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    Ovim radom je obrađena uloga nadzornog centra u modernom informatičkom sustavu. Napravljena je analiza platforme za nadzor cjelokupnog informatičkog sustava, opisana arhitektura, komponente potrebne za uspostavu sustava i objekti koji se mogu nadzirati. System Center Operations Manager je odabrana platforma za cjelokupni nadzor sustava kao jedno od najkompletnijih rjeÅ”enja trenutno na tržiÅ”tu.. Obrađen proces otkrivanja i nadzora objekata informatičkog sustava sa primjerima i obradom različitih opcija primjene platformi. Obrađena je platforma koja omogućuje automatizaciju nadzora sustava uz definirane obavjeÅ”tajne mogućnosti kako bi se moglo reaktivno, ali i proaktivno djelovati na poboljÅ”anju rada sustava.This paper deals with the role of IT operations center in a modern information system. The platform for monitoring of the entire IT system is analyzed and architecture and components required for setting up system and objects that can be monitored are described. System Center Operations Manager is the chosen platform for monitoring of the entire system as one of the most complete solutions on the market. Stages of implementation including the process of discovery, management and monitoring of objects in IT environment that comprises various options the platform offers were elaborated


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    The paper analyses the rate of acquisition of the lexis included in the instructional texts of teaching materials for the first grade among pre-school children population. The instructional text directly addresses the child, and its understanding is crucial for the completion of assignments given to the child. The sample comprised children, native speakers of Croatian, attending kindergartens in Zagreb and its surroundings. They have been tested with respect to their levels of acquisition of lexis typical of instructional texts in Croatian. The effect of the exposure to foreign language instruction on the understanding of the lexis of instructional texts was also considered. The results point towards the need to introduce goal-oriented language practices related to instructional texts while teaching very young children in the pre-primary period