8 research outputs found

    Može li dugotrajna velika depresija izazvati osteoporozu?

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    A marked clinical, physiologic, and biochemical connection between osteoporosis and major depressive disorder (MDD) is described. There are numerous states and diseases associated with osteoporosis. The aim of the study was to assess the presumed association between hypercortisolism and osteoporosis. Some recent studies provided evidence for association between previous history of MDD and marked osteoporosis. In MDD, there are two well documented biochemical abnormalities, hypercortisolism and its resistance to dexamethasone suppression. The present study included 31 MDD patients (19 male and 12 female), mean age 37Ā±1.3, age range 29-41 years, and 17 healthy male volunteers mean age 39Ā±1.6, age range 34-45 years. The levels of free cortisol in 24-h urine, serum cortisol at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., and cortisol in dexamethasone suppression test as well as bone mineral density were measured in all study subjects. The results obtained were analyzed by use of Spearman\u27s nonparametric rank correlation, rho=-0.805, with a statistical significance level of p<0.01 (2-tailed). Study results suggested that patients with a long-term history of depression may develop a severe form of osteoporosis. Also, a severe form of osteoporosis has been known to develop in patients with untreated Cushing\u27s syndrome.Opisana je klinička, fizioloÅ”ka i biokemijska povezanost osteoporoze i velike depresije. U oba stanja dolazi do hiperaktivnostiosi HPA, sustava LC/NE, te poviÅ”enog lučenja CRH, kortizola i katekolamina. Mnoga stanja i bolesti povezane su s osteoporozom, uključujući hiperkorticizam. Novija istraživanja povezuju raniju povijest velike depresije s osteoporozom. U velikoj depresiji zabilježene su dvije biokemijske abnormalnosti: hiperkorticizam i rezistencija na supresiju deksametazonom. U naÅ”e je istraživanje bio uključen 31 bolesnik s velikom depresijom (19 muÅ”karaca i 12 žena) prosječne dobi od 37Ā±1,3 godine, te 17 muÅ”kih dobrovoljaca u dobi od 34 do 45 godina, prosječne dobi od 39Ā±1,6 godina. U svih je bolesnika određivana razina kortizola u 24-satnoj mokraći, serumski kortizol, kortizol u testu supresije deksametazonom, a gustoća kostiju je određivan adenzitometrijski. Bila je to skupina mlađih muÅ”karaca i žena s održanim menstruacijskim ciklusom, u početku bez osteoporoze, ali godinama pod antidepresivnom terapijom. Analiza rezultata pokazala je poviÅ”ene vrijednosti kortizola, te pojavu osteoporoze razvoj koje je bio posljedica poviÅ”ene razine kortizola. U analizi rezultata primijenjena je neparametrijska korelacija rangova, pri čem je Spearmanov rho bio -0,805 uz statistiku značajnost od p<0,01. Na temelju rezultata ispitivanja zaključeno je da bolesnici liječeni zbog depresije imaju poviÅ”enu razinu kortizola u 24-satnoj mokraći. Bolesnici koji su duže bolovali od depresije imali su jače izraženu osteoporozu. Kortizol vjerojatno ima značajnu ulogu u nastanku osteoporoze u bolesnika s depresijom, a poznato je da se u bolesnika s neliječenim Cushingovim sindromom također razvija jak oblik osteoporoze

    Epidemiological Study of Suicide in Croatia (1993ā€“2003) ā€“ Comparison of Mediterranean and Continental Areas

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    The aim of this study is to analyze eventual differences in characteristic of suicide between two areas of the Republic of Croatia, mediterranean and continental, according to the following variables: suicidal rates, season, month, day, method, places, socioeconomic variables such as gender, ages, marital status, employment, education, and psychiatric or medical characteristic. Data were collected from the Suicide register of the Ministry of Interior, and Croatian Bureau of Statistic. Analysis was done on all suicide cases committed in the period 1993ā€“2003. According to the Suicide Register of Ministry of Interior, 11,359 suicides were reported in period between 1993 and 2003. The average suicide rate in the Mediterranean area was lower (16.44 suicides per year) than in continental area of Croatia (26.34 suicides per year). Suicide committers in the Mediterranean area was statistically significant younger than suicide committers in the continental area of Croatia. In the continental area male suicide committers were more often than in the Mediterranean area of Croatia. In the Mediterranean area suicide committers were in most cases with high school education while in continental area of Croatia most cases of suicide committers were with elementary school education. Alcohol dependence, family conflicts, and medical disorders were more often present as suicidal motive in suicide committers in continental area of Croatia than in the Mediterranean area where undefined and unknown reason of suicide is present in majority of suicide cases. Cold steel, drowning, and jumping from height were more often present as suicidal method in the Mediterranean area of Croatia opposite to continental area of Croatia where jumping in front of car or train and suicide with firearms and explosive were more often. Also, in the Mediterranean area of Croatia suicides was mostly committed on open spaces and public places while in continental area of Croatia suicides was mostly committed in private plot

    Struktura agresivnosti u hrvatskih bolesnika s posttraumatskim stresnim poremećajem povezanim s borbenim iskustvima

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    Aggressive behavior is one of the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The aim of the study was to investigate the structure of aggressive behavior in combat related PTSD patients exhibiting an elevated level of aggression. A group of soldiers (N=40) with combat experience were assessed by use of a structured clinical interview based on DSM-IV criteria for chronic PTSD. The A-87 aggression rating scale was used to determine the level of aggression in study subjects. Study results indicated the combat related PTSD patients to exhibit a higher level of verbal latent aggression and physical latent aggression, and a lower level of verbal manifest aggression, physical manifest aggression and indirect aggression. In conclusion, results of the study suggested the soldiers with combat experience suffering from PTSD to have a specific structure of aggression characterized by a high level of latent aggression.Agresivno ponaÅ”anje je jedan od simptoma posttraumatskog stresnog poremećaja (PTSP). Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je istražiti strukturu agresivnosti u vojnika s borbenim iskustvima koji boluju od PTSP-a. U skupini bolesnika s PTSP-om (N=40) primijenjena je metoda upitnika sa strukturiranom klinikom ocjenskom ljestvicom prema kriterijima DSM-IV za PTSP. Ocjenska ljestvica za agresivnost A-87 primijenjena je za mjerenje razine agresivnosti. Rezultati su ukazali na to da vojnici s borbenim PTSP-om pokazuju viÅ”u razinu verbalne latentne i fizičke latentne agresivnosti te nižu razinu verbalne manifestne, fizičke manifestne i neizravne agresivnosti. U zaključku se ističe kako vojnici s borbenim iskustvima pokazuju specifičnu strukturu agresivnosti s viÅ”om razinom latentne agresivnosti

    Epidemiological Study of Suicide in Croatia (1993ā€“2003) ā€“ Comparison of Mediterranean and Continental Areas

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    The aim of this study is to analyze eventual differences in characteristic of suicide between two areas of the Republic of Croatia, mediterranean and continental, according to the following variables: suicidal rates, season, month, day, method, places, socioeconomic variables such as gender, ages, marital status, employment, education, and psychiatric or medical characteristic. Data were collected from the Suicide register of the Ministry of Interior, and Croatian Bureau of Statistic. Analysis was done on all suicide cases committed in the period 1993ā€“2003. According to the Suicide Register of Ministry of Interior, 11,359 suicides were reported in period between 1993 and 2003. The average suicide rate in the Mediterranean area was lower (16.44 suicides per year) than in continental area of Croatia (26.34 suicides per year). Suicide committers in the Mediterranean area was statistically significant younger than suicide committers in the continental area of Croatia. In the continental area male suicide committers were more often than in the Mediterranean area of Croatia. In the Mediterranean area suicide committers were in most cases with high school education while in continental area of Croatia most cases of suicide committers were with elementary school education. Alcohol dependence, family conflicts, and medical disorders were more often present as suicidal motive in suicide committers in continental area of Croatia than in the Mediterranean area where undefined and unknown reason of suicide is present in majority of suicide cases. Cold steel, drowning, and jumping from height were more often present as suicidal method in the Mediterranean area of Croatia opposite to continental area of Croatia where jumping in front of car or train and suicide with firearms and explosive were more often. Also, in the Mediterranean area of Croatia suicides was mostly committed on open spaces and public places while in continental area of Croatia suicides was mostly committed in private plot

    Dijagnostička vrijednost proÅ”irenja treće moždane komore u alkoholičara : disertacija ...

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    Sažetak disertacije "Dijagnostička vrijednost proÅ”irenja treće moždane komore u alkoholičara" nije dostupan

    Dijagnostička vrijednost proÅ”irenja treće moždane komore u alkoholičara : disertacija ...

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    Sažetak disertacije "Dijagnostička vrijednost proÅ”irenja treće moždane komore u alkoholičara" nije dostupan

    Elevated Serum Lipids in Veterans with Combat-related Chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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    Aim. To assess possible differences in serum cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglycerides, arteriosclerosis index, established risk factor (ERF) of arteriosclerosis, and 10-year risk for coronary disease according to the Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP-III) between veterans with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a control group consisting of patients with major depressive disorder. Method. We determined serum cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, and triglycerides in the patients with PTSD (n=103) and patients with major depressive disorder (n=92), using the enzyme-assay method. AI, ERF, and ATP-III were calculated from cholesterol, LDL-C, and HDL-C levels. The groups were matched in age and body mass index (BMI). Patients with major depressive disorder were chosen as a control group because they do not have changes in serum lipids. Results. Patients with combat-related PTSD had higher cholesterol (6.21.1 mmol/L vs 5.30.9 mmol/L; p0.001), LDL-C (3.90.7 mmol/L vs 3.51.0 mmol/L; p=0.005), and triglycerides (2.92.3 mmol/L vs 1.50.5 mmol/L; p0.001), and lower HDL-C (1.00.3 mmol/L vs 1.30.2 mmol/L; p0.001) than the control group. Arteriosclerosis index (4.21.2 vs 3.71.7; p =0.050), ERF (6.41.9 vs 5.52.4; p=0.010), and ATP-III (12.13.3 vs 10.23.8; p0.001) were higher in PTSD than in the control group. Conclusion. Elevated concentrations of serum lipids are associated with combat-related PTSD. This may imply that patients with combat-related PTSD are under a higher risk for arteriosclerosis

    Study of Schizophrenia comorbid with Alcohol addiction

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    The aim of this study was to investigate: the prevalence rate of current alcohol dependence, the family anamnesis of alcohol addiction, social and demographic characteristics, number of hospitalizations and degree of compliance with psychopharmacotherapy, as predictors for poor outcome of schizophrenia comorbid with alcohol addiction. Our results show that men with schizophrenia have higher prevalence rates of comorbid alcohol addiction than women. Comorbidity of alcohol addiction and schizophrenia in men is related with higher rate of divorce and age. In women comorbid alcohol addiction and schizophrenia relate with lower education, higher rate of unmarried women and family health insurance. There is strong evidence of alcohol addiction in first line relatives of schizophrenics with comorbid alcohol addiction, both male and female. Alcohol addiction comorbid with schizophrenia in men and women is related with poor compliance with psychopharmacotherapy and higher rate of hospitalization than with schizophrenia alone