325 research outputs found

    Drawing a Literary Map of the Urals in the Travel Essays of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak

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    The article was submitted on 29.09.2022.Путевые очерки стали не только пробой пера, но и важной частью зрелого творчества Д. Н. Мамина-Сибиряка. В исследовании используется картографический метод, разработанный в литературной географии. Выбор картирования обусловлен как внутренними особенностями творческого мышления писателя (соотнесенность художественного пространства его произведений с реальной географией Урала, особый картографический взгляд на пространство), так и жанровыми особенностями путевой очеркистики. Комплексная географическая методика анализа литературного путешествия (В. Н. Калуцков) в соединении с геопоэтическим анализом (В. В. Абашев) дали возможность описать литературную карту уральских регионов, которые представлены в путевых очерках Д. Н. Мамина-Сибиряка: это река Чусовая, Екатеринбург и его предместья, Старая Пермь, Кама в ее нижнем течении, Зауралье, Южный Урал. В ходе анализа на карте были проявлены основные структурные элементы пространства путешествия – маршруты, места остановок, типы местных жителей, природные объекты, транспортные средства – и дана характеристика их роли в процессе конструирования уральского ландшафта. Выводы исследования связаны с утверждением особой конструирующей миссии путевых очерков Д. Н. Мамина-Сибиряка, которая основана на географическом, публицистическом и образно-поэтическом собирании уральского пространства за счет объединения его основных территорий. Единство уральского пространства обеспечивается особым характером жизни, связанным с горнозаводским укладом экономики. Нарисованная писателем карта уральского ландшафта включает плотный слой образных наблюдений и обобщений, в том числе емких геопоэтических образов. Предвосхищая формирование общеуральской геопоэтики, Д. Н. Мамин-Сибиряк конструирует связный пространственный нарратив, который можно назвать первой литературной картой Урала.Travel essays became not only an attempt at writing but also an important part of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak’s later works. This study uses the method of mapping developed in literary geography. The choice of the mapping technique as the main method of research is due to both the internal features of the writer’s creative thinking (correlation of the artistic space of his works with the real geography of the Urals, a special mapping view of space) and the specific features of the travel genre. A comprehensive geographical methodology for studying literary travel (V. N. Kalutskov) in combination with geopoetic analysis (V. V. Abashev) makes it possible to describe the literary map of the Ural regions present in D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak’s travel essays: the Chusovaya River, Yekaterinburg and its suburbs, Old Perm, the Kama in its lower reaches, the Trans-Urals, and the Southern Urals. During the analysis, the author of the article shows the main structural elements of the travel space on the map: routes, stops, types of locals, natural sites, vehicles, and a characteristic of their role in the process of constructing the Ural landscape. The conclusion of the study is connected with the approval of the special constructive mission of the travel essays of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, which is based on the geographical, journalistic, figurative and poetic collection of the Ural landscape by combining territories that are different in their own way. The unity of the Ural space is ensured by the special nature of life associated with the mining economy. The map of the Ural landscape drawn by the writer in addition to detailed economic and social characteristics forms a dense layer of figurative observations and generalisations, including all-encompassing geopoetic images. Anticipating the formation of an all-Ural geopoetics, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak constructed a coherent spatial narrative, which can be called the first literary map of the Urals

    Functioning of information educational environment: Meta dynamic approach

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    © 2015 by the authors. The article substantiates the meta dynamic approach that determines ways for information educational environment analysis. The implementation of the said approach includes a versatile analysis of information with the application of offered meta dynamic methods and tools. Tools of meta dynamics allow to regard changes in the rate of the information process, to analyze structural modifications of the information environment. The change of the information process can be analyzed, for example, if the rate of new information emegence and the rate of its processing are taken into account. These and other similar measuring instruments are based on indicators of the second order. The modification of the information structure is analyzed on the basis of absolute and relative indexes of the moved and changeable information volume, and the dynamics of the environment structure. There the process of information restructuring is implied, including, for example, the emergence of new structural components, their association, removal, specification. In this context there has been given a theoretical justification for the set of meta dynamic tools of the second order application. There have been presented some results of their experimental approbation. The significance of the designated approach has a predictive value in the development of a vocational school and its information educational environment

    Space Narrativisation in the First Travel Guides around the Urals

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    Поступила в редакцию: 28.08.2020. Принята к печати: 15.04.2021.Submitted: 28.08.2020. Accepted: 15.04.2021.Статья посвящена роли первых уральских путеводителей в общем процессе формирования геокультурного образа Урала. Материалом исследования послужили путеводители 1899 и 1904 гг., подготовленные известным уральским журналистом В. А. Весновским и ставшие первой попыткой целостного описания региона, адресованного широкому читателю. В фокусе внимания находятся приемы нарративизации пространства, которые, в отличие от справочных изданий, активно используются путеводителями. Нарративизация рассматривается в ее функциональном аспекте: как способ вовлечения аудитории за счет эмоционально рассказанной истории. В качестве основного методологического подхода используется идея Дж. Брунера о двойном ландшафте нарратива: ландшафте действия и ландшафте сознания. В ходе анализа выявляются основные предметные сферы нарративизации в путеводителях, а также психологические эффекты представленных историй. В результате обнаруживается, что нарративизация пространства происходит на разных уровнях путеводителя: на уровне макроструктуры она реализуется в маршруте путешествия, на уровне содержания — в описании достопримечательностей, которые являются основой любого путеводителя. Дискурсивными приемами нарративизации служат приемы эмоционального вовлечения читателя: приглашающее к совместному наблюдению репортажное описание и динамическое панорамное видение, заимствованные из путевой очеркистики; обращение к личному опыту читателя, а также драматизация повествования, связанная с установкой на действующих и чувствующих героев. Делается вывод о том, что первые уральские путеводители активно включились в процессы объединения геокультурных значений уральского пространства, предложив сюжеты для его целостного прочтения и множество вовлекающих нарративов, посвященных отдельным локусам.This article is devoted to the role of the first Ural travel guides in the general process of the formation of geo-cultural image of the Urals. The author refers to guidebooks from between 1899 and 1904 prepared by the famous Ural journalist V. A. Vesnovsky, which became the first attempt at a holistic description of the region addressed to the general reader. The article focuses on the techniques of space narrativisation, which are actively used by guidebooks, unlike reference books. Narrativisation is seen in its functional aspect: as a way to engage the audience through an emotionally told story. J. Bruner’s idea of the dual landscape of narrative: the landscape of action and the landscape of consciousness is used as the main methodological approach. The analysis reveals the main subject areas of narrativisation in guidebooks, as well as the psychological effects of the stories presented. It is revealed that the narrativisation of space occurs at different levels of the guide: at the level of macrostructure, it is implemented in the travel route, while at the level of content — in the description of attractions, which are the basis of any guide. The discursive narrative methods are methods of the emotional engagement of the reader: reportage description inviting to joint observation and dynamic panoramic vision borrowed from travel essays; an appeal to the reader’s personal experience, as well as dramatisation of the narrative associated with a focus on the characters who act and feel. In the long run, it is concluded that the first Ural travel guides were actively involved in the processes of combining the geocultural values of Ural space, proposing subjects for its holistic reading and a variety of involving narratives dedicated to individual locations

    The experience of using the joint control devices of voltage and reactive power regulation on a laboratory bench

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    The paper demonstrates an approach to the creation of the mathematical model of electric power transmission grid with using an artificial neural network for training a centralized system of ACS RPVC. The efficiency of its application was proved during the full-scale experiment on the laboratory bench

    Humanitarization geographic education in universities

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This article discusses the structure of science. Highlighted border integration and cross-cutting areas. Considered the most important priorities of the Russian geographical education; humanization, aimed at the development of common cultural components in the content of education in the formation of personality; humanization, expressed by an emphasis on personal factors, the social aspects of the development of society; sociologization, object of study is sociosphere - a set of geographic and socio-economic factors, with increased attention to the social aspects of development; greening, reflecting spatial processes and forms of organization of the productive forces, in order to optimize and improve production efficiency; regionalization, promoting deeper identifying the structure, function, increased understanding of the regions, the study and development of a geographical approach to the management of the region; greening, characteristic of the whole complex of geographical sciences dealing with the interaction of society and nature. Presents the contribution of prominent scientistsgeographers: V.M.Maksakovskogo - his recommendations for the Study of the greening of industry and spatial aspects; YD Demetrius, releasing a comprehensive study of the major issues of geo-ecological problems; A.M.Trofimova, MD Sharygina on the role of general geography - basic science, which considers all aspects of the development of an integrated system of "nature-economy-population" in the space-time aspect, as well as trends in long-term development of geographical education. The contribution of scientists CFI and the Institute of Ecology and Mineral Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan in the environmental mapping

    Genetic resources of narrow-leaved lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.) and their role in its domestication and breeding

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    Narrow-leaved lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.) is a cultivated multipurpose species with a very short history of domestication. It is used as a green manure, and for feed and food. This crop shows good prospects for use in pharmacology and as a source of fish feeds in aquaculture. However, its genetic potential for the development of productive and adaptable cultivars is far from being realized. For crop species, the genetic base of the cultivated gene pool has repeatedly been shown as being much narrower than that of the wild gene pool. Therefore, efficient utilization of a species’ genetic resources is important for the crop’s further improvement. Analyzing the information on the germplasm collections preserved in national gene banks can help perceive the worldwide diversity of L. angustifolius genetic resources and understand how they are studied and used. In this context, the data on the narrow-leaved lupine collection held by VIR are presented: its size and composition, the breeding status of accessions, methods of studying and disclosing intraspecific differentiation, the classifications used, and the comparison of this information with available data on other collections. It appeared that VIR’s collection of narrow-leaved lupine, ranking as the world’s second largest, differed significantly from others by the prevalence of advanced cultivars and breeding material in it, while wild accessions prevailed in most collections. The importance of the wild gene pool for the narrow-leaved lupine breeding in Australia, the world leader in lupine production, is highlighted. The need to get an insight into the species’ ecogeographic diversity in order to develop cultivars adaptable to certain cultivation conditions is shown. The data on the testing of VIR’s collection for main crop characters valuable for breeders are presented. Special attention is paid to the study of accessions with limited branching as a promising gene pool for cultivation in relatively northern regions of Russia. They demonstrate lower but more stable productivity, and suitability for cultivation in planting patterns, which has a number of agronomic advantages. Analyzing the work with narrow-leaved lupine genetic resources in different national gene banks over the world helps shape the prospects of further activities with VIR’s collection as the only source of promising material for domestic breeding

    Changes in the urban population in the republic of the volga federal district of Russia

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The study considers the the dynamics of the urban population in the republics of the Volga Federal District (VFD) Russia: Bashkortostan, Mari El, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Chuvashia from 1990-2013. The main factors affecting to the changing in the urban population in these republics: decline in industrial production; internal and external migration; deterioration of the socio-economic conditions of the population, especially in small cities and towns associated with unemployment; aggravation of environmental problems in large cities and others. Of the 6 republics of the VFD the positive dynamics of the urban population is observed only in the Republic of Tatarstan to 197 thous. people from 1990-2012. And in the other republics of VFD there are negative indicators of the dynamics of the urban population

    Methods of diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the person in the tibetan and european medicine: relative analysis

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    In article the basic principles of the Tibetan medicine, their communication with the Buddhism and essential differences from the European approach to doctoring are considered. In a basis of medical tradition of Tibet, the Buddhist doctrine which has created modern ideas of human nature, diseases and methods of treatment has laid down. Today's problems of diagnosis of diseases, prevention and treatment by classical medical science create need for the analysis and comparison of two essentially different medical directions.В статье рассматриваются основные принципы тибетской медицины, их связь с буддизмом и существенные отличия от европейского подхода к врачеванию. В основу медицинской традиции Тибета, легло буддистское учение, которое сформировало современные представления о природе человека, болезней и методов лечения. Сегодняшние проблемы диагностики болезней, профилактики и лечения классической медицинской наукой создают необходимость в анализе и сравнении двух принципиально разных лечебных направлений

    First experience of using two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography to assess the association of left atrial strain with atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting

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    Aim. To assess left atrial (LA) strain parameters in candidates for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and to evaluate their possible relationship with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation (AF) after isolated CABG.Material and methods. The study Included 70 patients without prior AF (mean age, 65±8 years; men, 80%). Preoperative speckle-tracking echocardiography with an assessment of LA strain was performed. Two following groups were considered: without postoperative AF (POAF) (n=50), with postoperative POAF (n=20). After surgery, daily electrocardiography (ECG), 3-day postoperative continuous ECG monitoring, Holter ECG monitoring on the 4th-5th day after CABG. The median follow-up was 9 (7; 11) days.Results. Postoperative AF developed in 20/70 (29%) patients. Clinical, demographic and intraoperative parameters of CABG in the groups without and with POAF were comparable. Echocardiographic parameters in the studied groups were also equivalent; LA volume (57,0±8,7 vs 60,0±12,1, respectively), LA size (3,9±0,3 vs 3,9±0,2, respectively). Strain analysis showed its significant decrease in the group with POAF compared to the group without POAF: peak atrial longitudinal strain (PALS) (20,4±3,1 vs 27,8±3,0, respectively), ALS early (8,50±1,5 vs 11,8±1,7, respectively), ALS late (-0,2±0,7 vs -1,0±1,0). ROC analysis established the predictive value of PALS as follows: a value of ≤23,0% with a sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 78% was a predictor of postoperative AF.Conclusion. Conventional echocardiographic predictors (LA size and volume) indicating a high risk of POAF cannot correctly assess the risk of newly diagnosed postoperative arrhythmia. AF after CABG is probably associated with the existing subclinical LA dysfunction as a result of structural abnormalities due to coronary artery disease. Our study showed that a decrease in LA strain parameters is associated with POAF. Further studies are needed to evaluate the contribution of speckle-tracking echocardiography to prediction of POAF

    New advances in Raman study of polyvinylchloride structure

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    In this work we investigated Raman spectra of a number of industrial grades of polyvinylchloride powder and films, prepared from solutions in tetrahydrofuran and acetophenone. The number and spectral characteristics of the Raman lines in the spectral regions of the C-Cl stretching vibrations and in the region of the C-H and CH2 stretching vibrations were evaluated