2 research outputs found

    Genetic Characterization of Hantaviruses Transmitted by the Korean Field Mouse (Apodemus peninsulae), Far East Russia

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    In an epizootiologic survey of 122 rodents captured in Vladivostok, Russia, antibodies positive for hantavirus were found in Apodemus peninsulae (4/70), A. agrarius (1/39), and Clethrionomys rufocanus (1/8). The hantavirus sequences identified in two seropositive A. peninsulae and two patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) from the Primorye region of Far East Russia were designated as Solovey and Primorye, respectively. The nucleotide sequences of the Solovey, Primorye, and Amur (obtained through GenBank) sequences were closely related (>92% identity). Solovey and Primorye sequences shared 84% nucleotide identity with the prototype Hantaan 76-118. Phylogenetic analysis also indicated a close relationship between Solovey, Primorye, Amur, and other viruses identified in Russia, China, and Korea. Our findings suggest that the Korean field mouse (A. peninsulae) is the reservoir for a hantavirus that causes HFRS over a vast area of east Asia, including Far East Russia

    Nearly perfect routing of chiral light by plasmonic grating on slab waveguide

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    Grating couplers are widely used to couple waveguide modes with the far field. Their usefulness is determined not only by energy efficiency but also by additional supported functionality. In this paper, we demonstrate a plasmonic grating on a silicon nitride slab waveguide that couples both TE and TM waveguide modes with circularly polarized light in the far field. Specifically, we experimentally confirmed that circularly polarized light excites TE and TM modes propagating in opposite directions, and the direction is controlled by the handedness. The routing efficiency for normally incident light reaches up to 95%. The same structure operates in the outcoupling regime as well, demonstrating up to 97% degree of circular polarization, where the handedness is determined by the polarization and propagation direction of outcoupled modes. Our results pave the way for the realization of polarization-division multiplexers and demultiplexers, integrated circular polarization emitters, as well as detectors of the polarization state of the incident optical field