26 research outputs found

    Tree species composition affects productivity and carbon dynamics of different site types in boreal forests

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    AbstractThe objective was to analyse how differences in the initial proportions of tree species and site fertility affect carbon sequestration in living biomass and soil. We used the individual-based simulation model EFIMOD, which is able to simulate spatially explicit competition between trees for light and nutrients. Simulations were carried out for three site types with distinct initial stocks of soil nutrients. For each site, the 100-years undisturbed dynamics of monocultures and mixtures of three tree species (Betula pendulaRoth,Pinus sylvestrisL. andPicea abies(L.) H. Karst.) was predicted. Changes in the proportions of competing tree species were dependent on the fertility of the site: on poor sites, pine was the most competent species, while on rich sites, spruce increased its proportion during stand succession. Net primary production (NPP) and soil respiration were the highest in stands of two coniferous species and in stands with a high initial proportion of pine. Mixed stands were more productive than monocultures; the highest overyielding was observed with mixtures of two coniferous species. Simulated NPP and carbon stocks in all pools increased from poor to rich sites. The highest carbon stocks in standing biomass were observed for mixtures of conifer species and three-species mixtures; the greatest accumulation of forest floor occurred in stands with high proportions of pine.</jats:p

    Data on 30-year stand dynamics in an old-growth broad-leaved forest in the Kaluzhskie Zaseki State Nature Reserve, Russia

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    The article provides primary data on repeated tree measurements collected during two censuses on a permanent sampling plot (440 m × 200 m) established in the old-growth polydominant broad-leaved forest in the Kaluzhskie Zaseki State Nature Reserve (centre of European Russia). The time span between the inventories was 30 years, and a total of 11 578 individuals of ten tree, one shrub species, and several undefined tree species of three known genera were registered. During the surveys, tree identity, stem diameter at breast height (DBH) of 1.3 m, and life status (alive or dead) were recorded for every tree individual with DBH ≥ 5 cm. Additional attributes were determined for some individuals. Field data were digitised and compiled into the PostgreSQL database. An accurate data quality assessment, validation, and cleaning (with documentation of changes) have been performed before data standardisation according to the Darwin Core standard. Standardised data were published through the GBIF repository. From 1986 to 1988, 9811 individuals were recorded within the initial census, including 3920 Corylus avellana individual shrubs. Corylus avellana shrubs were recorded without measuring DBH. From 2016 to 2018, 7658 stems were recorded in the recensus, including 3090 living trees marked during the initial census, and 1641 other living trees reaching the DBH of at least 5 cm. Corylus avellana was not included in the recensus. Thus, over 30 years, about 65% of living tree individuals have survived, but the total number of living trees has not changed considerably. The mean diameter of shade-intolerant tree species (Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Populus tremula, and Betula spp.) has increased the most remarkably during 30 years. For these species, the increase in average diameter, along with the decrease in numbers, is associated with the death of young trees, presumably due to low illumination under the canopy. Contrastingly, shade-tolerant tree species (Ulmus glabra, Tilia cordata, Acer platanoides) increased in number, while their mean diameter increased slightly or even decreased, that evidences the successful regeneration of these species under the canopy. These data are relevant for investigating forest ecology questions at spatiotemporal scales as a model of natural succession

    Testing the Performance of Some Competition Indices against Experimental Data and Outputs of Spatially Explicit Simulation Models

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    Three competition indices were tested against experimental data on the growth of individual trees in mapped forest stands and outputs of spatially explicit, process-based models of competition. The comparison showed the fundamental importance of taking into account the spatial structure of stands and, particularly, the relative spatial locations of individual trees (spatial asymmetry) when calculating the competition between trees. Although none of the competition indices are able to take into account the specific processes affecting the development of individual trees, these indices can be used in forest dynamics modeling as a simplified representation of competition between trees for resources.202

    Productivity of mixed forest stands on different site types

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    Modelling the Rhizosphere Priming Effect in Combination with Soil Food Webs to Quantify Interaction between Living Plant, Soil Biota and Soil Organic Matter

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    A model of rhizosphere priming effect under impact of root exudate input into rhizosphere soil was developed as an important process of the plant-soil interaction. The model was based on the concept of nitrogen (N) mining, compensating for the N scarcity in exudates for microbial growth by accelerating SOM mineralisation. In the model, N deficiency for microbial growth is covered (“mined”) by the increased SOM mineralisation depending on the C:N ratio of the soil and exudates. The new aspect in the model is a food web procedure, which calculates soil fauna feeding on microorganisms, the return of faunal by-products to SOM and mineral N production for root uptake. The model verification demonstrated similar magnitude of the priming effect in simulations as in the published experimental data. Model testing revealed high sensitivity of the simulation results to N content in exudates. Simulated CO2 emission from the priming can reach 10–40% of CO2 emission from the whole Ah horizon of boreal forest soil depending on root exudation rates. This modeling approach with including food web activity allows quantifying wider aspects of the priming effect functioning including ecologically important available N production