31 research outputs found

    Using a dual plasma process to produce cobalt--polypyrrole catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells -- part II: analysing the chemical structure of the films

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    The chemical structure of cobalt--polypyrrole -- produced by a dual plasma process -- is analysed by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), near edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (NEXAFS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDX) and extended x-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS).It is shown that only nanoparticles of a size of 3\,nm with the low temperature crystal structure of cobalt are present within the compound. Besides that, cobalt--nitrogen and carbon--oxygen structures are observed. Furthermore, more and more cobalt--nitrogen structures are produced when increasing the magnetron power. Linking the information on the chemical structure to the results about the catalytic activity of the films -- which are presented in part I of this contribution -- it is concluded that the cobalt--nitrogen structures are the probable catalytically active sites. The cobalt--nitrogen bond length is calculated as 2.09\,\AA\ and the carbon--nitrogen bond length as 1.38\,\AA

    Degradation of glyphosate in water by the application of surface corona discharges

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    Glyphosate (GLP) is one of the most widely applied herbicides, and is found ubiquitously in the environment. The removal of glyphosate from waste water and soil is challenging and can be achieved with chemical or biological methods, which, nevertheless, suffer from different disadvantages. The application of a physical plasma for the removal of GLP in water was examined by the application of surface corona discharges in a wire-to-cylinder setup filled with argon. The plasma was ignited at the liquid surface without any additives. By applying a photometric method, GLP was detected after derivatisation with fluorenyl methoxycarbonyl chloride, whereas phosphate was determined with ammonium molybdate. A GLP degradation rate of 90.8% could be achieved within a treatment time of 30 minutes with an estimated energy efficiency of 0.32 g/kWh

    Plasma‐Assisted Immobilization of a Phosphonium Salt and Its Use as a Catalyst in the Valorization of CO2

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    The first plasma‐assisted immobilization of an organocatalyst, namely a bifunctional phosphonium salt in an amorphous hydrogenated carbon coating, is reported. This method makes the requirement for prefunctionalized supports redundant. The immobilized catalyst was characterized by solid‐state 13C and 31P NMR spectroscopy, SEM, and energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy. The immobilized catalyst (1 mol %) was employed in the synthesis of cyclic carbonates from epoxides and CO2. Notably, the efficiency of the plasma‐treated catalyst on SiO2 was higher than those of the SiO2 support impregnated with the catalyst and even the homogeneous counterpart. After optimization of the reaction conditions, 13 terminal and four internal epoxides were converted with CO2 to the respective cyclic carbonates in yields of up to 99 %. Furthermore, the possibility to recycle the immobilized catalyst was evaluated. Even though the catalyst could be reused, the yields gradually decreased from the third run. However, this is the first example of the recycling of a plasma‐immobilized catalyst, which opens new possibilities in the recovery and reuse of catalysts

    Environmental applications of plasma technology

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    Энергосбережение, энергоэффективные технологии и энергетический менеджмент, возобновляемые источники энерги

    Применения плазменной технологии синтеза и медицинского машиностроения наноструктурного материала / Фолькер Брюзер, Сандра Пеглоу, Томас фон Вёдтке

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    Энергосбережение, энергоэффективные технологии и энергетический менеджмент, возобновляемые источники энергииTwo topics will be presented in this presentation: nanostructured material synthesis and medical engeneering. Both low pressure and atmospheric pressure plasmas are used in these applications.Для рассмотрения представлены две темы: синтез наноструктурированных материалов и медикаментозное проектирование. При их применении используются как плазма низкого давления, так и атмосферное давление