29 research outputs found

    General practitioner empathy, patient enablement, and patient-reported outcomes in primary care in an area of high socio-economic deprivation in Scotland - a pilot prospective study using structural equation modelling

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    <b>Objective</b> The aim of this pilot prospective study was to investigate the relationships between general practitioners (GPs) empathy, patient enablement, and patient-assessed outcomes in primary care consultations in an area of high socio-economic deprivation in Scotland.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> This prospective study was carried out in a five-doctor practice in an area of high socio-economic deprivation in Scotland. Patients’ views on the consultation were gathered using the Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) Measure and the Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI). Changes in main complaint and well-being 1 month after the contact consultation were gathered from patients by postal questionnaire. The effect of GP empathy on patient enablement and prospective change in outcome was investigated using structural equation modelling.<p></p> <b>Results</b> 323 patients completed the initial questionnaire at the contact consultation and of these 136 (42%) completed and returned the follow-up questionnaire at 1 month. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the construct validity of the CARE Measure, though omission of two of the six PEI items was required in order to reach an acceptable global data fit. The structural equation model revealed a direct positive relationship between GP empathy and patient enablement at contact consultation and a prospective relationship between patient enablement and changes in main complaint and well-being at 1 month.<p></p> <b>Conclusion</b> In a high deprivation setting, GP empathy is associated with patient enablement at consultation, and enablement predicts patient-rated changes 1 month later. Further larger studies are desirable to confirm or refute these findings.<p></p> <b>Practice implications</b> Ways of increasing GP empathy and patient enablement need to be established in order to maximise patient outcomes. Consultation length and relational continuity of care are known factors; the benefit of training and support for GPs needs to be further investigate

    Lack of evidence on mental health and well-being impacts of individual-level interventions for vulnerable adolescents:systematic mapping review

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    Objectives: To review empirical evaluations of individual-level interventions intended to improve mental health or wellbeing for vulnerable adolescents. Study design: Systematic mapping review. Methods: Thirteen databases covering academic and grey literature were searched for published reviews and randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and grey literature (2005-2016) and the results quality-assessed to prioritize best available evidence. We aimed to identify well conducted systematic reviews and trials that evaluated individual-level interventions, for mental health/wellbeing outcomes, where the population was adolescents aged 10-24 years in any of 12 vulnerable groups at high risk of poor health outcomes (e.g. homeless, offenders, 'looked after', carers). Results: Thirty systematic reviews and 16 additional trials were identified. There was insufficient evidence to identify promising individual-level interventions that improve the mental health/wellbeing of any of the vulnerable groups. Conclusions: Despite Western policy to promote health and wellbeing among vulnerable young people, the dearth of evidence suggests a lack of interest in evaluating interventions targeting these groups in respect of their mental health/wellbeing outcomes

    Accelerated partner therapy (APT) partner notification for people with Chlamydia trachomatis: protocol for the Limiting Undetected Sexually Transmitted infections to RedUce Morbidity (LUSTRUM) APT cross-over cluster randomised controlled trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Partner notification (PN) is a process aiming to identify, test and treat the sex partners of people (index patients) with sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Accelerated partner therapy (APT) is a PN method whereby healthcare professionals assess sex partners, by telephone consultation, before giving the index patient antibiotics and STI self-sampling kits to deliver to their sex partner(s). The Limiting Undetected Sexually Transmitted infections to RedUce Morbidity programme aims to determine the effectiveness of APT in heterosexual women and men with chlamydia and determine whether APT could affect Chlamydia trachomatis transmission at population level. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This protocol describes a cross-over cluster randomised controlled trial of APT, offered as an additional PN method, compared with standard PN. The trial is accompanied by an economic evaluation, transmission dynamic modelling and a qualitative process evaluation involving patients, partners and healthcare professionals. Clusters are 17 sexual health clinics in areas of England and Scotland with contrasting patient demographics. We will recruit 5440 heterosexual women and men with chlamydia, aged ≄16 years.The primary outcome is the proportion of index patients testing positive for C. trachomatis 12-16 weeks after the PN consultation. Secondary outcomes include: proportion of sex partners treated; cost effectiveness; model-predicted chlamydia prevalence; experiences of APT.The primary outcome analysis will be by intention-to-treat, fitting random effects logistic regression models that account for clustering of index patients within clinics and trial periods. The transmission dynamic model will be used to predict change in chlamydia prevalence following APT. The economic evaluation will use mathematical modelling outputs, taking a health service perspective. Qualitative data will be analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis and framework analysis. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This protocol received ethical approval from London-Chelsea Research Ethics Committee (18/LO/0773). Findings will be published with open access licences. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN15996256

    Development of an evidence-based brief 'talking' intervention for non-responders to bowel screening for use in primary care:stakeholder interviews

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    Bowel cancer is the third most common cause of cancer death worldwide. Bowel screening has been shown to reduce mortality and primary care interventions have been successful in increasing uptake of screening. Using evidence-based theory to inform the development of such interventions has been shown to increase their effectiveness. This study aimed to develop and refine a brief evidence-based intervention for eligible individuals whom have not responded to their last bowel screening invitation (non-responders), for opportunistic use by primary care providers during routine consultations.The development of a brief intervention involving a conversation between primary care providers and non-responders was informed by a multi-faceted model comprising: research team workshop and meetings to draw on expertise; evidence from the literature regarding barriers to bowel screening and effective strategies to promote informed participation; relevant psychological theory, and intervention development and behaviour change guidance. Qualitative telephone interviews with 1) bowel screening stakeholders and 2) patient non-responders explored views regarding the acceptability of the intervention to help refine its content and process.The intervention provides a theory and evidence-based tool designed to be incorporated within current primary care practice. Bowel screening stakeholders were supportive of the intervention and recognised the importance of the role of primary care. Interviews highlighted the importance of brevity and simplicity to incorporate the intervention into routine clinical care. Non-responders similarly found the intervention acceptable, valuing a holistic approach to their care. Moreover, they expected their primary care provider to encourage participation.A theory-based brief conversation for use in a primary care consultation was acceptable to bowel screening stakeholders and potential recipients, reflecting a health promoting primary care ethos. Findings indicate that it is appropriate to test the intervention in primary care in a feasibility study