334 research outputs found

    Nuclear spin warm-up in bulk n-GaAs

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    We show that the spin-lattice relaxation in n-type insulating GaAs is dramatically accelerated at low magnetic fields. The origin of this effect, that cannot be explained in terms of well-known diffusion-limited hyperfine relaxation, is found in the quadrupole relaxation, induced by fluctuating donor charges. Therefore, quadrupole relaxation, that governs low field nuclear spin relaxation in semiconductor quantum dots, but was so far supposed to be harmless to bulk nuclei spins in the absence of optical pumping can be studied and harnessed in much simpler model environment of n-GaAs bulk crystal.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Ballistic spin transport in exciton gases

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    Traditional spintronics relies on spin transport by charge carriers, such as electrons in semiconductor crystals. This brings several complications: the Pauli principle prevents the carriers from moving with the same speed; Coulomb repulsion leads to rapid dephasing of electron flows. Spin-optronics is a valuable alternative to traditional spintronics. In spin-optronic devices the spin currents are carried by electrically neutral bosonic quasi-particles: excitons or exciton-polaritons. They can form highly coherent quantum liquids and carry spins over macroscopic distances. The price to pay is a finite life-time of the bosonic spin carriers. We present the theory of exciton ballistic spin transport which may be applied to a range of systems where bosonic spin transport has been reported, in particular, to indirect excitons in coupled GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells. We describe the effect of spin-orbit interaction of electrons and holes on the exciton spin, account for the Zeeman effect induced by external magnetic fields, long range and short range exchange splittings of the exciton resonances. We also consider exciton transport in the non-linear regime and discuss the definitions of exciton spin current, polarization current and spin conductivity.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in p-type GaAs

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    Spin-lattice relaxation of the nuclear spin system in p-type GaAs is studied using a three-stage experimental protocol including optical pumping and measuring the difference of the nuclear spin polarization before and after a dark interval of variable length. This method allows us to measure the spin-lattice relaxation time T1T_1 of optically pumped nuclei "in the dark", that is, in the absence of illumination. The measured T1T_1 values fall into the sub-second time range, being three orders of magnitude shorter than in earlier studied n-type GaAs. The drastic difference is further emphasized by magnetic-field and temperature dependences of T1T_1 in p-GaAs, showing no similarity to those in n-GaAs. This unexpected behavior is explained within a developed theoretical model involving quadrupole relaxation of nuclear spins, which is induced by electric fields within closely spaced donor-acceptor pairs.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Ultimate photo-induced Kerr rotation achieved in semiconductor microcavities

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    Photoinduced Kerr rotation by more than π/2\pi /2 radians is demonstrated in planar quantum well microcavity in the strong coupling regime. This result is close to the predicted theoretical maximum of π\pi . It is achieved by engineering microcavity parameters such that the optical impedance matching condition is reached at the smallest negative detuning between exciton resonance and the cavity mode. This ensures the optimum combination of the exciton induced optical non-linearity and the enhancement of the Kerr angle by the cavity. Comprehensive analysis of the polarization state of the light in this regime shows that both renormalization of the exciton energy and the saturation of the excitonic resonance contribute to the observed optical nonlinearities.Comment: Shortened version prepared to submit in Phys. Rev. Letter

    On the existence of traveling waves in the 3D Boussinesq system

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    We extend earlier work on traveling waves in premixed flames in a gravitationally stratified medium, subject to the Boussinesq approximation. For three-dimensional channels not aligned with the gravity direction and under the Dirichlet boundary conditions in the fluid velocity, it is shown that a non-planar traveling wave, corresponding to a non-zero reaction, exists, under an explicit condition relating the geometry of the crossection of the channel to the magnitude of the Prandtl and Rayleigh numbers, or when the advection term in the flow equations is neglected.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Iron oxidation state effect on the Mg-Al- Si-O glassy system

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    Mg-Al-Si-O glassy systems have a great importance in a wide range of industrial applications, specifically as an electrolyte for molten oxide electrolysis processes in steelmaking. Understanding how the iron oxidation state of the raw material (Fe2+/Fe3+) and its corresponding amount influence this glassy system's properties will be the aim of the current work. Iron oxides (as Fe2O3 or Fe3O4) were used to dope Mg-Al-Si-O system obtaining amorphous materials through an unconventional method: Laser Floating Zone (LFZ). Above 8% mol of Fe formation of magnetic phases or iron clusters, were observed in the glass matrix. Samples with Fe2O3 showed a higher crystal concentration, when compared with Fe3O4. The electron paramagnetic resonance measurements show a strong dependence on the iron source (Fe3O4 or Fe2O3). In addition, the magnetization decreases linearly with iron content, independently of iron oxidation state, except for samples with a higher concentration of Fe2O3(15% mol), due to sample crystallization. Moreover, with Fe3O4 as raw material there is an improvement (~250 times) of the electrical conductivity when compared with Fe2O3. The results show that the presence of Fe2+ on the glass influences the electrical conductivity, which could have impact in the efficiency of molten oxide electrolysis process.publishe

    Flame Evolution During Type Ia Supernovae and the Deflagration Phase in the Gravitationally Confined Detonation Scenario

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    We develop an improved method for tracking the nuclear flame during the deflagration phase of a Type Ia supernova, and apply it to study the variation in outcomes expected from the gravitationally confined detonation (GCD) paradigm. A simplified 3-stage burning model and a non-static ash state are integrated with an artificially thickened advection-diffusion-reaction (ADR) flame front in order to provide an accurate but highly efficient representation of the energy release and electron capture in and after the unresolvable flame. We demonstrate that both our ADR and energy release methods do not generate significant acoustic noise, as has been a problem with previous ADR-based schemes. We proceed to model aspects of the deflagration, particularly the role of buoyancy of the hot ash, and find that our methods are reasonably well-behaved with respect to numerical resolution. We show that if a detonation occurs in material swept up by the material ejected by the first rising bubble but gravitationally confined to the white dwarf (WD) surface (the GCD paradigm), the density structure of the WD at detonation is systematically correlated with the distance of the deflagration ignition point from the center of the star. Coupled to a suitably stochastic ignition process, this correlation may provide a plausible explanation for the variety of nickel masses seen in Type Ia Supernovae.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Mixing and reaction efficiency in closed domains

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    We present a numerical study of mixing and reaction efficiency in closed domains. In particular we focus our attention on laminar flows. In the case of inert transport the mixing properties of the flows strongly depend on the details of the Lagrangian transport. We also study the reaction efficiency. Starting with a little spot of product we compute the time needed to complete the reaction in the container. We found that the reaction efficiency is not strictly related to the mixing properties of the flow. In particular, reaction acts as a "dynamical regulator".Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Model Flames in the Boussinesq Limit: The Effects of Feedback

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    We have studied the fully nonlinear behavior of pre-mixed flames in a gravitationally stratified medium, subject to the Boussinesq approximation. Key results include the establishment of criterion for when such flames propagate as simple planar flames; elucidation of scaling laws for the effective flame speed; and a study of the stability properties of these flames. The simplicity of some of our scalings results suggests that analytical work may further advance our understandings of buoyant flames.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, RevTex, gzipped tar fil