8 research outputs found

    Identification of Dynamics of Movement of the Differential Mobile Robotic Platform Controlled by Fuzzy Controller

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    Mobile robots with differential chassis are very often used because of simple construction and a smaller number of drive and sensors elements. For practical applications, it is necessary to know the kinematic and dynamic structure of the differential mobile robot. This paper deals with identification of the dynamics of the differential robotic platform, using differential kinematics. Electro-optical rpm sensors obtain required values such as speed of the driven wheels. Identification of dynamic system is used to determine the dynamic characteristics of power subsystem of developed EN 20 robot, whose control subsystem is created by single-chip microcontroller. Response of the dynamic system is monitored along with the peripheral velocity of the right and left drive wheels. Incremental encoders that work on optics principle measure the speeds of both wheels. It was necessary to calibrate the sensors and obtain constants for precise speed determination. The monitored system with the dumped oscillation characteristic is approximated by a system with the inertia of the 2nd order. Dynamic system parameters are found. The system approximation is suitable for given evolution of circumferential speeds of the right and left wheels. This is confirmed by the quantitative determination coefficients R2. The equations for calculating peripheral velocities of driving wheels are applied to the system of the differential equations for the differential chassis. A mathematical model of the mobile robot EN20 was obtained for testing control algorithms, where a robot is equipped with sensory systems and it is designed for interior conditions. Fuzzy controller with 49 interference rules is used to control the mobile robot. The real mobile robot path matches the path determined according to simulation model


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    This paper deals with the statistical evaluation of the variation of amplitudes measured on ultrasonic transducers, which were parabolic displaced. The reflecting surface was used metal plate of dimensions 245x220x1 millimetres. The distance of the ultrasonic transmitter from the reflection normal was set conically to 190 mm. The distance of the ultrasonic of the transducers from the reflection normal was 900 mm. At the significance level of α = 0.05, it was shown that there is a statistically significant decrease in absolute amplitude with increasing angle of the reflection normal on the ultrasound transducers. The critical angle was set to be 30°, which supports the chosen angular limit at the -6 dB attenuation band for the ultrasonic transducer used. Significant differences in the amplitudes of the ultrasonic signals give an indication of the direction of tilt of the reflecting surface. The statistically observed differences between the ultrasonic signal amplitudes are more indicative than the attenuation criteria of -3 dB and -6 dB, respectively. The mean values of the signal amplitudes were determined by arithmetic averaging over four repetitions of the experiment. The normality of the distribution of the detected signal amplitudes was verified at a significance level of α = 0.05 by the Shapiro-Wilk test

    Dynamic Viscosity and Activation Energy of Wort During Fermentation and Storing

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    This paper presents the results of wort dynamic viscosity and activation energy during fermentation. The effect of temperature and storing time on both parameters was investigated. Measurements were performed on two wort samples. The first sample was taken at the beginning of fermentation, and the second sample after three hours of fermentation. Both samples were also measured after three weeks of storing. Dynamic viscosity measurements were performed with a digital rotational viscometer Anton Paar DV-3P, the principle of which is based on the dependency of sample resistance to probe rotation. Results of measurements are shown as graphical dependencies of both analysed parameters on temperature. The temperature dependence of dynamic viscosity can be characterised by a decreasing exponential function, while in case of activation energy linear increasing characters were obtained. Longer fermentation and storing period caused a decrease in both analysed parameters, due to the structural changes in wort samples during fermentation and storing

    The Effect of Azimuth and Tilt Angle Changes on the Energy Balance of Photovoltaic System Installed in the Southern Slovakia Region

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    Energy balance of the photovoltaic system is influenced by many factors. In this article the effect of tilt and azimuth angle changes of the photovoltaic system energy production is analyzed. These parameters have significant impact on the amount of solar radiation which hits on the photovoltaic panel surface and therefore also on the energy absorbed by the module surface. The main aim of research was identification of the optimal position of photovoltaic system installation in the southern Slovakia regions. The experimental apparatus had two setups consisting of polycrystalline photovoltaic modules. The first setup was used for identification of the tilt angle changes in the range (0–90°). The second one was focused on the detection of the azimuth angle effect to the energy production. The measurement results were statistically processed and mathematically analyzed. Obtained dependencies are presented as two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphical relations. Regression equations characterize time relations between the tilt or azimuth angle and the energy produced by the photovoltaic system in Southern Slovakia. Obtained simplified mathematical model was verified by analytical model. Presented models can be used for the dimensioning and optimization of the photovoltaic system energy production

    Navigation Algorithm Using Fuzzy Control Method in Mobile Robotics

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    The issue of navigation methods is being continuously developed globally. The aim of this article is to test the fuzzy control algorithm for track finding in mobile robotics. The concept of an autonomous mobile robot EN20 has been designed to test its behaviour. The odometry navigation method was used. The benefits of fuzzy control are in the evidence of mobile robot’s behaviour. These benefits are obtained when more physical variables on the base of more input variables are controlled at the same time. In our case, there are two input variables - heading angle and distance, and two output variables - the angular velocity of the left and right wheel. The autonomous mobile robot is moving with human logic

    The effect of the number of inference rules of a fuzzy controller on the quality of control of a mobile robot

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    The application of intelligent control algorithms in the field of autonomous mobile robotics enables effective control of mobile robots with a minimal possible error. At present, most of commonly used systems to control an autonomous mobile robot are, however, too complicated to design. Our goal was to design a fuzzy controller with an optimal number of inference rules in a way to achieve the best possible level of quality of mobile robot control. The proposed controller was implemented in the mobile robot EN20, where the time of regulation and the absolute and the quadratic control surface were used to evaluate quality parameters. The analysis of the quality of control was performed with the use of a fuzzy controller with 9, 25 and 49 inference rules. We found from the results of modelling that the greatest influence on the quality of control of a mathematical model of the mobile robot had the number of inference rules of the fuzzy controller. Mathematical and graphical dependence of the quality of control on the number of inference rules was calculated from the parameters of the quality of control. The results of the research are equations of the curves of the individual parameters of control of quality, which show that for the control of the autonomous mobile robot EN 20, that the optimal fuzzy controller has 49 inference rules, triangular functions of the pertinence of individual linguistic values and it is defuzzificated by Centroid method

    Data Acquisition System for On-the-Go Soil Resistance Force Sensor Using Soil Cutting Blades

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    Worldwide, agricultural land is a dominant part of the environment. It is very important to understand the physical properties of soil because they directly or indirectly affect the entire human population. This paper proposes a data acquisition system for an original design of the soil resistance force sensor (SRFS). It serves to evaluate the properties of soil affected and unaffected by tractor passages through the field. The SRSF uses two cutting blades to measure soil mechanical resistance within the tire track and outside the tire track. The proposed system consists of two load cells, datalogger, power supply and software for personal computers. The system was practically tested under field operation. The results showed significant differences between the soil resistance force measured outside the tire track and within the tire track after one, two and three tractor passages. The data were compared with penetrometer resistance and soil bulk density, standardly characterizing soil mechanical resistance. An increase of soil resistance force after one, two and three tractor passages corresponded with an increase in reference parameters. The results showed that the proposed system is suitable for practical applications to evaluate soil mechanical resistance using SRFS

    Analysis of Selected Photovoltaic Panels Operating Parameters as a Function of Partial Shading and Intensity of Reflected Radiation

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    Due to expansion of utilisation of photovoltaics in ordinary households, the question arises how this phenomenon affects the electric power of photovoltaic modules. The article deals with the electric power analysis of photovoltaic modules as a function of two very important factors. The first examined factor was partial shading, and the second factor was the intensity of reflected radiation. In order to determine the dependence of module power on the aforementioned parameters, a measurement system under laboratory conditions has been prepared. For identification of the reflected radiation effect on the power of the photovoltaic module, a series of measurements was performed on 7 different surfaces with the same radiation source. It is evident from obtained experimental result that the ratio of reflected irradiation on the solar module power is 1.29%. By simulation of partial shading of photovoltaic module, the decrease of 86.15% in its output power was identified