255 research outputs found

    Die Professionalisierung soziologischer Beratung

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    Soziologische Beratung im Berufsverband Deutscher Soziologen aus der Sicht der Köln-Bonner-Regionalgruppe

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    Mit der Tagung für angewandte Soziologie im März 1996 wurde die Auseinandersetzung um das Thema "Soziologische Beratung" im Berufsverband Deutscher Soziologen angestoßen und institutionalisiert. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, einen kurzen Überblick über die verschiedenen Aktivitäten sowie einen Ausblick über die zukünftigen Vorhaben zu geben. Dabei soll der Beitrag die Vielfältigkeit der Diskussion widerspiegeln und den Stand nach zwei Jahren dokumentieren. Im einzelnen wird berichtet über: die Tagung für angewandte Soziologie, die Diskussionen in Regionalgruppen, BDS-Veröffentlichungen zur soziologischen Beratung sowie die BDS-Qualifizierungsinitiative zur Vermittlung von Beratungsqualifikationen und ein kleiner Ausblick über geplante Aktivitäten gegeben

    Aerosol-cloud-radiation interaction during Saharan dust episodes: The dusty cirrus puzzle

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    Dusty cirrus clouds are extended optically thick cirrocumulus decks that occur during strong mineral dust events. So far they have been mostly documented over Europe associated with dust-infused baroclinic storms. Since today's numerical weather prediction models neither predict mineral dust distributions nor consider the interaction of dust with cloud microphysics, they cannot simulate this phenomenon. We postulate that the dusty cirrus forms through a mixing instability of moist clean air with drier dusty air. A corresponding sub-grid parameterization is suggested and tested in the ICON-ART model. Only with help of this parameterization ICON-ART is able to simulate the formation of the dusty cirrus, which leads to substantial improvements in cloud cover and radiative fluxes compared to simulations without this parameterization. A statistical evaluation over six Saharan dust events with and without observed dusty cirrus shows robust improvements in cloud and radiation scores. The ability to simulate dusty cirrus formation removes the linear dependency on mineral dust aerosol optical depth from the bias of the radiative fluxes. This suggests that the formation of dusty cirrus clouds is the dominant aerosol-cloud-radiation effect of mineral dust over Europe.</p

    Sex-specific associations between serum lipids and hemostatic factors: the cross-sectional population-based KORA-fit study

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    Background Studies on the associations between lipid parameters and different hemostatic factors in men and women from the general population are scarce. It was therefore examined whether there are possible relationships between routinely measured serum lipids (total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, non-HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides) and different hemostatic factors (activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), fibrinogen, factor VIII, antithrombin III (AT III), protein C, protein S, and D-dimer). Methods The analysis was based on data from the Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg (KORA)-Fit study, which included 805 participants (378 men, 427 women) with a mean age of 63.1 years. Sex-specific associations between serum lipids and coagulation factors were investigated using multivariable linear regression models. Results In men, total cholesterol was inversely related to aPTT but positively associated with protein C activity. HDL cholesterol was inversely related to aPTT and fibrinogen. LDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides showed a positive association with protein C and protein S activity. In women, LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, and non-HDL-cholesterol were positively related to AT III concentrations and protein C and S activity. Additionally, non-HDL-cholesterol was positively associated with factor VIII activity. HDL cholesterol was inversely related to fibrinogen. Triglycerides showed a positive relationship with protein C activity. Conclusions There seem to be sex differences regarding various associations between blood lipid levels and hemostatic factors. Further studies are needed to address the possible impact of these associations on cardiovascular risk and the underlying mechanisms

    Incremental learning of EMG-based Control commands using Gaussian Processes

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    Myoelectric control is the process of controlling a prosthesis or an assistive robot by using electrical signals of the muscles. Pattern recognition in myoelectric control is a challenging field, since the underlying distribution of the signal is likely to change during the application. Covariate shifts, including changes of the arm position or different levels of muscular activation, often lead to significant instability of the control signal. This work tries to overcome These challenges by enhancing a myoelectric human machine interface through the use of the sparse Gaussian Process (sGP) approximation Variational Free Energy and by the introduction of a novel adaptive model based on an unsupervised incremental learning approach. The novel adaptive model integrates an interclass and intraclass distance to improve prediction stability under challenging conditions. Furthermore, it demonstrates the successful incorporation of incremental updates which is shown to lead to a significantly increased performance and higher stability of the predictions in an online user study