gutmann d. d.” sa sjedištem u Belišću, koje je u Slavoniji djelovalo od 1884. do 1941.The paper investigates the consequences that the Great Depression (1929-1934) had for the business and the ownership structure of the large, predominantly wood-processing company S. H. Gutmann d. d., headquartered in Belišće, which operated in Slavonia in the period between 1884 and 1941. At the time of the Great Depression, from 1930 to 1934, the Gutmanns subsisted on the acquisitions of the family’s second generation, i.e. on the acquisitions resulting from the policy of buying their own forests. The company did not have to pay for the raw materials it needed to launch its production, and the forests they exploited were bought and paid for, as we have already mentioned, in the previous period. The companies that were not so lucky, on the other hand, had to struggle with sudden price drops and long-term forest exploitation contracts whose prices were set at the time of conjuncture. A change from affirmative to negative attitude can be observed in the state’s treatment of large industrial companies owned by foreigners after the Great Depression. This is confirmed by the regulations of the National Bank of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia that proscribed that credits could be granted only to domestic entrepreneurs, as well as by the regulations of the Ministry of Finance that monitored all share transactions carried out by foreign owners


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    Táto štúdia pojednáva o možnostiach využitia vizuálnych systémoch v dopravných technológiách. Rozoberá možnosti vizuálneho systému ako systému pre zvýšenie vonkajšej bezpečnosti tak aj systému pre počítačové pozorovanie a pre monitorovanie ostražitosti vodiča za volantom. Dôvod na skonštruovanie takéhoto systému bol hlavne predísť častým dopravným nehodám, ktorých príčina je veľmi často mikrospánok vodiča. Práve zmenšený stupeň ostražitosti vodiča sa stal problémom vážneho záujmu pre spoločnosť.The requirements on transportation systems concern not only the quantitative and qualitative aspects of transportation activities, but still more also the aspects of their reliability and safety. Analyzing the reliability and safety of transportation, one finds that the activity of human being is the weakest point. The technical reliability of almost all the transportation tools has improved quite a lot in recent years, however the human subject interacting with them has not changed too much, as concerns his/her reliability and safety of the respective necessary interaction

    Učestalost Ehinokokoze u Hrvatskoj tijekom četrdeset godina - 1968. do 2008.godine

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    Ehinokokoza je zoonoza koja je u Hrvatskoj jedna od najstarije opisanih tkivnih parasitoza   čovjeka. Tijekom 19. stoljeća i do druge polovice 20. stoljeća jadransko priobalje i otoci bili su područja gdje je ta helmintoza ljudi i životinja bila endemična.  U Hrvatskoj je ehinokokoza najčešća tkivna infekcija ljudi ličinkama trakavice.S obzirom na podatke Službe za epidemiologiju zaraznih bolesti Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo   iz kojih je vidljivo da je u zadnjih godina relativno veći pobol ljudi od ehinokokoze korisno je upozoriti na opasnost od te zoonoze.