3,123 research outputs found

    Electroweak phase transition in the economical 3-3-1 model

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    We consider the EWPT in the economical 3-3-1 (E331) model. Our analysis shows that the EWPT in the model is a sequence of two first-order phase transitions, SU(3)→SU(2)SU(3) \rightarrow SU(2) at the TeV scale and SU(2)→U(1)SU(2) \rightarrow U(1) at the 100100 GeV scale. The EWPT SU(3)→SU(2)SU(3) \rightarrow SU(2) is triggered by the new bosons and the exotic quarks; its strength is about 1−131 - 13 if the mass ranges of these new particles are 102 GeV−103 GeV10^2 \,\mathrm{GeV} - 10^3 \,\mathrm{GeV}. The EWPT SU(2)→U(1)SU(2) \rightarrow U(1) is strengthened by only the new bosons; its strength is about 1−1.151 - 1.15 if the mass parts of H10H^0_1, H2±H^\pm_2 and Y±Y^\pm are in the ranges 10 GeV−102 GeV10 \,\mathrm{GeV} - 10^2 \,\mathrm{GeV}. The contributions of H10H^0_1 and H2±H^{\pm}_2 to the strengths of both EWPTs may make them sufficiently strong to provide large deviations from thermal equilibrium and B violation necessary for baryogenesis.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutuminen Kaakkois-Aasiassa : – systemaattinen kartoitus Aasian kehityspankin projekteista vuosina 2016-2020

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    Kiinnostus ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumista kohtaan on lisääntynyt viime vuosina sekä tutkimus- että politiikkakontekstissa ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutusten tullessa yhä selvemmiksi. Vaikka Kaakkois-Aasian haavoittuvuus ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksille on yksi maailman korkeimpia, kokonaisvaltaista seurantaa siitä, miten alueen maat ja yhteisöt sopeutuvat ilmastonmuutokseen ei ole vielä tehty. Käytän tutkielmassani sopeutumistutkimukselle kehitettyä systemaattista katsausmenetelmää kartoittamaan Aasian kehityspankin Kaakkois-Aasian projekteista vuosina 2016-2020 löytyneitä ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumistoimia. Tuloksistani käy ilmi, että lähes viidesosa Aasian kehityspankin Kaakkois-Aasian sopeutumisprojekteista toimeenpannaan Kambodžhassa. Vähiten projekteja löytyi Thaimaasta ja Timor- Lestestä. Yleisesti ottaen tarkastelemani projektit olivat varsin linjassa globaalien sopeutumistrendien kanssa. Tulvat, kuivuus, myrskyt ja muut rankat sadeilmiöt olivat ilmastouhat, joihin vastattiin useimmiten sekä tarkastelemissani projekteissa että YK:n ilmastonsuojelun puitesopimuksen rahastojen projekteissa ja akateemisista julkaisuista identifioiduissa sopeutumistoimissa. Myös sektorit ja toimijat, joihin sopeutumistoimet liittyivät, olivat monenkeskisille rahoitusinstituutioille tyypillisiä, keskittyen maatalous- ja vesisektoreihin sekä kansallisiin ja paikallisiin hallintoihin ja maanviljelijöihin. Valmiuksien kehittäminen oli kaikista yleisin sopeutumistoimi, mikä viittaisi siihen, että Aasian kehityspankin toimeenpanemat sopeutumistoimet ovat yhä varsin alkuvaiheessa useimmissa Kaakkois-Aasian maissa. Näiden Kaakkois- Aasian ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumiseen liittyvien tulosten lisäksi tutkielmani osoittaa myös, että systemaattinen katsaus soveltuu metodina monenkeskisten kehityspankkien toimeenpanemien ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumistoimien seurantaan. Edellytyksenä tälle on kuitenkin riittävän informaation saatavuus relevanteista projekteista.As the effects of climate change have become increasingly more visible in recent years, interest in climate adaptation has grown in both research and policy contexts. However, although Southeast Asia is one of the regions most vulnerable to climate change impacts, there has not yet been an effort to comprehensively track how Southeast Asian countries and communities are adapting to climate change. I apply a systematic review methodology developed for adaptation research to map adaptation responses identified in the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) projects in Southeast Asia in 2016-2020. My results show that close to a fifth of the ADB’s adaptation projects in Southeast Asia is implemented in Cambodia, while Thailand and Timor-Leste are the least covered countries. In general, the characteristics of my examined projects are relatively similar to global adaptation trends. Flooding, drought, storms, and other heavy rainfall events are the most frequently addressed climate hazards by both the projects I examined as well as by UNFCCC climate fund projects and by adaptation responses documented in scientific papers. The sectors addressed and actors targeted by ADB projects were also typical to multilateral funding institutions, focusing on the agricultural and water sectors as well as national and local governments and farmers. Capacity building was the most frequent adaptation response category, indicating that adaptation implementation as delivered by the ADB is still in a relatively early phase in most Southeast Asian countries. In addition to results related to climate adaptation in Southeast Asia, I also demonstrate the applicability of a systematic review methodology for tracking climate change adaptation responses implemented by multilateral development banks, given sufficient information is made available on relevant projects

    An implementation of packet-switched communication for pilot protection at Tennessee Valley Authority

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    The utility network has long relied on Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) such as T1 and Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) as the main channel to transmit and receive data in a communication system. However, TDM technology is aging and its equipment becoming obsolete as vendors transition to Packet-Switched Networks (PSN) to make way for Ethernet-based network communications. Teleprotection is a critical element for a reliable power system as it provides high-speed tripping for faults on the protected line and is applied in various pilot protection schemes. Protection schemes cannot perform at their best without a fast and reliable communication system. The transition from a circuit-switched technology like SONET to a packet-based technology like Multiprotocol Label Switching-Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) has caused reservations for protection engineers as they express their concerns for lacking guaranteed 100% availability and potential latency. This paper will address this issue and the consistent test results at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)\u27s lab have proven to satisfy the communication requirements in a teleprotection system. Teleprotection traffics make to its destination in order in microseconds, the symmetrical delay is less than 1µs, and especially the recovery from a failure occurs under 50ms (3 cycles). The results reassure the protection engineers that the Ethernet migration is necessary yet provides a better performance compared to the legacy system

    The ‘Puzzles’ Methodology: En Route to Indirect Inference?

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    We review the methods used in many papers to evaluate DSGE models by comparing their simulated moments with data moments. We compare these with the method of Indirect Inference to which they are closely related. We illustrate the comparison with contrasting assessments of a two-country model in two recent papers. We conclude that Indirect Inference is the proper end point of the puzzles methodology.Bootstrap, US-EU Model, DSGE, VAR, Indirect Inference, Wald Statistic, Anomaly, Puzzle.
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