9 research outputs found

    The anorexigenic effects of metformin involve increases in hypothalamic leptin receptor expression.

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    Metformin demonstrates anorectic effects in vivo and inhibits neuropeptide Y expression in cultured hypothalamic neurons. Here we investigated the mechanisms implicated in the modulation of feeding by metformin in animals rendered obese by long-term high-fat diet (diet-induced obesity [DIO]) and in animals resistant to obesity (diet resistant [DR]). Male Long-Evans rats were kept on normal chow feeding (controls) or on high-fat diet (DIO, DR) for 6 months. Afterward, rats were treated 14 days with metformin (75 mg/kg) or isotonic sodium chloride solution and killed. Energy efficiency, metabolic parameters, and gene expression were analyzed at the end of the high-fat diet period and after 14 days of metformin treatment. At the end of the high-fat diet period, despite higher leptin levels, DIO rats had higher levels of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y expression than DR or control rats, suggesting a central leptin resistance. In DIO but also in DR rats, metformin treatment induced significant reductions of food intake accompanied by decreases in body weight. Interestingly, the weight loss achieved by metformin was correlated with pretreatment plasma leptin levels. This effect was paralleled by a stimulation of the expression of the leptin receptor gene (ObRb) in the arcuate nucleus. These data identify the hypothalamic ObRb as a gene modulated after metformin treatment and suggest that the anorectic effects of the drug are potentially mediated via an increase in the central sensitivity to leptin. Thus, they provide a rationale for novel therapeutic approaches associating leptin and metformin in the treatment of obesity

    Impact of chlorhexidine-impregnated sponges on catheter-related infections rate

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    INTRODUCTION. Multimodal strategy targeted at prevention of catheter-related infection combine education to general measures of hygiene with specific guidelines for catheter insertion and dressing (1). OBJECTIVES. In this context, we tested the introduction of chlorhexidine(CHX)-impregnated sponges (2). METHODS. In our 32-beds mixed ICU, prospective surveillance of primary bacteremia and of microbiologically documented catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) is performed according to standardized definitions. New guidelines for central venous catheter (CVC) dressing combined a CHX-impregnated sponge (BioPatch_) with a transparent occlusive dressing (Tegaderm _) and planning for refection every 7 days. To contain costs, Biopatch_ was used only for internal jugular and femoral sites. Other elements of the prevention were not modified (overall compliance to hand hygiene 65-68%; non coated catheters except for burned patients [173 out of 9,542 patients];maximal sterile barriers for insertion; alcoholic solution ofCHXfor skin disinfection). RESULTS. Median monthly CVC-days increased from 710, to 749, 855 and 965 in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively (p\0.01). Following introduction of the new guidelines (4Q2007), the average monthly rate of infections decreased from 3.7 (95% CI: 2.6-4.8) episodes/1000 CVC-days over the 24 preceding months to 2.2 (95% CI: 1.5-2.8) over the 24 following months (p = 0.031). Dressings needed to be changed every 3-4 days. The decrease of catheter-related infections we observed in all consecutive admitted patients is comparable to that recently showed in a placeborandomized trial2. Further generalization to all CVC and arterial catheters access may be justified. CONCLUSIONS. Our data strongly suggest that combined with occlusive dressings, CHXimpregnated sponges for dressing of all CVC catheters inserted in internal jugular and/or femoral sites, significantly reduces the rate of primary bacteremia and CRBSI. REFERENCES. (1) Eggimann P, Harbarth S, Constantin MN, Touveneau S, Chevrolet JC, Pittet D. Impact of a prevention strategy targeted at vascular-access care on incidence of infections acquired in intensive care. Lancet 2000; 355:1864-1868. (2) Timsit JF, Schwebel C, Bouadma L, Geffroy A, Garrouste-Org, Pease S et al. Chlorhexidine- impregnated sponges and less frequent dressing changes for prevention of catheter-related infections in critically ill adults: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2009; 301(12):1231-1241

    The neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor regulates leptin-mediated control of energy homeostasis and reproductive functions.

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    The orexigenic neurotransmitter neuropeptide Y (NPY) plays a central role in the hypothalamic control of food intake and energy balance. NPY also exerts an inhibition of the gonadotrope axis that could be important in the response to poor metabolic conditions. In contrast, leptin provides an anorexigenic signal to centrally control the body needs in energy. Moreover, leptin contributes to preserve adequate reproductive functions by stimulating the activity of the gonadotrope axis. It is of interest that hypothalamic NPY represents a primary target of leptin actions. To evaluate the importance of the NPY Y1 and Y5 receptors in the downstream pathways modulated by leptin and controlling energy metabolism as well as the activity of the gonadotrope axis, we studied the effects of leptin administration on food intake and reproductive functions in mice deficient for the expression of either the Y1 or the Y5 receptor. Furthermore, the role of the Y1 receptor in leptin resistance was determined in leptin-deficient ob/ob mice bearing a null mutation in the NPY Y1 locus. Results point to a crucial role for the NPY Y1 receptor in mediating the NPY pathways situated downstream of leptin actions and controlling food intake, the onset of puberty, and the maintenance of reproductive functions

    Stimulation by leptin of 3H GDP binding to brown adipose tissue of fasted but not fed rats.

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) leptin administration on rats fed ad libitum or fasted on 3H GDP binding to brown adipose tissue (BAT). SUBJECTS: Groups of 5-6 ten-week-old male Wistar rats. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: An i.c.v. cannula was inserted and unilateral denervation of interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) was performed 5 d before each study. Thereafter, leptin was infused i.c.v. during 72 h while rats were fed ad libitum or fasted. Vehicle-infused, pair-fed or fasted rats were used as controls. MEASUREMENTS: 3H GDP binding to innervated and denervated BAT mitochondria. RESULTS: 3H GDP binding to innervated or denervated BAT of rats fed ab libitum compared to vehicle-infused, pair-fed rats was not increased by i.c.v. leptin. 3H GDP binding was lower in fasted than in fed rats, and the difference was larger in innervated than denervated BAT. I.c.v. leptin increased 3H GDP binding by 30% in innervated, and by 51% in denervated BAT (P < 0.05) in fasted rats. CONCLUSIONS: I.c.v. leptin does not increase 3H GDP binding to BAT of rats fed ad libitum compared to pair-fed (food-restricted) rats. In contrast, i.c.v. leptin produces a mild stimulation of 3H GDP binding to BAT of fasted rats. This effect is not mediated by the sympathetic nervous system, because it is observed in both innervated and denervated BAT. These results are compatible with the concept that, in fasting rats, the decrease in leptin secretion contributes to the reduction in 3H GDP binding to BAT mitochondria

    Cytochrome P-450 activities in human and rat brain microsomes.

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    The role of cytochrome P450 in the metabolism of dextromethorphan, amitriptyline, midazolam, S-mephenytoin, citalopram, fluoxetine and sertraline was investigated in rat and human brain microsomes. Depending on the parameters, the limit of quantification using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry methods was between 1.6 and 20 pmol per incubation, which generally contained 1500 microg protein. Amitriptyline was shown to be demethylated to nortriptyline by both rat and human microsomes. Inhibition studies using ketoconazole, furafylline, sulfaphenazole, omeprazole and quinidine suggested that CYP3A4 is the isoform responsible for this reaction whereas CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 do not seem to be involved. This result was confirmed by using a monoclonal antibody against CYP3A4. Dextromethorphan was metabolized to dextrorphan in rat brain microsomes and was inhibited by quinidine and by a polyclonal antibody against CYP2D6. Only the addition of exogenous reductase allowed the measurement of this activity in human brain microsomes. Metabolites of the other substrates could not be detected, possibly due to an insufficiently sensitive method. It is concluded that cytochrome P450 activity in the brain is very low, but that psychotropic drugs could undergo a local cerebral metabolism which could have pharmacological and/or toxicological consequences

    Probiotic yogurt and acidified milk similarly reduce postprandial inflammation and both alter the gut microbiota of healthy, young men.

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    Probiotic yogurt and milk supplemented with probiotics have been investigated for their role in 'low-grade' inflammation but evidence for their efficacy is inconclusive. This study explores the impact of probiotic yogurt on metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers, with a parallel study of gut microbiota dynamics. The randomised cross-over study was conducted in fourteen healthy, young men to test probiotic yogurt compared with milk acidified with 2 % d-(+)-glucono-δ-lactone during a 2-week intervention (400 g/d). Fasting assessments, a high-fat meal test (HFM) and microbiota analyses were used to assess the intervention effects. Baseline assessments for the HFM were carried out after a run-in during which normal milk was provided. No significant differences in the inflammatory response to the HFM were observed after probiotic yogurt compared with acidified milk intake; however, both products were associated with significant reductions in the inflammatory response to the HFM compared with the baseline tests (assessed by IL6, TNFα and chemokine ligand 5) (P<0·001). These observations were accompanied by significant changes in microbiota taxa, including decreased abundance of Bilophila wadsworthia after acidified milk (log 2-fold-change (FC)=-1·5, P adj=0·05) and probiotic yogurt intake (FC=-1·3, P adj=0·03), increased abundance of Bifidobacterium species after acidified milk intake (FC=1·4, P adj=0·04) and detection of Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus (FC=7·0, P adj<0·01) and Streptococcus salivarius spp. thermophilus (FC=6·0, P adj<0·01) after probiotic yogurt intake. Probiotic yogurt and acidified milk similarly reduce postprandial inflammation that is associated with a HFM while inducing distinct changes in the gut microbiota of healthy men. These observations could be relevant for dietary treatments that target 'low-grade' inflammation