43 research outputs found

    Rehousing homeless people - the case of Soziale Wohnraumhilfe Hannover: a basic analytical evaluation and a follow-up-study of tenants and ex-tenants

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    "The aim of this paper is to evaluate an intermediate agency for rehousing single homeless people in Germany and to present a follow-up study on selected tenants and ex-tenants of this agency. The paper is a case-study for the Eurohome Impact project and was written along the guidelines developed for follow-up studies in Germany, Italy and Ireland. In part of this paper the main aspects of an assessment tool prepared by the University of Fribourg (Marc-Henry Soulet and Viviane Châtel) for the Eurohome Impact project are used to describe and analyze the project in question." (excerpt

    Does rehousing lead to reintegration? Follow-up studies of re-housed homeless people

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    "Housing First", ein vielversprechender Ansatz zur Überwindung von Wohnungslosigkeit

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    "Im Folgenden wird ein Ansatz zur Überwindung von Wohnungslosigkeit vorgestellt, der in Europa, aber auch in den USA, Canada und Australien in den letzten Jahren sehr viel Zuspruch gefunden hat. Dieser Ansatz geht von der Grundprämisse aus, dass es in entwickelten Ländern nicht mehr hinnehmbar ist, sich mit Wohnungslosigkeit quasi als unveränderbarer Gegebenheit abzuinden und sie vor allem zu verwalten, sondern dass es darum gehen muss, Wohnungslosigkeit aktiv zu minimieren mit dem – zugegebenermaßen ehrgeizigen – Ziel, Wohnungslosigkeit weitestgehend zu beenden. Die wesentlichen Mittel, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, liegen dabei in der raschen Reintegration der Wohnungslosen in normale Wohnverhältnisse, bei Bedarf mit begleitender sozialer Unterstützung, und in der konsequenten Prävention von Wohnungslosigkeit. Das klingt banal, erfordert aber vielerorts einen nicht unerheblichen Paradigmenwechsel im Umgang mit Wohnungslosigkeit." (Autorenreferat

    Family Homelessness in Europe : 7 EOH Comparative Studies in Homeless

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    This comparative report critically assesses the evidence on the nature and extent of family homelessness in Europe and also explores the provision of preventative, support and rehousing services. Family homelessness is disproportionately experienced by lone women parents whose homelessness is frequently triggered by domestic violence. Homeless families tend to be in situations of poverty or low income, but unlike lone homeless adults experiencing recurrent or sustained homelessness, families do not tend to have high or complex needs. This report is the seventh in a series produced by the European Observatory on Homelessness exploring pan-European issues through a questionnaire based approach, using a group of national experts

    The Regulation and Quality of Homelessness Services : EOH Comparative Studies on Homelessness 9

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    This comparative report looks at the quality and regulation of homelessness services in Europe. Considerable variation exists in how service quality is defined and regulated. Both good regulatory practice and evidence of unregulated services working with homeless people are reported, sometimes within the same country. Marked differences in resources that services have available, alongside differing views on effective homelessness service design, create challenges in developing universal quality standards. However, work can be done on agreeing basic principles for service design and operation. This report is the ninth in a series produced by the European Observatory on Homelessness exploring pan-European issues through a questionnaire-based approach, using a group of national experts