125 research outputs found

    Modified 'Stable Schools' as a Consulting Tool for Organic Dairy Herds

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    The aim of this study was to examine the opinions of farmers on a consulting project, which was established for organic dairy farms in Northern Germany involving different animal health experts who participated in the meetings. Furthermore, the properties of measures that are of decisive importance for implementation on the farms were identified to improve consultancy services for dairy farming. Once a year, the farmers met on a host-farm in one of three groups consisting of five to nine farms, a facilitator and an expert. At each meeting, a host-farm was visited and the analysed data of all participating farms of the previous year were presented to the group members. Each farmer had the possibility to report on success stories and issues concerning his herd. During discussions, the farmers first proposed mutual farm-specific measures for improving herd health and animal welfare. Afterwards, the expert named possible interventions and commented on the given measures of the farmers. All measures were noted by the facilitator. At the end of each meeting, each farmer could choose which of the given measures he wanted to implement. Open group-interviews as well as anonymous questionnaires for the farmers were used at the meetings in winter 2016/2017 to evaluate their perception of this consulting project and to determine which properties of measures were important for implementation on the farms. Based on the results of this study, the participating farmers were very positive towards this kind of consulting project. They favoured the participation of an expert during the meetings and the analysis of farm specific data. Farmers mostly chose measures for implementation proposed by farmers and approved by the expert, followed by those proposed by the expert only. Measures were chosen when they were practical in the implementation, effective, efficient and took a low additional workload for implementation

    What are the Marital Problems of Happy Couples? A Multimethod, Two‐Sample Investigation

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162758/2/famp12483.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162758/1/famp12483_am.pd

    Individual Variation in Fathers’ Testosterone Reactivity to Infant Distress Predicts Parenting Behaviors with their 1-Year-Old Infants

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    Positive father involvement is associated with positive child outcomes. There is great variation in fathers’ involvement and fathering behaviors, and men’s testosterone (T) has been proposed as a potential biological contributor to paternal involvement. Previous studies investigating testosterone changes in response to father-infant interactions or exposure to infant cues are unclear as to whether individual variation in T is predictive of fathering behavior. We show that individual variation in fathers’ T reactivity to their infants during a challenging laboratory paradigm (Strange Situation) uniquely predicted fathers’ positive parenting behaviors during a subsequent father-infant interaction, in addition to other psychosocial determinants of paternal involvement, such as dispositional empathy and marital quality. The findings have implications for understanding fathering behaviors and how fathers can contribute to their children’s socioemotional development

    Erarbeitung betriebsindividueller Handlungsempfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Euter- und Stoffwechselgesundheit im Rahmen einer interdisziplinären Interventionsstudie

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    Kernziel des im Rahmen des Bundesprogramms Ökologischer Landbau initiierten Forschungsvorhabens „Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit von Milchkühen im ökologischen Landbau interdisziplinär betrachtet“ (FKZ 07OE012 - 07OE022) ist - neben der Abschätzung des Risikos für Stoffwechselstörungen und Eutererkrankungen - die Entwicklung eines praxistauglichen, präventiv orientierten Tiergesundheitsmanagements für die Praxis der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung. Basierend auf einer Interventionsstudie auf 106 repräsentativ ausgewählten Milchviehbetrieben soll dieses Managementkonzept in einer zweijährigen Praxisphase validiert und auf seine Praxistauglichkeit überprüft werden. Als Grundlage für die Identifikation einzelbetrieblicher Interventionsmaßnahmen dienen zentrale Indikatoren der Euter- und Stoffwechselgesundheit, deren Abgleich mit im Vorfeld definierten Zielgrößen sowie Informationen zur Haltungsumwelt und zum Herdenmanagement. Das entwickelte Konzept soll eine einzelbetriebliche Einschätzung des Gesundheitsstatus der Milchviehherde bezüglich der Euter- und Stoffwechselgesundheit ermöglichen, auf deren Basis Handlungsempfehlungen zur nachhaltigen Verbesserung der Milchviehgesundheit abgeleitet werden können. Die Projektbetriebe setzten zwei Drittel der empfohlenen Maßnahmen um; eine abschließende Effektivitätskontrolle in Bezug auf die Verbesserung der Euter- und Stoffwechselgesundheit auf den Betrieben auf Basis der Daten des letzten Projektjahres steht noch aus

    Intra-arterial induction high-dose chemotherapy with cisplatin for oral and oropharyngeal cancer: long-term results

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    Intra-arterial (IA) chemotherapy for curative treatment of head and neck cancer experienced a revival in the last decade. Mainly, it was used in concurrent combination with radiation in organ-preserving settings. The modern method of transfemoral approach for catheterisation, superselective perfusion of the tumour-feeding vessel, and high-dose (150 mg m−2) administration of cisplatin with parallel systemic neutralisation with sodium thiosulphate (9 g m−2) made preoperative usage feasible. The present paper presents the results of a pilot study on a population of 52 patients with resectable stage 1–4 carcinomas of the oral cavity and the oropharynx, who were treated with one cycle of preoperative IA chemotherapy executed as mentioned above and radical surgery. There have been no interventional complications of IA chemotherapy, and acute side effects have been low. One tracheotomy had to be carried out due to swelling. The overall clinical local response has been 69%. There was no interference with surgery, which was carried out 3–4 weeks later. Pathological complete remission was assessed in 25%. The mean observation time was 3 years. A 3-year overall and disease-free survival was 82 and 69%, respectively, and at 5 years 77 and 59%, respectively. Survival results were compared to a treatment-dependent prognosis index for the same population. As a conclusion, it can be stated that IA high-dose chemotherapy with cisplatin and systemic neutralisation in a neoadjuvant setting should be considered a feasible, safe, and effective treatment modality for resectable oral and oropharyngeal cancer. The low toxicity of this local chemotherapy recommends usage especially in stage 1–2 patients. The potential of survival benefit as indicated by the comparison to the prognosis index should be controlled in a randomised study

    Configurations of mother-child and father-child attachment as predictors of internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems: An individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis

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    An unsettled question in attachment theory and research is the extent to which children's attachment patterns with mothers and fathers jointly predict developmental outcomes. In this study, we used individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis to assess whether early attachment networks with mothers and fathers are associated with children's internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems. Following a pre-registered protocol, data from 9 studies and 1,097 children (mean age: 28.67 months) with attachment classifications to both mothers and fathers were included in analyses. We used a linear mixed effects analysis to assess differences in children's internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems as assessed via the average of both maternal and paternal reports based on whether children had two, one, or no insecure (or disorganized) attachments. Results indicated that children with an insecure attachment relationship with one or both parents were at higher risk for elevated internalizing behavioral problems compared with children who were securely attached to both parents. Children whose attachment relationships with both parents were classified as disorganized had more externalizing behavioral problems compared to children with either one or no disorganized attachment relationship with their parents. Across attachment classification networks and behavioral problems, findings suggest (a) an increased vulnerability to behavioral problems when children have insecure or disorganized attachment to both parents, and (b) that mother-child and father-child attachment relationships may not differ in the roles they play in children's development of internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems

    Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit von Milchkühen im ökologischen Landbau interdisziplinär betrachtet – eine (Interventions-) Studie zu Stoffwechselstörungen und Eutererkrankungen unter Berücksichtigung von Grundfuttererzeugung, Fütterungsmanagement und Tierhaltung

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    Im Mittelpunkt des Projektes stand die Stoffwechsel- und Eutergesundheit von ökologisch gehaltenen Milchkühen im prä- und peripartalen Zeitraum sowie in den ersten 100 Laktationstagen und deren Beeinflussung durch die Futter- und Nährstoffversorgung und die Haltungsumwelt im umfassenden Sinn. In einer bundesweiten Feldstudie auf 106 ökologisch wirtschaftenden Milchviehbetrieben erfolgten Erhebungen mit dem Ziel einer Risikomodellierung zu Stoffwechsel- und Eutererkrankungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden die Produktionssysteme von der Pflanzenzusammensetzung im Grünland und im Ackerfutter über die Grobfutterproduktion, Futterqualität und Rationsgestaltung, Haltungsumwelt bis hin zur Tiergesundheit und Milchqualität analysiert, um hier einzelbetriebliche Risikoeinschätzungen vorzunehmen, Optimierungspotenziale aufzuzeigen und Handlungsempfehlungen abzuleiten, die anschließend betriebsindividuell implementiert wurden. Die Effektivität des so geschaffenen präventiv orientierten Tiergesundheitsmanagements wurde anhand der Entwicklung ausgewählter Kennzahlen der Euter- und Stoffwechselgesundheit geprüft. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich mit dieser Vorgehensweise auch unter Praxisbedingungen die Tiergesundheitssituation signifikant verbes-sern lässt. Die Feldstudie wurde mit experimentellen Untersuchungen ergänzt, die sich speziellen Fragen der Analyse von nXP in Grasprodukten, des Kraftfuttereinsatzes, der Wahl der geeigneten Rasse, dem Infektionsgeschehen, der Nutzung von Haltungstechniken im Fütterungsmanagement und der Verbesserung der Grasnarbe widmeten. Die im Projekt generierten, aufgrund ihrer Ableitung aus der Praxis widerspruchsarmen Erkenntnisse wurden über vielfältige Formen des Wissenstransfers an die Akteure in der Ökologischen Milchviehhaltung vermittelt. Ein Merkblatt zur Euter- und Stoffwechselgesundheit bei Biomilchkühen und ein modular aufgebautes Wissenstransferkonzept wurden erarbeitet, um die Projektergebnisse nachhaltig nutzen zu können

    The Role of Husbands’ and Wives’ Emotional Expressivity in the Marital Relationship

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    The current investigation was designed to examine the role of positive and negative emotional expressivity in the marital relationship. Data from 58 married couples were used to assess spouses’ levels of emotional expressivity and how these levels predicted reports of marital functioning. Regression analyses indicated that positive emotional expressivity had limited influence on marital functioning. Negative expressivity, however, had a strong impact on marital love, conflict, and ambivalence. Post-hoc analyses revealed significant differences between pairings in which the husband was high in negative expressivity, irrespective of wives’ negative emotional expressivity, and pairings in which both partners were low in negative emotional expressivity. These findings are discussed with respect to previous research that suggests that wives’ emotional expressivity is the major determinant of marital functioning.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45641/1/11199_2005_Article_3726.pd
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