4 research outputs found

    Determination of prestressing levels for cable trusses as a function of their stability

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    U radu se analizira stabilnost prethodno napregnutih kabelskih rešetki na djelovanje statičkih i dinamičkih opterećenja. Krutost elastičnog sustava kabelskih rešetki varirana je promjenom sila prednaprezanja. Rezultati analiziranih modela za različite razine zategnutosti pokazali su da je u pogledu zadovoljenja uvjeta dinamičke otpornosti potrebna mnogo veća sila zatezanja za kabelske rešetke s dijagonalnim štapovima u odnosu na one s vertikalnim štapovima. Izvedeni zaključci su preporuka za primjenu metoda za proračun kao i utvrđivanje sila prednaprezanja pod kojima su ispunjeni uvjeti stabilnosti.The stability of prestressed cable trusses subjected to static and dynamic loads is analysed in the paper. The stiffness of the elastic cable truss system was varied by changing the prestressing force. Modelling results for different levels of tension show that, in terms of satisfying dynamic resistance conditions, a much greater tensile force is required for cable grids with diagonal members, compared to those with vertical rods. The conclusions derived constitute recommendations for the use of calculation methods, as well as for the determination of prestressing forces under which stability criteria are fulfilled

    Rehabilitation and construction of bridges damaged in NATo-bombardment of SR Yugoslavia in 1999

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    Structural engineers from Serbia and nearby countries have long tradition in area of design and construction of bridges. Beside ancient stone bridges from the past centuries, in the second half of the XX century, significant professional and science level in all areas of bridge construction have been achieved. Many of projects from that time have become famous all around the globe and were object of pride for everyone included in realization of those. Regretfully, during seventy eight days, in the period from 24th March till the 10th July 1999, in NATO bombardment of SR Yugoslavia, 44 road, 17 railway and one road railway bridge have been totally or partially destroyed. In this article have been described structural damages, rehabilitation and construction, with short description of characteristic cases of bridges, which have been object of bombardment

    Određivanje intenziteta sila u kablovima na sportskoj hali u Beogradu

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    Na sportskoj dvorani "Beogradska arena" izvršena su merenja intenziteta sile u kablovima krovne konstrukcije. U radu je objašnjen princip merenja, opisan je realizovan merni sistem i izvršena analiza grešaka.The tension intensities in the tendons on the roof structure of the new Sports Hall in Belgrade are measured. The principle of measuring, the developed measurement system, as well as error analysis are presented